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Corona Counts reached 1.07 crores
New 11,666 cases were registered in a day, though the infection recovery rate is around 99.94%. Within those who were infected the number of active cares is about 1.7 lakhs. Parallelly, the rate of covid testing is also being conducted. More than 19 crores have been tested so far. As the report states, 7 lakhs samples were tested on Wednesday. Read more for the overall situation with covid updates
Working Expectant Mommies, We Hear You Out!
I love working, instead of a job is the only thing that keeps me sane while I am pregnant' this could be a case of many women out there, we understand. But how do you manage it all? Food and drink. Keep all your favs on the desk, don't overdo work, take a break and lastly never ever dehydrate! Water, water, water, it is ok if you have to pee often, better than fainting at least!
As the name suggests, orthodontics is a pacifier providing care to your baby's soft gums and oral care. It could help tooth misalignment and orthodontic issues later in life. Such pacifier features a nipple that is flattened on the bottom and rounded on the top. Studies show that orthodontic pacifiers show less open or overbite problems and support the baby's developing jaw & palate.
दूसरी तिमाही में गर्भवती महिलाओं के लिए व्यायाम युक्तियाँ
गर्भावस्था में कसरत आपके शरीर को मजबूत करती है, और घर से व्यायाम करने के लिए सबसे सरल कदम हैं। ये छह वर्कआउट आपके लिए एंटीनेटल फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट द्वारा योजनाबद्ध हैं। ‘केगेल’ व्यायाम आपकी गर्भावस्था की दिनचर्या के लिए एक उत्तम शुरुआत है। यह आपकी पीठ को मजबूत बनाता है, पेशाब की असंगति में सुधार करता है और आपकी पेल्विस की मांसपेशियों को तैयार करता है।
What's Your Rashi: Your Parenting Style Based on Your Zodiac Sign Gemini (May 21-June20)
Gemini parents are entertaining. As opposed to being a parent, they have confidence in remaining companions with their kids. In any case, as receptive as you may appear, it is consistently essential to keep up your distance during specific circumstances. You should not cause your youngster to feel awkward or, in all likelihood, they'll begin removing themselves from you.
Covid-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy: To Take or Not to Take?
The race for COVID-19 vaccine proceeds and scientists have gained critical ground lately. In any case, as of now, pregnant women haven't been included for any clinical preliminaries. The CDC and FDA are leaving it to the expectant parents, including the expectant healthcare worker on whether to go for it or not.
Empathy: Teaching Kids to Value Others
Empathy is one of the strangest and strongest qualities a person could hold—something everyone wants, but not have. When children get their emotional need met, they understand two sides. First, they know how it feels to be in others' shoes and how it feels when the need is accomplished. Our whole life is based on emotions, and when you value theirs, they will value others.
Bedwetting Kids: Need Help
You are frustrated, exhausted and worried as he is already a play schooler, yet bedwetting is a problem. Fun Fact! Bedwetting is mostly seen in boys than a girl. Ok, so how do you help them handle the issue? First stop waking up kids in the middle of the night to pee, won't work. Limit carbonated or water intake during the night time, and last visit a paediatrician because it's not that a problem.
Study Reveals Father-Child Brain-To-Brain Synchrony During Puzzle Play
Fathers who need to shape a more grounded bond with their kids could play puzzles or have a problem-solving game with kids. Researchers have found that during puzzle play the minds of fathers and their youngsters synchronize – in a real sense putting them on a similar frequency and hence more on top of one another.
Liquid Gold, Benefits of using it when weather is cold
Apart from digestive benefits celebrity nutritionist Rutuja Diwekar shares other utilities of using ghee, referring it as liquid gold for our well being. Ghee reduces acidity and improves sleep quality. Sound sleep lets you maintain weight loss schedule and improves your skin condition and ghee massage on your foot, which offers you sound sleep. Read the complete procedure as explained by diwekar
Who's Ahead, Global vaccination race
Covid Vaccination is history's largest vaccine drive. More than 71.3 million doses administered until date, US tops in the number of doses delivered but compared with the vaccine inoculation rate. As a percentage of its total population, Israel tops the list with nearly 50% seconded by UAE. India, despite being the largest producer of vaccines, is still lagging behind. Read more
ऑटिज्म क्या है और बच्चों में ऑटिज़्म के तनाव से कैसे निपटें?
बच्चों में ऑटिज्म स्वलीनता के रूप में जाना जाता है। परिवार के एक कुत्ते या बिल्ली होने के लाभों और बोझ पर इंटरएक्टिव ऑटिज्म नेटवर्क के लिए 700 से अधिक परिवारों में एमयू कॉलेज ऑफ वेटरनरी मेडिसिन के एक शोध वैज्ञानिक द्वारा किया गया एक अध्ययन। परिणामों से यह पाया गया कि कर्तव्यों से तनावग्रस्त होने के बजाय बच्चे तनाव मुक्त थे और पालतू जानवर के साथ एक मजबूत बंधन का निर्माण किया
Smoking: Deceiving your lungs
Smoking is attributed to killing 9 out of 10 people suffering from lung cancer. The chemical-filled process of producing cigarette could be the reason behind the surge of cancer-causing elements. It is challenging to diagnose lung cancer at an early stage. Hence, as the experts suggest, one should get himself checked regularly. Read more to know about stages, diagnosis and treatment for lung cance
Vaginal Transmission of Cancer from Mothers with Cervical Cancer to Infants: Article review
Two instances of pediatric cancer in the lungs (in 23-month-old and 6-year-old young boy) coming about because of mother-to-baby transmission of uterine cervical tumors were unexpectedly recognized during routine cutting edge sequencing of combined examples of the tumor. Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy treatment with nivolumab prompted a solid relapse of all leftover tumors in the first kid.
Improve Your Chances Of Pregnancy, Tips To Conceive Faster
The truth is a little more complicated than you think. So how do you increase your chances? Track down your menstrual cycle at least before 5-6 months of your planning. Applications like Menstrupedia and health will help you make it easier. These apps will also show the best days you should try. Usually, it's the 12, 13, & 14th day for a 28 days cycle and 19, 20, & 21st day for a 35 days cycle.
5 Reasons Babies Stop Sleeping
Just when you realize you have started getting enough sleep at nights, your child starts frequent waking up again, difficulty sleeping, or awakes at odd hours is called as sleep regression. Many tots experience this too. Change in the environment or developing new milestones could be the key reasons contributing to sleep regression. There are a few more, swipe left.
Cholesterol can be a traitor for your body, SARS COV 2 report
Covid requires some spike proteins to attack healthy human cells. The new studies suggest that the fat content in the form of Cholesterol found in food is one of the cell membrane parts, which the virus uses to infect healthy cells. Such studies can help create a robust treatment plan to act against covid. Read more to know about statins as cholesterol controller assisting the fight for covid
Home Health, covid's offering
The covid pandemic's after-effects have pushed many of us to opt for home healthcare services instead of visiting hospitals. Technology has offered us medical instruments like automated blood pressure monitors, weighing scales, and pulse oximeter usable at home making it convenient for home/ tele consultation. Peritoneal dialysis therapy for kidney problems can now be done at home, read more.