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Relief from Back Pain
Spine is the primary support system of your body, muscles and ligaments around the spine can lose strength as one ages. Back pain is likely to occur in individuals between the age of 30 to 50, sometimes it can be caused due to an injury. Engage yourself in physical activities that keep your spinal strength intact and flexible. Read about curls, planks, and bird-dog moves for a better spinal health
Childhood Eating Habits Have Long-Term Impact Over Health: Article Review
Researchers from the UC riverside university show that overeating fat or sugar as a child can alter the microbiomes (pathogens, bacteria, and germs) for a life-time. The study suggests that even if one chooses to live healthier later, the change can not be undone. The experiment was done on mice, but the effect we have observed is equivalent to kids with a western diet.
बच्चों में दमा-मूल बातें जानें
यह फेफड़ों और वायुमार्ग की एक बीमारी है जहां फेफड़ों में जलन और सूजन हो जाती है। अगर बच्चे की सांस फूल रही है, छाती में जकड़न या इसी तरह के लक्षण हैं तो यह दमा के लक्षणों में से एक हो सकता है। यह एलर्जी, पारिवारिक इतिहास या समय से पहले जन्म के कारण भी हो सकता है। दमा को पूरी तरह से ठीक नहीं किया जा सकता है हालाँकि दवाई द्वारा प्रबंधित किया जा सकता है।
Vaccination, India gaining up the speed
Union Health Ministry on Sunday announced India has become the third topmost country to administer covid vaccine doses with more than 57 lakh beneficiaries. There is also a sustained increase in the number of healthcare workers accepting the vaccines day by day. Also, the number of daily covid cases have been reduced to around 12000 in the last 24 hrs and the recovery rate to around 97%.Read more
Crohn’s disease in kids, and its severity
Chron’s disease affects the lower part of the small intestine, which is called the ileum. It makes the intestine or bowel inflated and ulcerated. It can occur in any part of the digestive system, including the mouth. Now that its occurrence is sporadic in India, almost 7 cases per 1 lakh population can not be ignored. Kids with Crohn’s could have stunt growth, weak bones and delayed puberty too.
Cooking with proper oils
Many oils are available with the difference in nutritional values. Choosing one that suits your health requires knowing about the type and level of factual content in it. Oils contain saturated fats, Trans fats, Monounsaturated fats, omega fatty acids, the former two being harmful to your health which we should avoid consuming regularly. Read more to get benefit from cooking oils
Energizing with coffee
Coffee, a stimulating beverage that keeps many people on track. Coffee can make people energetic because of its caffeine content. When one consumes coffee, caffeine blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine in the brain. Studies suggest the best time to intake caffeine is from mid to late morning. It is not recommended to consume coffee when your stress hormone cortisol is at peak.
How to improve body posture
Proper posture improves spinal health. It's linked with your blood flow, nerves, muscles and ligaments. People who have the habit of using proper posture have fewer chances of back and neck pain. Dynamic and static poster if appropriately maintained results in the less encumbered spine. Did you know that your posture affects your digestion and reads the tips to maintain posture while sitting or standing?
Can Exam Score Alter Mental Health of Your Child?
Mental health problems in early childhood and adolescence increase the risk of poor academic performance, indicating the need for awareness and treatment to provide fair education opportunities. If an association between mental health and academic performance is found during childhood, early recognition and interventions are warranted. Watch the video to know more.
क्या रचनात्मकता नई सामान्य सोच है?
वे दिन गए जब माता-पिता चाहते थे कि उनका बच्चा या तो डॉक्टर या इंजीनियर बने; अब युग बदल गया है जहां रचनात्मकता को शैक्षणिक कौशल के समान महत्व दिया गया है। बच्चों में रचनात्मकता के विकास में माइंडफुल पेरेंटिंग एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। एक वैज्ञानिक की रिपोर्ट है कि पर्यावरण समस्या-सुलझाने के कौशल पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डाल सकता है और एकाग्रता शक्ति में सुधार करता है।
Disturbing Dreams During Pregnancy, Is It A Warning Sign?
No. Pregnancy dreams, particularly in the last trimester, are frequently striking, and can even be frightening. However, this is ordinary. These dreams may give way to your inner mind to manage any feelings of fear and weaknesses you may have about pregnancy and parenthood. Or then again, they may reflect restlessness influences brought about by acid reflux or hormonal imbalances.
Tips to Balance Parental and Career Life
If you are a new mom/father, it can be hard. Things could turn another way around, which you totally would not have expected. Many people find themselves feeling like they have to choose between to. But hey, you don't have too, at least always. Keep weekdays for work and weekends, vacations for the family. Set the boundaries like not mentioning work at home and so! There is more swipe left.
Is there any advantage of swimming to my toddler?
An extensive study reveals that children who have begun swimming at an early age (before 5) had rapid physical and cognitive skill development. In comparison to one who has not yet learned to swim, children showed more proficiency in identifying numbers, counting and solving problem skills. They were also more likely to develop creative skills faster than others.
When Is Too Early for Child's Dental Exam?
The usual age for the first visit is around over two years. Many parents consider this as a waste of money and time as a child does not have may teeth at this moment; notwithstanding, as indicated by the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, a child ought to get their first dental test by their first birthday celebration or inside a half year of growing their first tooth.
What's your rashi: your parenting style based on zodiac sign Aquarius
Parents with this sign are a free-sole. They are the calmest out of all the signs, free-spirited and outgoing. They believe in their child's utmost freedom and liberty. However, they are incredibly particular about some rules and regulations. Also, it shows that you could be a little stubborn at days, which justify your rules and regulation policies entirely.
Nutrition Myth busted: Organic foods are healthier than conventional foods.
There is no consensus that organic food is healthier than conventionally grown food. Organic foods can still contain natural pesticides and are often more expensive. Also, Organic foods are not more nutritious, per se, in terms of nutrients. You are still getting the same benefits in conventionally grown foods as you are in organic foods.
Calm Parenting Is the New Normal
Anger is a very normal human emotion, but let it not overpower your feelings. We get it! You are tired. But there is always an end, an end to the tantrums, to cries and sleepless nights. Avoid any arguments with kids, if you think they are wrong then let them be one. Sometimes experience could teach a lot more than you could, even to a 5-year-old.
All you need to know about diet in gestational diabetes
Now that gestational diabetes is a temporary phase, you have to make sure it does not persist even after the pregnancy. Avoid eating sugar, add natural sugars like carrots & raisins. Take 40% of daily calories from carbs and 20% from proteins. Aim for 20-35 grams of fibre a day. Eat a variety of foods to make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals.
Home Remedies for Ear Pain in Kids by Experts
Pain in the ears in kids is usually due to some kind of infection. It could also be due to a hole in the inner ear's tympanic membrane in some conditions. In such cases, home remedies might not work. However, if it is cold or water in the ear then taking hot water steam, twice a day could help ease the condition. Olive oil is also said to relieve pain but yet not proven by any medical professional.