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Word of pen to all the modern indian parents
Indian society is in the process of throwing out the older ways of parenting and are no longer a part of a joint family community. In continuous pressure of making their child look the best and stand out in the crowd, they are applying all the tricks and methods. Here is a word for them. Life could be a race, but parenting isn’t, whether you try your best or not, you will always win it.
Are You Ready for A Terrible-Two?
It is just 'Normal', and yes, it is a thing, a developmental phase which starts by tantrums. So, why does this happen? During this stage, your child wants to explore their environment and do what they want on their own terms. Now because their verbal and emotional skills aren't well developed, it becomes difficult for them to express. Well, anyway, HAPPY PARENTING!
Your stress can affect your baby, heartbeat increases
The interaction of mother and infant, especially in the early months of life plays a huge role in healthy development. Mothers suffering from mood disorders such as depression have difficulties regulating infant's negative affection, which is believed to create insecurities in children as they grow up. Babies are more likely to have shown such signs if a pregnant mother had the same.
Do not worry about sleep inconsistency of your newborn
New parents often expect their baby to sleep sane by the time they are six-months-old. Well, then 'Wake Up' because reality is different. Parents should view sleeping consolidation as a process and not a milestone. The pattern can vary even between two nights. Another research shows that breastfeeding and co-sleeping also has a role to play in night sleep disturbances.
Kids Learn More Effectively Through Storytelling Than Activities: Study Says
Researcher from the famous University of Bath says that "Old is Gold". The oldest form of teaching is the most effective way of teaching primary school children. This is weird as the modern way of teaching always compares the human example to identify and yield the best results. However, every child is different, and what works for one might not go for others, so do what's best for your kid.
ISRO to launch 42nd communication satellite of India on Dec 17
PSLV-C50 is booked to dispatch a correspondence satellite, CMS-01, on December 17 from Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC) SHAR in Andhra Pradesh's Sriharikota, ISRO expressed. CMS-01 is the 42nd correspondence satellite of India. It will offer types of assistance in Extended-C Band of the recurrence range which will incorporate Indian territory, Andaman-Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands, ISRO added.
Pune based Gennova Biopharmaceuticals, India's first mRNA vaccine gets a nod for phase1 human trials
India's first indigenous mRNA antibody applicant has gotten endorsement to start Phase 1 and 2 human clinical preliminaries from Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI). Pune-based Genova Biopharmaceuticals built up the COVID-19 vaccine volunteer, HGCO19, in a joint effort with US-based HDT Bio. The vaccination showed "health and immunogenicity" in rat and non-human primate models, Genova said.
Future Will See Unbearable 60ﹾC Temp Days, Warns World Economic Forum
A World Economic Forum report has said that the environment could become too hot for human beings by 2050s & could experience 60°C days. Further, by 2100s- Florida will disappear, south Spain will become a desert & up to 140 mn people will have to migrate. COVID-19 lockdowns have lowered 0.01C temperature in global warming but, green investment by Gov could change this up to 25% by 2030.
India ready to deliver 60 crore doses of COVID-19 vaccines in 6-8 months: Govt expert
India will convey 60 crore dosages of COVID-19 antibodies to the most vulnerable individuals in the following 6-8 months, said VK Paul, who drives the master bunch on COVID-19 immunization organization. The public authority has fixed up cold storage with temperatures between 2-8°C, he added. Paul said the public authority is yet to have formal talks with antibody producers on estimating.
Name the Rash- Meningitis
Meningitis is a serious infection that can develop very quickly. The most distinctive feature is a rash that doesn't disappear when you press a glass to it. The rash can be harder to see on dark skin. Check paler areas of your baby's body, such as the soles of the feet, the palms, and the tummy. But the rash doesn't always appear, earlier symptoms could be fever, stiff body, or flue like signs.
Touch shapes your baby’s brain
Touch is a fundamental sense of emotional and social associations. Babies need some touch effect to start bonding with their parents. Some studies reveal that skin-to-skin contact by parents and caregivers has an impact on brain development in babies. Researchers found a better brain response in babies for a pleasant and nurturing touch. It thus helps in cognitive & social development in babies.
One toddler, many approaches to the tantrums
Though eager to be independent, young children can't always move as swiftly as they'd like or clearly express their needs. They also tend to have trouble dealing with limits, compromise, and disappointment. This can lead to tantrums and misbehavior. But you can teach your toddler to behave well by providing love, clear rules, and a degree of routine. Consider these practical parenting tips.
Making Vaginal Birth Normal
Now that we have an option of having a c-section, natural birth is an outdated term. Vaginal birth might not be for everyone but it surely does have advantages. For example, the one who gets an epidural is more likely to have a greater incidence of C-sections, delivery through forceps & more. Learn to squat, start exercising, and more importantly pick a Doctor who’s into vaginal birth.
What is bronchiolitis, and how to take care of it in kids?
Bronchiolitis is a common lung infection in kids and young children. It causes congestion and inflammation in the smaller parts of the lungs (bronchioles) and typically peaks during winters. Since it is a viral condition it could hardly be prevented, but proper measurements like washing hands frequently, wearing a mask during appropriate times could help it stay away from kids.
Is telepsychology the future?
Yes, for sure. The pandemic has given a shift to many things including the healthcare industry. Telepsychology is not just a “thing” but is now a choice of patients and professionals too. On the other hand, personal meetings and facial expressions/behaviour plays a vital role in psychology. But hey, “it all depends on how we look at things, and not how they really are”.
How To Help Your Kid Avoid Car Sickness?
Nausea or travel sickness is a sort of motion disorder. It happens when the mind gets clashing data from the internal ears, eyes, and nerves in the joints and muscles. While reading a book or watching a video kid's inward ear will detect movement. However, their eyes and body won't which could result in nausea or loss of appetite. Watch more options on how to manage motion sickness in kids.
Multiple pregnancies may affect the body's physical aging process
Having children doesn't just make you feel like you've aged overnight – The cost of reproduction is high. A new study led by Penn State researchers found that the number of times a person gives birth may also affect the body's physical aging process, showing a “U” shaped relationship. No of Births either 0 or 5 has quicker aging than those with 3 or 4.
New study finds link between gestational age and ADHD in children with Down syndrome
Another investigation by the UC Davis MIND University finds an association between gestational age and ADHD side effects in youngsters with Down’s disorder. The examination, in Scientific Reports, focused on kids born at 35 weeks or more. It finds that shorter gestational age is connected to expanded ADHD indications later in youth.