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Master class on breastfeeding by UNICEF
Do you know that you do not need to wash your breasts before feeding your baby? It produces good bacteria which actually helps your baby grow! Dr Michele Griswold talks about all the myths, answers all your questions on breastfeeding your baby. Breastfeeding is not easy, as many thinks. Women need support from family, communities, employers at the workplace. Ask Dr Michele regarding your doubts no
Foods to increase lactation
While there is a long list of food to consume for better production of breastmilk, majorly lactating women must consume food rich in proteins. Proteins are essential for breastmilk production and pass from women to baby. It is recommended to drink at least 25 gm of protein/day. So, 1 cup of sprouts contains Approx. 19gm of proteins. Tofu & beans also contain high protein.
Stress for children, Hidden effects for pandemic
This pandemic has undoubtedly made us think about our lifestyle and the health matters that were not questioned before. They might be present even before the pandemic. One such case is your child stress. Studies suggest previously healthy children under 18 will require mental health care due to the devastating economic, health and family pressures caused by the virus crisis. Watch if it concerns y
How ventilation and filtration can help you fight COVID and allied health issues
An excellent research-based event on ventilation and filtration to keep yourself on track of healthy living during this pandemic. Harvard Prof. Joseph Allen explains how the air in our homes, workplaces, and schools contributes to disease, poor mental function, and putting us at higher risk for COVID-19. Watch the video as we are more of an indoor species.
Opting out from vaccination drive: Health care workers
Since the vaccination drive was initiated, the number of health care workers opting for the vaccine has declined, with almost 50 % of vaccine inoculation rate on day one across India plummeted to less than half by yesterday in some states. As to what the government says, only 0.18 per cent of adverse events and 0.002 events leading to hospitalization were noticed. Read more for complete insight.
Feeding on Doomscrolling, It can lead to higher stress
Being up to date with what's going around you, one might end up with lots of negative ideas about the subject matter you look for. We all are facing the dilemma of the information we desire and what we get by searching. We end up DoomScrolling, meaning consuming a large number of negative details and along comes mental stress, especially in health news. Read more to familiarize your knowledge.
सर्दियों में नवजात शिशु को ठंड से बचाने के उपाय
वैसे तो ठंड के सीजन में सभी को अपनी सेहत का ख्याल रखना चाहिेए, लेकिन अगर बात नवजात शिशु की सेहत की हो तो विशेष सावधानी बरतनी जरुरी है, क्योंकि उनकी त्वचा बेहद संवेदनशील और कोमल होती है, जिससे उन्हें न्यूमोनिया पीलिया होने का खतरा बढ़ जाता है। बच्चों को ठंड मेसुरक्षीत रखने के लिए इस घरेलू उपचार का उपयोग करें ।
What is pregnancy brain?
When your brain stops working, difficulty in focusing over tasks, or give undivided attention to just nothing, this is referred to as ""pregnancy brain"" or ""memory brain"". This happens only during pregnancy, can start in the first trimester. This could happen due to a significant surge of hormones. One of the major side effects of pregnancy brain is insomnia too.
Raise Strong Leader Not Strong Adults
Being a parent is hard. You try and create an environment best for your child, you want them to thrive grow and earn. But, do you remember imposing your idea and decision onto your kid? Almost always. It's not often that we look to our children for views and opinions, when you do, it's incredibly affirming. Want your child to be confident that they are capable of good ideas? Start by asking them.
Safety with SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines: Review Article
On 15th December, a female health worker with no previous allergies was presented with an anaphylactic reaction in 10 minutes of receiving the first dose. Since the index case in Alaska, several more cases have been identified with Pfizer mRNA vaccine reported in the United States. Also, postvaccination survey and documentation could become a challenge for the government.
Insomnia: Myths and Facts
How can you help an insomniac? Well, don't tell the myths you know, but the facts. Do you know that screen time will not allow them to sleep? So, giving them incorrect advice will only piss them instead of doing any good. Try and be a little polite. Tell someone you know has insomnia these 12 things, and will help you to help them out. You are welcome!
Does Your Child Need to Be Disciplined?
Depends. It depends on how old your baby is. Also, what they see is what they learn. So, if your baby watches you washing dishes every day, he will know that it is his duty too. Hence, when you try to tell him which you don't do it will be tiring and will make you lose your temper. Remember disciplining your child doesn't mean not throwing tantrums because that's what kids will anyway do.
Suffering from cough and cold, use these 5 herbs
Are you planning to improve your health, start with improving your respiratory system. With Seasonal changes, many of us suffer from respiratory diseases like cough, cold and flu. There are several natural herbs that you can use for a smooth respiratory flow. Watch the video to know 5 readily available herbs to make you breathe easily.
Are We Really Considering Equitable Access To Covid Vaccination: A Moral Issue
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of WHO digitally addressed 148th session of WHO Executive board meeting. As there is a competitive environment between the manufacturers of the covid vaccine, the director-general fears that such situation will lead to moral failure, as out of 40 million doses only 25 were administered to low-income country. He urged everyone to follow COVAX program
What does your zodiac sign relate to your de-stressing abilities?
Feeling stressed up is a natural phenomenon. Not everyone can similarly overcome stress. Each individual has a unique set of traits to overcome stress. These different ways may differ from person to person based on their attitude towards life and problem-solving approach. Here is a beautiful article that relates this different de-stressing attitude based on astrological signs.
Breathlessness while climbing stairs, consult your doctor
We all get that feeling when something is not right with our health, our body gives us those signs well in advance, one of them is difficulty or loss of breath when climbing the stairs. So, keeping track of your heart's performance is of utmost importance. Read More to know about the studies that link heart health with climbing stairs.
Way to Baby’s Development Is MUSIC
Did you realize that music can make you and your infant more astute and more joyful? Neuroscientists who study infant cerebrums state music has enduring advantages for children, as well. Music has a significant effect on the infant's cerebrum. One investigation shows that after infants tune in to music, their auditory and prefrontal cortexes appear to be different.
Dealing with Child Aggression
Know the reason. You need to know why your child is acting such. This is just a normal phase and will go away as time passes by. However, how you react to a particular situation. Going straight away out leashing on the kid would hardly help in solving the problem. Instead, try this. Talk about the responsibility, the consequences of his deeds and start limiting the screen time.
नवजात पीलिया क्या होता है?
जब बच्चे की त्वचा और आंखों को सामान्य से अधिक पीलापन मिलता है, तो इसे नवजात पीलिया कहा जाता है। बिलीरुबिन का स्तर बढ़ने के साथ-साथ पूरी तरह से विकसित यकृत नहीं होने के कारण यह नवजात शिशुओं में सबसे आम बीमारी में से एक है। यदि आपके बच्चे को शारीरिक (सामान्य) पीलिया हो रहा है तो यह जन्म के 2-4 दिनों के बाद दिखाई देगा और यह स्वाभाविक रूप से जन्म के 2 सप्ताह के भीतर चला जाता है।
Fatty DIet: A Fuel for Tumors
Being obese is a serious health condition. Including a fatty diet could make your situation worse. Studies are going on clarifying the linkage between Obesity-cancer and a fatty diet. Like T cells and B Cells which gain energy from the food that we intake cancerous cells do the same. Read more to know how these cancer cells re-organize themselves based on the content of the food we intake.