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What’s Your Rashi: Parenting Style Based on Your Zodiac Sign Libra (23rd Sep-22nd Oct)
Libra's are super easy going, you will easily earn your place as the "chill mom". Libra’s like to talk things out, even if it starts as an argument, they believe it’s better to let it out than hold it all in! Libra moms can be too lenient at times, giving in easily to their child's demands, being “chill” is fine but remember kids need structure and rules too, so it’s important to stick to them.
COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune diseases and vaccine contrast
The considerations of COVID 19 and vaccine inoculation safety have shown varied results. Various studies are being conducted worldwide. Some construed underlying autoimmune and inflammatory conditions as risk factors leading to the severity of COVID-19 Infection others found otherwise. As suggested by Judy Stone, an infectious disease specialist, taking up vaccine by such patients is safer.
Psychiatric and metabolic dysfunction
Psychiatric treatment involving antipsychotic drugs to treat mental disorders might affect metabolic function. These drugs stimulate hormonal functions to keep a person on the right track. Such medication tends to increase weight; they might restrict dopamine's neurotransmission function, affecting insulin production, thereby increasing blood sugar level creating a prediabetic condition.Read More!
What the New Dietary Guidelines Left Out
American government at every 5 years, releases a health recommendation on what not to consume too much. This year as per USDA & HHS agencies recommendations to the government, puts forward a strict outlook on alcohol and sugar consumption. This restricting attitude towards alcohol is because of an increase in mortality, accounting for 100k/yr. The committee also recommended lowering sugar intake.
सभी माता-पिता को पता होना चाहिए- जलन का इलाज करना
जैसे-जैसे आपका शिशु अपने आसपास की दुनिया की खोज करता है, वे किसी ऐसी चीज के संपर्क में आ सकते हैं जो घातक हो सकती है। इस वीडियो में, एक एनएचएस हेल्थ ट्रेनर आपको दिखाता है कि आप अपने बच्चे का इलाज कैसे कर सकते हैं, जो जलने या जलने का निशान पाता है। पहली और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि 10 मिनट के लिए क्षेत्र पर ठंडा पानी डालना है। अगर निशान बड़ा है या त्वचा किसी चीज से चिपक गई है तो जितनी जल्दी हो सके अस्पताल के एक आपातकालीन विभाग का संपर्क करें।
Now Introducing Baby To Cow’s Milk Will Be Easy, Start With Yogurt
After introducing your baby to solid foods at 6 months, you can introduce whole-milk dairy products like unsweetened, plain, or Greek yogurt. Yogurt is easier for your baby's digestive tract to handle. Then introduce other dairy products like cheese (between 7-8 months). Also, as per AAP it is recommended to give cow’s milk only after baby get’s 1 year old.
Caffeine Contempt, Tea and Coffee
Stimulant beverages come to the rescue when we want to deal with workload or daily life issues. Caffeine is what we opt to maintain our energy levels, tea and coffee are an inseparable part of our lives. One must not forget that consuming caffeine in too much quantity is harmful too especially if one has underlying health issues like blood pressure, anxiety or even during pregnancy. Read more!
Low-cost kidney cancer medication by Glenmark pharma
Kidney cancer is referred to as uncontrolled cell growth in kidneys. It is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in adults. The costs associated with treatment and medication is quite high for many people. Glenmark pharma launched "Sunitinib oral capsules" in India, which costs 94% lower than similar treatment drugs. These capsules are approved by the US Food and Drugs Administration.
Healthy Food: Buddha Bowl
Just like the humbleness of Lord Buddha, a humble diet for your stomach, buddha's Bowl made up of rice, legumes, vegetables, and plant proteins. It can be prepared in many ways having antioxidant and anti-ageing properties. It keeps your body hydrated, boosting up your immunity and metabolism. It is a dish whereby using different ingredients, one can customize the taste. Read more!
