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You change every day, take care for your skin to bring out better change
Your skin is a barrier to protect your internal organs, it is home to more than 1,000 species of bacteria. As a natural ageing process your skin changes and maintaining better looking you is possible only with good nutritional supply. Changes in your skin can sometimes signal changes in your overall well-being. Read more on how vitamins, zinc, selenium benefits you with glowing skin and life.
It is Clear, it is fresh, Its MINT.
A versatile flavoring food item that garnishes your day with freshness. Mint one of the oldest culinary item which we might use in many ways to kick start your day. There are many ways we use mint like in toothpaste, beverages, desserts, salads. As a remarkable medicinal herb that is rich in vitamins that enhances skin conditions, smoothens the digestive system, boosts immunity. Read more !!
How Flu vaccine saves lives of many children’s
The story comes from the state of Minnesota, where the holiday season coincides with flu season,an 8-year-old boy’s (Louie) life came under critical threat when he was diagnosed with croup. Louie faced hospitalization for days & due to the harsh effects of flu, he was put on a ventilator then on oxygen. Luckily,he became okay because his parents had given him a flu vaccine, read the complete story.
Using Sugar to Season, Sugar – Natural Sweeteners – Sugar Substitutes
Want to lose weight or just following a healthful trend on some social platform, cutting down the calories especially sugary diet with artificially transformed sugar of sugar substitutes. Soft Drinks, baked foods, jams, contains processed natural sweeteners like “Saccharine”, consumption might lead to adverse health. There are many types of sugar options available but moderation intake is a must.
Compounding your health with these two compounds
Nitrates and Nitrites are food compounds that occur naturally in our body, they are present in veggies they are also added to some processed foods. Nitrate and nitrites break down into nitrosamines at high temperatures, which could be harmful. Excess nitrosamines can create carcinogenic substances in or body. Read more to know how to use these performance enhancers to minimize harmful exposure.
Preeclampsia Is A Condition and Not A Disease, It Can Be Controlled by Following These Steps
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication with high blood pressure. The typical diet strategy is to control the high B.P with a low salt diet. Researches show that antioxidant, calcium and omega-3 rich foods are considered apt. fruits with natural antioxidants, fish with omega-3 and milk and dairy products except some cheeses are great to manage Blood pressure.
Building Baby’s Brain Through the Art of Playing
Parenting is not rocket science but just an art. Brain development can be quite an intimidating word but it is not real. A Baby’s brain will grow naturally at its own pace but you as a parent could help do a lot more than that. For example, ‘Serve & Return’ a game where the interaction happens both ways. You throw a ball, she throws back, if she smiles, babbles or coos at you, do the same.3
Carom Seeds, Starting your day with Ajwain Methi Water
Ajwain seeds is a common Asian spice having a bitter pungent taste with a unique aroma which adds flavors to the dishes. With its essential oil content, it helps in digestion, weight loss, treating cold and flu. Considering this, read more about a refreshing drink and how to prepare it to kick start your day, Ajwain and Methi Water, a great way to achieve a healthy gut, kidney, skin, hair.
क्या आपको गर्भावस्था के दौरान मल्टीविटामिन गोलियों की सच में आवश्यकता है
आदर्श रूप से, एक महिला को गर्भधारण से पहले ही प्रसवपूर्व विटामिन लेना शुरू कर देना चाहिए।क्योंकि भले ही आप एक स्वस्थ आहार का सेवन करते हों, लेकिन आपको विटामिन सप्लीमेंट्स की आवश्यकता होती है क्योंकि अब आपको भ्रूण के लिए अतिरिक्त ऊर्जा की जरुरत होती है।कैल्शियम,फोलिक एसिड, और आयरन की गोलियां क्रमशः हड्डियों,रीढ़ की हड्डीऔर उपयुक्त ऑक्सीजन देने में मदद करती हैं।
Effortless: A drug that suppresses appetite.
Semaglutide injection, along with diet and fitness reduced an average of 15Kg weight in almost 2000 participants. The findings of the trial marked a new era in fighting the obesity conditions. The drug releases GLP1 (a hormone which is released in the body after we eat something) there by mimicking a filled-up tummy. Read more about the drug and expert’s opinion about the study results.
