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Maths Is Gender Neutral!
A research team at Carnegie Mellon University used MRI to measure brain activity in 104 children. The research was done by examining brain activity while children were solving math topics by watching an educational video. From the scans of the boys and girls, the team examined brain maturity. Results showed no difference in the skill set and found equal engagement. Read more
High Chances of a High-Risk Pregnancy
I am pregnant, and doctors tell me that I might have a chance of a high-risk pregnancy, what does that mean? This is often pointed out due to specific reasons. It also means that a woman has one or more things that raise their baby’s chances for health problems. Pregnancy might be considered high risk if age is under 17, above 35, a mother is underweight or overweight or……
Amazon offers Pop Up Clinics for covid vaccine drive in US
With more than 800k personnel employed by the Amazon in the US, 19k had contracted the covid infection. Amazon introduced pop-up clinics that aims at vaccinating 2k eligible citizens on a daily basis, as reported. They will appoint an executive who would be working with Washington State's Vaccine Command Center. The states, as of now, is currently providing the vaccine to the elderly population.
क्या स्तनपान के कारण लैक्टोज इंटॉलरेंस हो सक्ता हे?
स्तनपान लैक्टोज इंटॉलरेंस का एक कारण हो सकता है। हालांकि,यदि आपका शिशु लैक्टोज इंटॉलरेंस है तो स्तनपान को रोकना उचित नहीं है। स्तनपान से लैक्टोज इंटॉलरेंस हो सकती है,यदि उत्पादित दूध में फैट (वसा) का स्तर कम हो। दूध में वसा कम होने के कारण दुध बच्चे के पेट मे कम रहता है और लैक्टोज पुरि तरह से नहीं टूटता है जिससे अपच और इंटॉलरेंस होती है।
More than 200k people got vaccinated under 24 hours, Health Ministry
Since the initiation of the vaccine drive more than a million corona vaccine doses have been administered throughout the country. On the other hand, testing for covid cases has also improved with the expansion of testing infrastructure, resulting in cumulated 18 crores testing. Along with the healthcare workers' hard work, more than two lakhs people got vaccinated just under 24 hours, read more.
Buried under graveyard shifts
A person might develop unhealthy lifestyle habits either due to unawareness or a hectic work schedule. Exposure to such conditions for a longer duration can have serious health ailments like diabetes. It becomes tougher to treat such conditions with poor food intake. Know more how working in a shift for longer hours increase your risk of diabetes
These Are the Four Major Feeding Mistakes You Do to Your Baby
You were offering too much healthy food. As a parent, you might always focus on giving vegetables, fruits and whole grains. But, in this run, you might miss out on offering food that pleases your child. Also, a Certain amount of fat is required daily for growth and development. Over that it is always more fun to eat food with little extra fat. Agree?
We Hear What We Want to Hear: Article review
Perceptions of one thing will be different for different people. Our senses to perceive the world will depend on what we think we want. During the last 20 years, neuroscience research has revealed that cerebral cortex continuously generates predictions on what will happen next & that neurons in charge of sensory processing only encode the difference between our predictions & the actual reality.
Look and feel best during your pregnancy
As you anticipate that special day when your infant will be born, you're expecting that your waistline should grow! In any case, did you realize that pregnancy influences your body otherwise? Right off the bat in your pregnancy, hormones cause your breasts delicate. Using moisturizing cream and massaging your breasts could help you handle the soreness. What's more? Swipe left.
What's Your Rashi: Your Parenting Style Based on Your Zodiac Sign Aries (March 21–April 19)
"The fire sign with mars as a ruler-the planet of sex, energy, and take-charge moves. Aries parents are on the go, slowing down is a challenge for you Aries. You like to keep jumping from one to other activities. Said that you are very active with the kids, which means plotting an indoor obstacle course or scavenger hunt or busting out and teaching them your fav board games! You are all out there
Improve Crawling, Balance, and Coordination Through Play
They develop at their own pace, but you can always do your bit, so why not try this. Use bright colours like red, green and yellow coloured toys for babies to play. Invite kids to play with rolling toys or automated rolling toys. This can enhance their crawling ability. Balancing? Swipe left.
