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Heart Pounding hard, How much on should workout
From buffing up your self with muscles or trying to have a lean body, exercise have many benefits, doing it without proper knowledge about your health conditions could be serious if you have established heart conditions. Nothing to worry about, some basic exercise could do the work along with proper knowledge, Read more of the relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular health
Do probiotics assist you to loose your weight
If we want improved gut health and enhance immune function, many opt for probiotics, as a isted health booster. They are available in natural foods and also in manufactured food and supplements. Most of them linking these items as a way to loose weight. With research going on to find a link between altered gut bacteria and obesity would clarify the stance of probiotics. Read More
Does your brain memorise when you sleep
Researchers form University of Michigan suggests that as brain continues to function during sleep, there are these areas which are activated during the activities we do when we are awake, same portion of neurons gets activated during subsequent sleep. They tried to view the impact of visual and physical stimulation along with the sleep-associated re-activation of neuron communications on memory.
Everything You Need to Know About Artificial Insemination
Artificial insemination is a fertility treatment method used to deliver sperm directly to the cervix or uterus in the hopes of getting pregnant. Sometimes, these sperm are washed or “prepared” to increase the likelihood a woman will get pregnant. The procedures include ICI & IUI, where the fertility rate varies from 35-40% and of course depending upon the age, medications & underlying conditions.
Infertility is extremely common, but know that you are not alone
About 13 percent of couples will have trouble becoming pregnant, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. And health experts suspect this number is likely much higher as infertility tends to be underreported. Women can be infertile for a variety of reasons. But, having the best mental health is most important. Also, when it comes to infertility, don’t wait. Seek help.
How to treat ingrown toenail at home in children/ WebMD
An ingrown toenail is a toenail that grows into the skin of the toe, and it's usually the big toe. It causes your child to have tenderness, redness, and swelling of the skin around the corner of the toenail on one of the big toes. It is usually caused by tight shoes, which is very common with growing kids' feet. Watch the video and get a very easy trick on how to heal the ingrown.
Is Back Pain After Delivery a problem, tips to cure the pain
The myriad of changes that come along with pregnancy can lead to several discomforts like back pain. There are a lot of exercises that you can try for back pain after delivery. Exercising can help lower the stress on strained muscles and ligaments. Post childbirth, you can start with relaxing yoga poses and stretching exercises. Start with a Suryanamaskar.
Their tastebuds only recognise sweet and sour.
Stopping your baby to not just intake everything that comes in his hand is a hectic task. Do they understand the taste of every thing they try to eat. Baby's sense of taste starts deveoping when they are in the womb. A newborn has more taste buds in their mouth than an adult, upto 3 months they are able to taste only sweet and sour. Read more on when they feel the taste of varied food items.
Why sometime antihistamines do not work on itching and allergies.
Replacing the preconceptions attributed to typical pathway involving cells that releases histamine that sends itch signal to the brain, this study form Washington University have found new pathway of signals by exploiting the acute itching to allergic reactions. They found totally different non-histamine producing cells in the blood stream transmitting itching signals to brain. Read more!
Robotic Surgery: Latest advancement and Impact
We have come a long way in advancement of healthcare, conducting a surgery with the use of robotics have assisted the professionals in a much greater way. These services are yet a privilege to middle income group countries, 93% of the robotic surgery facilities is capitalized by US, Europe, and Japan. Watch Dr. Sudhir, Chairman and CEO of S. S. Innovations talks about impact of robotics surgery.
26-week maternity benefit, Karnataka High Court
This news comes form the state of Karnataka where an employee Rajeshwari who was terminated from service because maternal leave benefits were not mentioned in the contract. Rajeshwari approached the court and Justice M Nagaprasanna considering her case on humanitarian grounds ordered reinstatement of her job, 50% of the wages and 25000 rupees damages. Read more.
Let’s Clean Up! Your Child’s Bathing Guide
Your new-conceived just should be bathed a few times each week. Despite the fact that they may enjoy doing it more, it’s smarter not to bathe them straight after a feed of on the off chance that they're tired or hungry. In any case, keep your infant clean between showers however. Do this by consistently. Washing their face and cleaning their private parts and bums after each difference in nappy.
Is It Safe to Consume Poultry While Pregnant During Bird flu?
According to WHO, bird flu is a type of influenza virus that causes respiratory illness in birds. Talking about spreading this virus in humans, WHO further says that it is quite unlikely to have such cases even if a contaminated bird is consumed by a person until it is cooked over 70 degrees Celsius. It further recommends to cook poultry only on stove and not microwave.
बच्चों में चिकन पॉक्स
वैरिसेल-ज़ोस्टर वायरस से होने वाला तीव्र संक्रमण ।12 साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों को मुख्य रूप से प्रभावित करता है। लगभग सभी व्यक्ति चिकन पॉक्स संक्रमण के बाद आजीवन प्रतिरक्षा विकसित करते हैं ।वायरस शरीर में सुषुप्त रह सकता है और कई सालों बाद हर्पीज ज़ोस्टर (दाद) के रूप में सामने आए। हालात को स्थिति को समझने के लिए डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें। यदि आपको बुखार है तो खूब पानी पिएं और पर्याप्त आराम करें ।
Limit Trans Fat in processed food, India joins the club of around 40 countries.
Joining the global League, FSSAI has cut down the content limit of trans fats in the processed food to 3%. Planning to Limit the TFA to up to 2% by 2022. Trans fats are a form of unsaturated fats, Intake of trans fats through processed food causes adversely affects heart functioning, it is estimated that among 1.5 million deaths due to coronary heart diseases, 5% was due to trans fats intake.
What Is Drool Rash, And How to Prevent It
Drooling, also called sialorrhea, is not an odd thing amongst healthy babies. Drooling irritates the babies’ mouth, cheeks, and chin, which results in the development of a drool rash. Gently wipe or wash the affected area with warm water two times a day, then pat dry. Ensure that you do not rub because it irritates the skin. Keep the skin dry at all times.
What’s Your Rashi: Parenting Style Based on Your Zodiac Sign Libra (23rd Sep-22nd Oct)
Libra's are super easy going, you will easily earn your place as the "chill mom". Libra’s like to talk things out, even if it starts as an argument, they believe it’s better to let it out than hold it all in! Libra moms can be too lenient at times, giving in easily to their child's demands, being “chill” is fine but remember kids need structure and rules too, so it’s important to stick to them.