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How to maintain a work life balance in the pandemic?
Instead of struggling to find the motivation to work from home and stay productive, parents were actually having a hard time preserving healthy boundaries between professional and personal lives. Have separate areas for work and play. It is recommended to have a dedicated workspace to help you stay focused when working remotely, but this is as important for switching off when the workday is over.
Why Am I Salivating More in My Pregnancy?
It is OK to salivate more during pregnancy. Usually, the glands that produce saliva generate 400ml-1l of saliva/day. Some women may believe that excess saliva is an early pregnancy symptom; however, it can start around 2nd or 3rd week of the pregnancy. According to experts, excess saliva production is the body's way to protect mouth, throat, and teeth from stomach acid's corrosive effects.
Super-Foods for Super New-Moms Oranges
Convenient & nutritious, oranges are extraordinary food to gain energy. Oranges & other citrus organic food are brilliant breastfeeding food sources since nursing mothers need more nutrient C than pregnant ladies. Taste on some squeezed orange as you approach the day - you'll get Vit C advantage & you can benefit from calcium-strengthened assortments to get considerably more out of your beverage.
What Are the Reasons Behind Having Multiple Babies?
One of the many reasons that contribute to the factor is moms having 1 inch more height than the average mother. A hormone responsible for height is IGF, an insulin-like growth factor. It is found that IGF makes a woman's ovaries release more eggs, but more research is needed to confirm the reason yet. To know more about such a unique reason, swipe left.
Baby with genetic disorder gets help, world's most expensive injection
Teera Kamat, a 5-month-old baby, was suffering from rare genetics disorder SMA (Type 1), The only problem was the treatment costs were too expensive around 16 crore rupees. Teera's parents resorted to crowdfunding which fetched them 10 crores INR, BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis intervened in this matter & along with co-operation with the central government a tax relief of 6.5 crores was granted.
Neglecting Any of Your Child Could Lead to Generational Imprint
Researchers found mothers who reported emotional neglect in childhood had higher connectivity levels between two distinct brain regions. Traumas in life are not just physical abuse. It could range from even the death of any person to emotional imbalances. This means that infant born to an emotionally neglected mother with a neural predisposition allows them to self-soothe more.
How to Make Kids Love Exercise?
There are more than 5 tips in the bucket but here is one of them. Invest in some surprises. There is no need to put all your savings in some fancy Play station video games. Simple cheap ropes, skates, a soccer ball and a trampoline are a worthwhile investment. When they get bored start playing with them or you can introduce a new piece of it every other time, they get bored.
गर्भावस्था के दौरान योग
क्या आप अपने अंदर बढ़ते हुए बच्चे के साथ खुद को जोड़ना चाहते हैं? खैर, तब योग उस मामले में चमत्कार कर सकता था। योग व्यायाम का एक रूप है जहाँ आप अपने श्वास पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं जिसका उपयोग आपको अपनी आंतरिक आत्मा से जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है। प्रसव योग नियमित योग से बहुत अलग है क्योंकि कुछ व्यायाम हैं जिनसे एक गर्भवती महिला को बचना चाहिए। यह अपने योग सत्र के लिए ट्यूटोरियल है! सावधानी से करे।
Can Oral Contraceptives Protect Against Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer?
One of the most common in women is endometrial, ovarian & breast cancers, with a risk of over 2%. A current study scientist compares the incidence of breast, ovarian & endometrial cancers between women who used contraceptives and one who didn't. It was found that women who used oral pills had a 50% lower risk of developing both ovarian and endometrial cancers, 15 years after discontinuing oral contraceptives.
Why do some people have food allergies?
Food allergy is the hyperactive response of one's immune system due to intake of some non-harmful food items. Children are more prone to such allergic reactions. They occur instantaneously or might take several hours for the response to be visible. They may affect the skin, digestive system, respiratory or cardiovascular systems. Find out the reasons for allergy from cow's milk, peanuts or soy.