Age Might Bring Wisdom but Not in The Middle! Causes of Belly Fat
You become wiser with age, however with no benefit to your midline. As time passes, your muscle decays and your digestion eases back, so you don't consume the same number of calories as you used to. That implies you can eat a similar sum and still see the number on the scale creep up. To forestall undesirable increases, cut back on calories or add more muscle-building exercise.
Successful brain tumour surgery of the youngest child
An excellent work of doctors from the Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh in Paediatric Neuroendoscopy created a history. Hard work that lasted for more than 6 hours preceded by a critical plan to conduct a nasal endoscopic surgery on a year-old child put to work by esteemed surgeons Dhandapani S.S, Sushant and Rijuneeta. Read More
क्या नवजात शिशु को पैकेज्ड बेबीफूड देना सुरक्षित है?
वैज्ञानिकों का कहना है कि रेडीमेड पैकेज्ड बेबीफूड में शिशुओं के लिए घरेलू भोजन की तुलना में २०% कम पोषण होता है। ४ महीने के शिशुओं को सूचित करने वाले दो-तिहाई पैकेज्ड फूडमें शक्कर की मात्रा अधिक होती है और इसे ‘मीठे’के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया जाता है। व्यावसायिक भोजन का मुख्य उद्देश्य आहार की पोषण सामग्री को बढ़ाना और आवश्यक स्रोत प्रदान करना चाहिए जो अभी सिद्ध नहीं हैं।
Custar-dirt, a healthy messy fruit for your infant
Also known as 'Bull's heart.' Is often most ignore edible baby food. This tropical fruit, widely available in India is one of the best fruits that feed their baby. It can be consumed raw, where pulp can be removed and used for feeding infants older than 6 months. Drinks and smoothies are another way custard apple is used along with syrups, jams, and smoothies.
You won't get Acid Reflux if you consume the right food
Suppose you are experiencing a burning sensation in your food pipe after eating. In that case, you have acid reflux, it can become a chronic disease if you suffer it regularly. This might be a cause of the food that you consume. One should replace his diet with fiber-rich food like fruits and veggies to avoid acid irritation. A low-fat, low sugar diet will help avoid such condition, read more
2.3 million doses of vaccine delivered by GO Airlines
Go Airlines puts an all-around effort to fulfill the covid vaccine's demands and keep the critical supply chain operating on time. Yesterday It airlifted additional 1.5 million doses for the vaccine's second phase distributions. The GoAir network and team are uniquely positioned to deliver on the mission in India," said GoAir Chief Executive Officer, Kaushik Khona. Read more
Green Booklet" an immunity passport, Israel's Vaccine Drive
Vaccinating almost 18 lakhs citizens in less than a month is a considerable effort of Israel's vaccine drive. The country is currently under strict lockdown. Its citizens will be getting a green book after getting themselves vaccinated with both doses. This would allow them to be free from some of the lockdown regulations. Read more about the "Green Book" An Immunity passport.
Nail Biting Moments, why do people bite nails?
A most common harmful habit that we can observe in many children, teens even in some adults is nail-biting. Whether such practice is linked to genetics, studies aren't sure of it. Attributed to feeling nervous, anxious, feeling bored, hungry or insecure, Nail biting can have long term effects adverse effects on your health. Read more to know how one can overcome biting their nails.
Where do our minds wander? Brain waves can point the way
The human mind is a constant variable. When moved freely from topic to topic, a study participant showed increased alpha wave activity in the brain's frontal cortex, a pattern linked to the generation of creative ideas. Researchers used an EEG to measure brain activity. This could track the flow of our thought process and shows the status of our mind.