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NHS to try an antibody therapy to give 'Instant immunity' against a covid-19 positive patient
British researchers are testing another medication that could give instant resistance against COVID-19 to individuals who have been as of late presented to COVID. The immune therapy treatment by AstraZeneca has been managed to 10 individuals so far in the investigation, which plans to enlist 1,125 individuals around the world. Researchers trust the medication would give security for a year.
New Emerging Threat: A deadly fungal infection from Post Covid Patients
Covid has already impaired lives of many families and economies, with uncertainty in immunization plans, the health of many more people is at risk. There is a resurgence of yet another fungal infection that might be linked with covid. Mucormycosis, a more deadly fungal infection which is prey's s on the weakened immune system of post covid patients as reports describe. Swipe Left to Read More
The makeover of Food Items
A market full of junk food items with icing of HEALTHY over the top somewhere contributes to the rise in chronic health conditions. One should always have a look at the nutritional values too. Consuming Cholesterol-lowering phytosterols, Margarina instead of butter, labelled Low Carb food may have a negative impact on your cardiovascular health. Read more to know about the unhealthy food.
How negative language impacts children: Preschoolers and Toddlers
Your kids may speak to you the way you speak to them. Disciplining them with negative words is not that effective to make them understand as positive words are. Sometimes a simple "NO" is sufficient; on the contrary, positive language reinforces good behavior and thoughtfulness. Read more about common examples of negative words that we use and the neurobiological reasons for positive language.
You Have Been Warned: COVID Vaccines Guidelines
CDC " Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" on 14 December have released guidelines on what to expect with the covid vaccine. "No need to worry about the side effects", as shared by the volunteers that have taken the vaccines and the outcomes as explained by CDC, Read the article and learn about the covid vaccine and their possible side effects, be informed!!!
Medical History Oddity: Bloodletting Patients
"Blood Transfusion" You might be familiar with this medical procedure, the object is to save the patients from blood loss. There are some strange medical procedures that you may find odd "Bloodletting" is one of them, used by ancient Greeks and Romans, where they used systematic removal of blood to treat patient. Read more about this ancient therapeutic practice based on the theory of four humors
All which is taken away by COVID 19 from youth, "For Good"
No physical classrooms to attend to and being at home with loved ones can be considered gifts of lockdown. Covid has upturned our lifestyle; it has actually made some improvement too. Having more time at their disposal and living under the parent's supervision resulted in a decrease in drug abuse. Though this article relays the situation in the USA, similar outcomes are seen in India as well.
A Journey from frozen embryo to 6 Pounds and 13 Ounces
This year's October has brought us an out of ordinary birth of a child, possible because of the embryo donations and IVF technology. A female baby's birth after being frozen as an embryo for 27 years has changed the perspective of modern medical science. An edifying article is proposing how this technology works and the benefits it would serve for future generations.
Avoid using low quality masks
Avoid using low-quality masks, they have higher risks The outcome can be harmful to the one using a low-quality mask, Low-Quality Masks are like no masks at all. With Christmas nearing us we should not betray ourselves and the community's health and safety. Read this study article which gives you a complete insight on how good quality masks stops airborne infection and their efficacy with r
Drink sufficient water for a healthy life
Drinking water seems a normal thing, apart from quenching our thirst there are numerous benefits of water that we may not notice. It regulates body temperature, improves skin condition, augments brain functioning, and many more but to reap these benefits one has to intake the right amount of water. Read more to know how much water should you consume depending upon your weight, age, and activity l
Pregnant Women: Don't Hold in when expecting:
"Womens go through a lot of different health conditions during pregnancy and child birth. There can be some complication if not diagnosed on time can affect mother as well as child fatally. Any Un-controlled bleeding after child birth, complication with placenta, HELLP Syndrome, Sepsis, preeclampsia are some complications which can have life threatning results if not treated on time. Learn More ..
Is trauma processed differently in child compared to adults?
Childhood trauma chips away at a child's stability and sense of self, undermining self-worth, and often staying with the child into adulthood. This trauma can also impact a person into adulthood as they experience feelings of shame and guilt. Still, you as a parent can help him come out from it with a bittersweet experience. Listen to what Dr. Phoram has to say.
Which countries have confirmed cases of a new strain of coronavirus?
The new freak strain of Covid, presently called VUI-202012/01, has been affirmed in the UK, Denmark, Gibraltar, Netherlands, Australia, and Italy. Two cases in Australia were distinguished in two travelers who arrived in New South Wales after flying from the UK. The patient in Italy had likewise gotten back from the UK. There have been nine examples of the strain in Denmark.
Is It OK If I Have Missed My Child's Vaccine- QnA
Depends on which one you have missed. There could be multiple reasons and factors resulting in a vaccine delay. However, whatever the circumstances are, you could always start from where you left in most of the cases. There can be milder side effects which are generally expected, but this should not back you as vaccines are the best way you could protect your baby.
Exercises to Reduce Stammering in Children
One of the powerful methods of decreasing stammering in youngsters is therapy. The activities should include organs like the lungs, tongue, windpipe, lips, and jaw. These activities either fix stuttering totally or bring down the force impressively. Here are various top exercise regimens that will lessen stammering in kids by the experts.
Say NO to antibiotics, for kids age less than 2
A new study in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings features the risks of utilizing antibiotic prescription on babies under two. The examination finds that these meds can increase the risk of chronic conditions like asthma. The microbes that live in our bodies play a critical role in developing immunity hence early start to antibiotics on not so severe illnesses could do less good than expected.
New Study Warns Against Sugary Drinks While Breastfeeding
A new report finds that devouring a large number of sweet beverages can adversely affect a baby's brain development. Breastfeeding mothers should avoid or cut back on juice and other sweetened beverages. During the infant's initial 1,000 days of life, their cerebrum is going through a critical turn of events. So, an extreme measure of sugar in breastmilk in those early days will play into that.
Achieving Pregnancy With PCOS: Lifestyle Tips
One of the main reasons PCOS can't conceive is because of irregular cycles. Studies have shown that an obese PCOS woman is more likely to be anovulant which decreases the chances of developing further. Diet is one of the major checks A low-carb and a lowsugar diet one should be eyeing for. Avoiding junk and processed food is a must. IVF, IVM, and IUI are always the last options, losing hope isn't
Like mother, like a child: good maternal mental health means happier babies
Maternal suicide is one of the leading causes of indirect maternal mortality both during and after pregnancy. Mood disorders commonly arise or recur in pregnancy and after childbirth, with up to a fifth of all women giving birth experiencing depressive or anxiety symptoms or a disorder. Around 3% suffer more severe mood disorders, and 0.2% have an episode of puerperal psychosis.