Gluten, Should You Glue It or Remove It from Your Diet
A gluten-free diet is a need for a few and a decision for others. Gluten has been connected to the immune system and other ailments. While individuals with these issues should or ought to stay away from gluten, it's as yet muddled whether a gluten free diet benefits those with its tolerance. The bottom line remains the same food with gluten is still healthy for those who are not intolerant.
Kids Who Get A Flu Shot Will Have Lesser Chances of Contacting Covid: Article Review
A study by the American Academy of paediatrics has shown that the risks of severe symptoms of covid-19 could reduce if they have got the flu vaccine. Survey of more than 900 medical records of COVID-19 positive patients was done from February to August. Kids with pneumococcal vaccine were also less likely to get infected with coronavirus recently published in the journal Cureus.
People who snore are the first one to sleep, this could be a fact
Snoring, specially in men could be considered as a normal phenomenon, underlying are the adverse health issues, Its a condition whereby the body is struggling to breathe during sleep. There are many myths associated with snoring, it does not just affect the snorer but also the person trying to sleep right beside. Snoring comes from the nose, another myth associated behind snoring, read more
What’s Your Rashi: Parenting Style Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Leo mamas are likely to thrive in the role—as long as they recognize parenting is about more than holding power. “Ultimately, approaching parenting with some humility will allow them to see how your child is teaching you as much as you are them,” Shah explains. To find that balance, take time to recharge and step back from parenting on a daily basis.
Better Sleep Means Better Mental Health for Kids
A new research paper by UniSA experts suggest that sleep is intrinsically linked to mental health of a teenager, which is often overlooked contributing factor by healthcare professionals. Research shows that teenagers need at least eight hours of sleep each night. Anything less than 8 hours will not help them to deal with stress, hormonal imbalances and anxiety. To read more, swipe left.
When Kids DIY, They Learn More
It is a very obvious saying; you learn best from your experience. As parents, we sometimes need to take a step back to articulate the process and independence to children. For example, when a child is doing an art project. Let him do its way, even if it is difficult. Soon you will see him doing it in faster next time. However, when time is in a crunch, probably not the best opportunity.
क्या मैं अपनी गर्भावस्था के दौरान हीना (मेहंदी) लगा सकती हूं? - विशेषज्ञों से जाने
हीना एक बहुत ही लोकप्रिय प्राकृतिक हेयर डाई है जो अधिकांश भारतीय घरों में उपलब्ध है। और हाँ, हीना के साथ बाल रंगना सुरक्षित है जो लेकिन केवल रसायनों के बिना। यह कई लोगों को सलाह दी जाती है,त्वचा के रोग से बचने के लिए गर्भवती होने पर मेहेंदी लगाने से बचें। इसलिए,केवल प्राकृतिक हीना के पत्ते या बाजार में उपलब्ध जैविक पैकेट का इस्तेमाल करें - डॉ। अश्विनी नाबर
First Night with The Baby, What to Expect
If you had a vaginal birth, it is just the bedtime, for you and the baby too. Your first touch with the baby should be a kangaroo mother bond and then you will be under observation for 24 hours. Your & baby’s poop is an extremely significant parameter for discharge. Some babies sleep well while others would love to wake you up. Basically, whether it’s day or night, you need to feed every 1 or 2 hours.
Love Your Body, Happy Valentine's Day
Express your love for others but first do not forget about your own well being, this valentine. Your relationship with your healthy self would benefit every other relationship you have. Take up small steps, start with your diet to nourish your sense of healthy love with the flavors of healthy Indian food. Build up your immunity with happy foods to harmonize your relationships, swipe to love more
What Has Pandemic Taught Us, And What Has It Changed in Parenting?
The tricky task of keeping little ones occupied is a recurring theme and mums in UK, & US have been using all of the traditional and digital methods at their disposal. Given the contrasting rules on daily exercise, 66 percent of US mums have been able to go out for walks/strolls every day or every other day to get fresh air during the lockdown, while less than half of UK mums have done the same.