Joint Pain, Don't Let it stick with you
Joint Pain, buying over the counter medicines and getting general treatments will not relieve you for the Pain, if often, in your knees, hips, or ankles. If you think that its the effect of your ageing, get yourself correctly diagnosed as you might not be aware of the hidden chronic conditions underlying the Pain. Get acquainted with degenerative joint disease other inflammatory conditions.
Cancer Care, way to far for kids
As per the World health organisation, approximately 75k children in India are diagnosed with cancer every year, with a survival rate up to 45% only. Public awareness is an important issue that needs to be addressed to reduce the risks of such determinantal situation where it is estimated that there are around 49% of undiagnosed cases of cancer in children. Read more about non-communicable diseases
Every Child can be Indecent, But Not Everyone Is Undisciplined
An infant is born selfish and so is the centre of the earth. Setting the lines and consistently praising good behaviour is all about parents work. Some minor points that behavior is judged upon. Do they look you in the eye? If you stick your hand out do they shake it? How do they interact with the parents; do they interrupt, ask for things, open Mommy's purse and take things out?" Think about it
When Can I Take My Newborn Outside?
There is no such compulsion either for mom or her baby to stay indoors after birth. In fact, it is considered healthier if mom goes out and gets some fresh air. Some things to take care of: 1. Avoid crowded places, especially places you know might have ill people. 2. Do not over or underdress when leaving the house 3. Try to avoid direct sunlight, as this could give harmful UV rays to your kid.
प्रत्यारोपण रक्तस्राव (ईमप्लान्टेशन ब्लिडिगं)क्या है?
गर्भावस्था के शुरुआती दिनों में, आपका शरीर आपको एक संदेश भेज सकता है, और यह कई बार अस्वाभाविक संकेत भी हो सक्ते है। यह आरोपण रक्तस्राव के रूप में जाना जाता है, और यह आपके मासिक चक्र का आरंभ लग सकता है, या संभवतः गर्भावस्था का अंत फिर भी, अधिक बार यह इन चीजों में से नहीं है, जैसा कि हीथर इरोबुन्डा, एमडी, न्यूयॉर्क द्वारा इंगित किया गया है।
Tasty Gluten free reciepes for kids
Looking for gluten-free recipes for you kids? Find some healthy and tasty gluten-free recipes that your kids will surely love eating. Having an allergy to gluten feels bad but that doesn’t mean you have to eat boring food all the time. If your kids need gluten-free meals, our list of recipes will come to your rescue. Plus, they’re fun, filling, and not to mention, very tantalising.
Babies lose the hair they are born with.
Not all babies are born bald, some might have thick hair over their body, this is a normal physiological birth response, some experts link it with maternal hormones. Babies shed these out after birth, Telogen phase could be the reason behind it. The growth of new hair could take some time. Read more about how the new hair growth can be different from birth hair and some care tips.
Keeping company, even pets could fill the void
A shift in work-life pattern from working in offices to work from home is a growing trend; as per a study by Statista, more than 20% of Americans works from home. These patterns might bring out some new health concerns of stress, anxiety, isolation, or inactive behaviours. Pets could come to the rescue bringing flexibility in your life, as a companion, help you tackle work-life hurdles. Get a pet!
Complementary Dietary Feeding Tips for A Year-Old Baby
Iron is an essential nutrient. Iron-rich food like ragi, egg-yolk, lentils, rice flakes should be incorporated into your baby's diet. Including Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables like guava, tomatoes, lemon can increase iron absorption when consumed with iron-rich food sources. Squeeze a little lemon juice before serving because more is always better, At least here.
Tips to Ease Pregnancy Pain
If nausea is an issue in the first part of the day, eat dry food sources like oat, toast or wafers before getting up. Abstain from eating a high-protein nibble like lean meat or cheddar before heading to sleep (protein takes more time to process). If you are eager, however amazingly disgusted, attempt the BRAT (bananas, rice and tea) diet as well as blend foods.