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7 Interesting and Fun Word Games for Kids
Word games for kids are perfect for busting boredom as well as to boost their vocabulary skills. Your children will find it easier to understand the world around them, the more they comprehend what words mean. If you're looking for the coolest word games for children, this is the perfect video. The games in this video will ensure your kids have a blast while they play them!
What If Your Toddler Wants to Eat Every 1-2 Hours?
The first thing you want to notice is, if your kid is eating enough in one seating, and during breakfast? Having a good breakfast that includes protein and fibre might fill up your kid: scrambled eggs (high in protein) and whole-grain toast (high in fibre). Sometimes when a kid is thirsty, he thinks he is hungry so make sure the kid is getting enough water.
Infertility, offering them maternity
According to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, infertility currently affects about 10 to 14 per cent of the Indian population this article Dr Aniruddh Malpani talks about the challenges in of IVF usage in India. Pointing out, as most of the patients are well informed young age group which cant get the benefit of IVF technology, where the challenge lies in the matter of concern
Treadmill Or Walking, Make your way
Both activities have their own health benefits. With only one difference that treadmill comes at an expense while walking does not. Morning walk or a jog daily gives a fair amount of vitamin D. indoor exercise would make vitamin d intake difficult. Covid otherwise on a positive note has brought indoor workout into prominence. It's hard to differentiate both the activities until one takes up.
Include food item that offers more vitamin C than just orange
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient. It repairs tissues and helps produce enzymes. We might know that orange is the king in vitamin C content. Several foods have more of C's in them. Guava has more than twice of vitamin c content. Red and yellow Bell pepper a rich antioxidant contains a high vitamin c. wanting to increase VIT. c in your diet choose any of these foods.
Thrust for Healthcare, Budget 2021
The budget 2021's benefaction for healthcare, a much-required step towards improving our the existing infrastructure under the banner of "PM Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojna". Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced setting up around 27000 integrated public health access points. Read more on the budget that allocated to invest 60000 crores over the next 6 years in healthcare
What are autoimmune diseases?
Our body has an inbuilt self-defense mechanism to protect us from harmful elements, we term it as immunity. When the immune system is triggered, the body produces substances that help fight foreign material in our body. Every individual has a different capacity to produce antibodies. When the production of antibodies is more than expected it may create fatal effects i.e autoimmune disorder.
Chemical configuration that lets you maintain a high state of mind
Our body is well equipped with chemical factories that regulate our frame of mind. These chemicals released by the brain give us the experience to feel extreme emotions. They are directly related to maintaining our well being. Serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin are four hormones when secreted make us feel happy and relaxed. Read more to know the effects of these hormones.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for weight loss
One of the major problems with long, intense workout sessions is food intake and relaxation afterwards. The British Journal of Sports Medicine research shares light on short workout sessions HIIT, which improves metabolism activity. Though there is caution related to people with cardiovascular disorders to opt for HIIT. Read more to know this new study to burn up your calories.
I Love Spicy Food, Can I Have It During My Pregnancy?
Indian food is SPICY. You want to help it but can't. Eating spicy during pregnancy is not harmful to you or your baby. Just make sure you can handle any indigestion or heartburns (typical morning sickness during pregnancy) that could result from eating all hot. In fact, chillies and peppers are considered extremely nutritious, since they contain vitamin C.
Hole in The Heart, What Does It Mean and Why Does That Happen?
An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a hole in the wall (septum) between the two upper chambers of the heart (atria). The condition is present at birth (congenital). A hole is one of the congenital heart defects that arise from the errors of the heart's development, but there is no literal cause. If left untreated, then either side of the heart will become enlarged and weakens and become fatal.
Does Your Child Have A Flat Foot? It Is Common!
Paediatric flat feet are conditions in which the entire sole of the child's foot contacts the ground. Flat feet occur when the foot's arch either fails to develop or collapses. In infants, the arch is usually present but still forming & within some time will develop naturally. Having a flat foot in childhood does not mean that he will have it lifelong. But if it persists then needs attention.
Get a High IQ Baby in These Simple Steps. Does This Really Work?
Help your baby reach her potential," well, are these quotes justified to make enough difference to your child? The important fact to remember is, baby learning and IQ potential is a holistic process. Babies encoding new information is a whole experience. In this way, baby thinking is a lot more like colouring in a picture than building a tower with blocks.
Food that could alter your child's mood, negatively
No one knows a child better than their parents. Having said that, it also means that a parent would understand her child's mood at best. Dairy, for example, could make a child crankier, or aggressive. Artificial colouring has detrimental effects due to chemicals in it. And is also linked to anxiety, in ADHD children. Preservatives that contain MSG contribute to hyperactivity and headaches.
Let's Teach Our Child to Be More Independent Than Before!
As children grow older, they should be given more responsibility. You're not doing your children any favours when you perform basic tasks for them. Give them the time they need to prevent them from becoming stressed. For example, if it takes your child ten minutes to put on their clothes in the morning, start your daily routine earlier. As they practice, they will get faster at their tasks
डाउन्स सिन्ड्रोम- अब चुनौती नहीं है
यह एक आनुवांशिक विकार है जो 21 वें गुणसूत्र के असामान्य कोशिका विभाजन के कारण होता है, एक और अधिक या एक अतिरिक्त सामग्री के कारण जो विकास संबंधी मुद्दों और शारीरिक परिवर्तनों का कारण बनता है। डाउन सिंड्रोम के साथ अपने बच्चे की बेहतर समझ और शुरुआती समर्थन गुणवत्ता के जीवन में सुधार कर सकते हैं और उन्हें स्वतंत्र होने में सक्षम बना सकते हैं। आपका बच्चा एक सामान्य व्यक्ति की तरह कुछ भी कर सकता है।
How Do You Know Is It the Right Sleeping Position?
As your pregnancy progresses, it gets harder and harder to be comfortable when you sleep. Now that sleeping on your stomach is often not advisable, so how do you sleep? Lie on your side-preferably the left side. Place one leg over the other and put a pillow in between. This is the most recommended position for both mother and the baby. This will increase blood circulation and will reduce oedema.
How do I know I am gaining the right amount of weight?
Every woman's metabolism is different, so no two women will put on weight in the same way, but adopting good eating habits will help you gain the amount of weight that is healthiest for you and your baby, and keep you healthy for life. • Tips for healthy eating: • Eat when you are hungry, in small portions • Snack healthy • Don't overeat • Get regular exercise