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What Has Pandemic Taught Us, And What Has It Changed in Parenting?
The tricky task of keeping little ones occupied is a recurring theme and mums in UK, & US have been using all of the traditional and digital methods at their disposal. Given the contrasting rules on daily exercise, 66 percent of US mums have been able to go out for walks/strolls every day or every other day to get fresh air during the lockdown, while less than half of UK mums have done the same.
Practical Advices When Hiring A Nanny
Make your requirements very clear, not in your head but to the interviewing nanny. The most important thing you should be looking for is how good the nanny is with kids; does she love kids or does it only for money. The bonding here is very important. Second, is she clear on her hands? You definitely do not want a short-tempered nanny who thinks hitting kids is ok. Which could be common in Indian culture.
How can your kid grow taller, if the genes aren’t supporting him?
Not many parents want their kid to be short, be it a boy or a girl. Now that genes play a huge role in this aspect there are many other contributing factors that might not complement the genes. Diet, a proper zinc-rich diet could have a huge impact on your child’s growth. Nuts, dairy, legumes, eggs and whole grains when taken in proper proportions which surely fight the odds.
What is an antibiotic Resistance?
Infectious diseases treated with the use of antibiotics may develop a resistance against them if used more often. Bacteria can develop resistance due to mutation in their genes. Such resistance is seen in diseases like meningitis or pneumonia. The unwanted prescription could be one of the causes, so take them only if needed. Getting vaccinated could be an option from such resistance, read more.
Brain changed by caffeine in utero
Many articles and doctors agree upon harmful effect of caffeine when consumed during pregnancy. Supporting the fact, the study states that caffeine intake during pregnancy can change brain pathways that may lead to behavioral issues later. When children aged 9-10 years were analyzed, changes in the brain structure were exposed. This could also mean ADHD, or attention difficulties in children.
Fat Cells, where do they fit
Nobody wants to be obese, but fat is essential to fight off many diseases. Where can our body preserve the fat cells has remained a mystery. One study mentions the processes that regulate the creation of new fat cells through mitochondrial activity. The other prescribe fat cells' placement in the subcutaneous fat area under the skin in mice. To know how can these studies apply to humans.
How much salt you should consider
A common consensus about salt is that to cut back the intake as we age. Reducing salt could indeed lower your blood pressure which is suitable for people suffering from hypertension. Lower than usual intake of salt is linked with Elevated LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. As per the Health experts intake of no more than 2300 mg of sodium daily should be followed. Read more
रोग का नाम- क्रेडल कैप​
ये डैंड्रफ की बुरी स्थिति है जो नवजात शिशु में प्रचलित है और खोपड़ी पर लाल निशान के रूप में दिखाई देता है यह तैलीय, पपड़ीदार पैच के रूप में प्रकट होता है जिससे दर्दनाक या खुजली नहीं होती हैं लेकिन निकालना मुश्किल होता है। सटीक कारण की पहचान नहीं की गई है, परंतु हार्मोन के कई कारणों में से एक कारण हो सकता है। यह एक संचारी रोग नहीं है, और दैनिक बाल धोने से रोका जा सकता है।
Smart Teaching Monkey Toys for Your Toddler Baby
Kiddale Monkey balance scale game is a very exciting game through which your toddler could be in touch with math and balancing at a very early age. This game could introduce recognition, sorting, counting and basic addition. The bright colors could introduce baby’s observation ability and improves the hand-eye coordination. It is a safe and fun way to give a kick start to your kid with education.
Senior CItizens remains underinsured. Health awareness required
Securing a future for yourself and for your loved ones becomes difficult when you get old, Insurances plays a vital role in assisting you in time of need. In reality old aged population in India are unfortunately unable to get properly secured, As one gets older so does the premium for insurance. Resultant statistic is that only 15% senior citizen policy were bought between April to December 2020.
Why does Inflammation happen?
We all get sick or wounded, as part of a natural healing process, we might feel heat, pain, swelling or redness, it is nothing but our body's response. Inflammation happens when our immune system gets activated, as a normal process its remain active for less than 15 days. If it remains for a longer duration, it can become chronic, read more for its treatment and linkage with autoimmune diseases.
Sporting Up Your Child
What are the benefits of indulging your child in sport? Teamwork. Responsibility. Self-Confidence. Health. Teamwork could define your child’s ability to work with people of different skills. It not only helps him in his childhood but will shape his future. Responsibility for losing or winning will teach lessons of life; not everything goes as your wish. Self-confidence and health? Swipe left.
High Cholesterol in Children Is Mightier Than You Think!
High cholesterol in kids is total cholesterol over 200mg/dL. The cause of high cholesterol can vary from heredity, diet, or obesity. Selective screening is recommended for kids with a family history of high cholesterol or blood fats or a family history of premature heart disease. Screening is also recommended for kids who have a high BMI.
क्या बच्चों में दांत पीसना एक गंभीर समस्या है?
दाँत पीसने को मेडिकल शब्दकोश में ब्रुक्सिज्म कहा जाता है। यह जबड़ों का दब जाना है। यह ज्यादातर नींद में होता है और तब भी जब वे तनाव में होते हैं। यह आपके टॉडलर के ग्रोथ और विकास का एक हिस्सा हो सकता है, और इसमें चिंता की कोई बात नहीं है, न ही इसे रोका जा सकता है। यदि आपका बच्चा दाँत पीस रहा है क्योंकि वह किसी चीज़ से चिन्तित है या तनाव में है तो किसी भी चिकित्सक से सलाह ले।
Mental Wellbeing Above All
We're in a time of uncertainty, and pregnant, and baby blues women are settling on countless such choices that they didn't see it making. Make a move in little manners that cause you to feel like you are moving forward. It very well may be straight forward things like choosing to prepare a most loved feast or cleaning up your room. These little undertakings add up and cause us to feel in charge.
Benefits Of Garlic You Might Have Missed Upon!
Colitis is a prevalent disease among children. The bacteria often enter through the random objects they put in their mouth. A lot of kids suffer from dysentery because of what they unconsciously eat. These diseases can heavily tax the health of your little one. Eating food having garlic could lessen the pain of colitis by 50%. Swipe left to know more about the benefits of garlic.
Graduating into Life- Happy Dad Life!
Now that you are officially going to become a father things might change for you. You will surely get lots of joy & happiness your way. But along with it, there is more responsibility and career planning. It’s better to do some homework. For example, read your wife a book while you are free. Lastly, be there for her, whenever she needs, even if you have to take a day off from work, that’s OK.
Look Out for Dehydration When Child Is Sick
The first sign of dehydration is that the child makes less urine than usual; this can be hard to judge; however, if the child is in diapers, it’s easier. As dehydration worsens, the child becomes lethargic; eyes look dry, and there may be no tears when he cries; lips and mouth look parched and dry. If your child begins to show any such signs, get him to a doctor or a hospital as soon as possible.
Women with high blood pressure during pregnancy are at a greater risk of chronic Hypertension
Only 1 in 4 adults with B.P. have their condition under control. In a recent study, researchers looked at 368 women with normal B.P during pregnancy and tracked them for 6-18 months post-delivery. Results found that during the first postpartum, 50% of the women had high B.P. The scientists reveals that a woman’s B.P. after the first 6 weeks is a deciding indicator of her chronic Hypertension.
SARS-CoV-2, Due to climate change, possible
A new study published in the journal of Science of the Total Environment provides that the emergence of SARS Cov 2 was due to the direct role of climate change. The study relates the extensive scale climate change rendering alteration in vegetation interlinked with animals' migration (especially bat species for this study) can cause infectious diseases in the human population. Read more