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Japan's Worst Bird Flu, 11,000 Birds Will Be Slaughtered and Buried
The outbreak in Japan and neighboring S. Korea is one of two highly pathogenic avian influenzas (HPAI) epidemics hitting poultry around the world, according to the UN and FAO. The Japanese Gov said that around 11K birds would be slaughtered and buried after the avian influenza discovery at Higashiomi city. It has currently suspended poultry imports from 7 countries.
Why Kids Need the Flu Vaccine
Getting an influenza vaccine is particularly significant this season in light of the fact that this season's virus and the Covid infection cause similar basic signs and indications. Influenza inoculation could decrease side effects that may be mistaken for those brought by COVID-19. Forestalling this season's virus and reducing the seriousness of flu attack.
Kids and screen time: Mayo Clinic
In today's society, children are inundated with media. Many kids spend hours in front of devices such as computers, TVs, smartphones or tablets. But how much screen time is OK for your child? In this Mayo Clinic Minute, pediatrician Dr. Angela Mattke explains new screen time recommendations released by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vivien Williams reports.
Know What Benefits You Can Have from Just a Bite of Juicy strawberry
Life is a perfect blend of emotions & body, a balance of nutrients. There is nothing more nutritious than having a strawberry smoothie loaded with Vitamin C. Do you know that you need Vit C to help your body absorb Iron? Now you know. Also, Strawberries contain antioxidants which reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease too. These sweet-sour punches can be enjoyed in many recipes, read the article
Does Getting COVID-19 While Pregnant Harm Your Baby?
Like swollen ankles and constipation, worry is a constant companion when you're pregnant. While much still needs to be learned about the virus, the little research out shows that pregnant women with COVID-19 are no more likely than others to have severe disease. Also, the virus is less likely to pass to the baby. Proper measures like frequent hand washing and social distancing can help longways.
Humiliating children publicly in schools is an offence, says Kerala child rights panel
Humiliating a child in broad daylight is a gross breach of child rights and should be treated as an offense, the Kerala State Child Rights Commission has said. The request was given on a grumbling document against a school in the Wayanad area for purportedly embarrassing a nine-year-old kid before the 800-part in the morning school gathering for wearing a specific haircut.
The "HOLD" to quiet their cries
Newborn cries a lot, whether of any discomfort or something else. We don't know why they cry; we just want them to stop crying. In this video, Dr. Robert Hamilton Demonstrates how to calm a crying baby. His "The HOLD" technique surprisingly works wonders. Watch the video for a step by step guide.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away- Fact or Myth?
Even though studies show that eating more apples may not be related to fewer visits to the doctors, adding apples to your diet can help improve parts of lifestyle. Truth be told, one research in more than 20,000 adults found that eating a plant-based diet, including apples, was connected to a lower risk of stroke. For best outcomes, enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables for a well-rounded diet.
Man dressed as Santa Claus infects 75 people with Covid-19 at a Belgian care home
A man, who came spruced up as Santa Claus at a nursing home in Belgium's Mol to engage with people, coincidentally contaminated 75 individuals with Covid there. The man had created indications three days after the visit, following which he tested positive. "It was made with the best goal, yet it turned out badly," Mol's Mayor said.
How to check kid's vision at home- WebMD
Are you worried about your child's distant vision? Then you should be doing this before it gets too high. Myopia, or near-sightedness, is one of the most common vision problems in childhood. About 9% of kids ages 5-17 are near-sighted. Kids with this condition can usually see things close up, but struggle to see things far away. Check the video and find out how you could do it at home. QA
When Can I Began Giving My Baby Tub Baths- QnA
Once the umbilical cord falls off, and the circumcision and the navel are completely healed in cases of surgery, it's time to try a tub bath. Not all babies would like the transition, and some can be a little fussy too, so it is best to start with a sponge bath, introduce the baby with water for a week or so and then shift to a regular tub bath.
Home Treatments To Soothe A Teething Baby
What work's for other's babies might not work for yours so you might have to play different things out. You can try a cold teething toy, spoon or a cold pacifier, but make sure it's not too cold. One could also try offering an unsweetened teething cracker or massaging baby's gums with a finger while breastfeeding or otherwise. Try to avoid breakable plastics, water teethers, or a frozen solid.
Why is it necessary to have so many eggs while undergoing IVF?
The human reproductive process is inherently inefficient. Some eggs are immature. Some mature eggs won't fertilize normally. And there are many more reasons for eggs to miss the fertilization. So, that no eggs depend largely on women's age, the fact remains that in all women, most eggs will not lead to live births. Therefore, it is required to retrieve some extra eggs to be on the safer side.
Confinement: How Chinese tradition helps new mothers to recover from postpartum stress
The Chinese call it Zuo Yue Zi, which means "to sit a month." The Zuo Yue Zi is strict guidance as a new-mom is more vulnerable to infections and so Is not allowed to step out of her room, have a balanced diet with no cold food or cold nature food like watermelon, also at some places they are not even allowed to take a bath or brush their teeth, but has changed over the years.
Can you safely take antibiotics while breastfeeding?
In most cases, antibiotics are safe for a breastfeeding mom. First, it is important for you to know how medicines work. The majority of drugs which are present in the bloodstream will also be found in breastmilk but in a lesser amount. It also emphasizes that most of the medications pose no real risk to infants. However, there are still some exceptions and should be taken after consultation only.
The "HOLD" to quiet their cries
Newborn cries a lot, whether of any discomfort or something else. We don't know why they cry; we just want them to stop crying. In this video, Dr. Robert Hamilton Demonstrates how to calm a crying baby. His "The HOLD" technique surprisingly work wonders. Watch the video for a step by step guide.
Unwind the psychology on why some people don't wear masks – and how to change their minds
Yes, for sure we do have people with a different mindset who thinks wearing a mask, socially distancing within friends and family will keep them under threat. You have to be a thief to find one! Hence to such problems, officials need to think in a 'persuasion strategy'. Seeking someone wearing a mask will make others wear too; the guilt would make this person do it. There is more, swipe left.
Serve For 10 yrs After PG In Cadre or Pay 1cr Fine: UP to Govt Docs
In an offer to check the draining number of expert doctors in the Provincial Medical and Health Services (PMHS), the UP government has made it required for government specialists looking for the NOC to seek after post-graduate courses to serve in the unit for at any rate 10 years. The individuals who don't do so shall take care of back Rs 1 crore as punishment to the public authority.
Bharat Bio to Come Up with A Unique Nasal Spray Vaccine Against COVID-19
Bharat Biotech is expected to enter the initial trial, Phase-1 of its intranasal vaccines for coronavirus next month, chairman and MD Krishna Ella on Tuesday. The firm is in the process to set up two more manufacturing units for vaccines, including Covaxin. Currently, the leading companies in the race of vaccines are Pfizer, Oxford/Astrazeneca, Moderna and others.
First-Ever Indian Ayurvedic Hospital to Treat COVID-19 Patients from Age 1month-106 Years
Delhi Health Minister on Saturday praised Delhi's Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan for giving Ayurvedic treatment to 2,000 COVID-19 patients. "It is the main Indian Ayurvedic emergency clinic which has treated COVID-19 patients ageing from months to 106 years," he said. The medical clinic has been treating patients with a drink of turmeric milk and Indian gooseberry (Amla) powder.