Keeping your child mentally and physically healthy
We might not be aware about the mental health status of our children presuming that they are always happy and playful, we might be wrong. There are many factors linked when it comes to assessing your child’s mental health. Certain Incidents, or their surroundings, competitive anxiety, parents’ behavior are some factors that might adversely change their mindset. Read more to make them cope up.
Hypotension: Low Blood Pressure
Many doctors might consider blood pressure as low if a person displays any symptoms. Pressure reading below 100 over 60 in women and 110 over 70 in men is attributed to low blood pressure. Dizziness, fatigue, Nausea is some of the symptoms of low blood pressure, if you face them often you need to take care. Drinking enough water helps in maintaining pressure levels, consult your doctor. Read more.
Mind and Body, Five Unique ways to vitalize.
Meaghan B Murphy author of “Your Fully Charged Life” describes the about her positive and powerful health transformation by quite simple yet unique ways that powers up your mind and body into being healthy, capable, optimistic, and motivated. She explains that small changes in your diet could improve mood, she puts emphasis on “considering what you are getting, not giving up”, Know more…
Bringing in Digital Healthcare Services under Insurance offerings. Challenging Enough.
Year 2021 has brought in new paradigm in the concept of health, especially digital healthcare services. With advancements in digital health, Insurance sector have grasped the opportunities to include them under coverage. Though concerns related to Creating market and capturing and including new disease would be tough due to challenges posed by digital infrastructure. Read about new standards.
Memorising without any storage place, Possibly !!
A research study from Technical University of Munich looking in to the matters of memory in non-nervous based single-celled micro-organisms. Studying the anatomy and behavioural patterns of Physarum polycephalum or as we call it "slime" which uses just a network (Tabular System) without any core to memorise information. Read more to know how slime controls the mechanism of memory and behaviour
How to Deal with One of The Most Annoying Symptoms of Pregnancy, Conscious Eating
Try this simple exercise while eating. Arrange three different kinds of food in piles, now sit down and close your eyes. Breathe in and out, relax your body and open your eyes. Choose one of the kinds. Use All your senses to feel the flavour, texture and aroma of the food. Chew slowly and before finishing your meal, close your eyes once again & now, food will apparently look more vibrant.
कौन सा पहला रंग है, जो आपका बच्चा देखता है: जानिऐ नवजात शिशु के मज़ेदार तथ्य
क्या आप जानते हैं कि शिशु पहले रंग लाल को पहचान जाते है? वैज्ञानिक अध्ययनों के अनुसार, लाल पहला रंग है जिसे एक बच्चा देखता है। लाल की सबसे लंबी तरंग दैर्ध्य है, जो 700 नैनोमीटर (एनएम) है। एक शिशु 8-12 इंच से अधिक दूर नहीं देख सकता है। चूंकि लाल रंग में सबसे लंबा तरंग दैर्ध्य होता है, इसलिए ये रंग आसानी से नहीं फैलता है। इसे लंबी दूरी से भी देखा या पहचाना जा सकता है।
Addressing Tuberculosis, A public health challenge
Private sector plays a crucial role in addressing the problems associated with Diagnosis and treatment of TB in the country, with 60% share of first point of contact. Bringing in the associations of NGO’s and private companies would enable door-to-door service. PPIA & Nikshay IT Models are developing a network of patients, clinics, chemists, and labs to ensure and enhance quality of TB Care.
Pamper yourself during Pregnancy, Calm on your inner self with Reflexology
Reflexology is a therapy in which pressure is applied scientifically to specific areas of the body, mainly feet and hands. The idea is that this pressure allows energy to flow freely, increasing blood flow to the corresponding part of your body and stepping up the removal of toxic wastes. And it feels good too! It is often used to sooth the aches and pains in your back and other body parts.
Most Comfortable and Less Painful Positions for Giving Birth
The standard hospital labor position—semi- or fully reclining—is not ideal. Try one of these positions instead to ease your pain and discomfort during contractions. Dilation tends to occur more quickly. The journey of labor is very personal experience no two women can have it in similar way but you can definitely ease down your pain with some of these positions.