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Is it safe to eat cheese while pregnant?
Well, it all depends on the type of cheese you eat. All pregnant women are advised not to eat mold-ripened cheese and blue-veined cheese Reason being the growth of bacteria called listeria, which could cause listeriosis. However, in contradiction, all hard or homemade cheeses are considered safe to eat. Swipe to view the list of cheese you should not be eating while pregnant.
Is my toddler drinking enough water?
This depends on several factors like the environment, & how active your tot is—being said that, as per the guidelines if he is 3-year old than should be drinking 3 cups& so on. You can check if he is drinking enough water by the color of the urine. If the color is pale/transparent yellow then it is a good sign, but if it is dark yellow, then it may need to up the water intake.
I am a formula milk-feeding mother, and I am not ashamed about it.
Breasts are the best-but not always. I am a formula feeder from day 1 because I wanted to, I had to. It was my choice to stay emotionally, physically and mentally fit. The pressure of doing it right, being present around my kid all the time scared me. The fear crippled as my first child barely could get any breast milk due to less production, so my reason is valid & I am not ashamed.
Can I put Heena (Mehendi) during my pregnancy? – Read from the experts
"Heena is a very popular natural hair dye available in most of the Indian houses. And yes, it is safe to dye hair with Heena but only with the non-chemical ones. It is advised to many, to avoid putting Mehendi while pregnant to avoid skin reactions. So, only natural Heena leaves or the organic packets available in the market- Dr. Ashwini Nabar
Seven reasons why your baby is crying and how to soothe them
There are apparent reasons why babies cry – your baby might be hungry or have a dirty diaper, for example. But other reasons aren't always apparent, such as a strand of hair that's wrapped around a tiny toe. Discover common reasons for babies to be upset, and learn how to make them feel better.
How to wrap a newborn in Indian style
Call it to swaddle, wrapping or lapetna your baby Indian dadi has got you covered. Swaddling makes your baby feel safe, helps her sleep for longer & peaceful times. In short, there are lots of benefits, and here is the step to step guide on how to wrap your baby like a pro. Remember to keep it tight and use cotton cloth for wrapping.
How do Tummy times help? Watch the most useful video for New moms.
There are several milestones that could be achieved just by putting your baby on tummy time. A mom after seeing the milestones track realized that her baby is missing several major milestones which are common at her age. She was advised to put her baby on tummy time, and within a week, her daughter decided to roll over! See the video and watch the importance yourself.
Your child’s social and emotional development
"Your child will start to develop socially and emotionally from birth itself. It will reach to emotional developmental milestones at certain ages too. 17% of children face development delays in life. A parent needs to keep track of milestones to know if the baby is delaying upon any. For example, by the age of 3months baby will start enjoying to play with caretakers and will react when it stops!
How to CPR an infant
It is necessary to know to do a CPR if you are a new parent or have an infant at home. One cannot wait until the emergency care arrives and could lose the golden time for CPR for your baby. Hence, it is never a harm to have some extra vital knowledge about the basics of life care. If there is no breathing, no response or normal movement by the baby than start CPR.
What are the signs that you might have to go under an Emergency C-section?
Whatever your birth plans are, things might change at the very end moment. Often C-sections are scheduled in advance. But at times they have to become a life-saving procedure. Placenta abruption could be one of the reasons for the planned C-section. When labour isn’t producing, contractions are too weak, the baby turns the side during delivery comes under an emergency C-section. The goal is to…
How do toddlers use stuff toys to deal with separation?
Let’s not get mistaken when kids play with stuff toys more than educational ones. As much intelligence quotient is a part of kid’s development, emotional quotient is too. It can be challenging for some toddlers to express themselves, and stuffed toys could be their partner when you are not. Your tot might take It hard to be away from you, and separation anxiety could be dealt with stuff toys here
It is stressful to have a newborn, what should I do to feel better?
Adjusting to the change in life could be overwhelming. Bringing a new life into this world comes with huge decisions and immense stress. Things could take a toll if you forget about yourself while adjusting to else’s needs. So here is what you can do. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, rest when the baby sleeps & forget about other work, give yourself some treats and lastly talk it out to someone.
For the dads to be-how, can you support your partner’s pregnancy journey?
Hey! All moms do know what pregnancy feels like, but certainly, not all dads do. Dads to be can help by being a reasonable observer here. They might not feel the first beat, or first kick but can help your partner in ways like. Give her a nice back massage when she gets tired, accompany your partner in antenatal appointments. You may not want to go to those lengths, but empathy could do a lot.
10 Simple Sensory Activities for Toddlers | DIY Baby Entertainment
Having a one-year-old is quite a tough one to entertain. They cannot be counted in babies anymore but also not as developed as a toddler. One-year-old needs to move, they have their preferences on what to choose for toys and their brain needs stimulation. But, also they don’t need much of toys or fancy games, it could be simpler than that. Watch the video and get some hacks
My kids are Anti-Social, what should I do?
Doesn't it seem more accessible when we as kids used to simply hang out on our routes with our other friends then today? Many parents might agree that social skills are a critical part of your child's life. Hence, there are plenty of ways that can help your kids develop skills at a very young age. One is by creating eye contact. Transfer the confidence you want to see by the magic of eyes.
Is it “OK” to bribe your child?
While bribes are bad, it's totally fine to provide an incentive for your child to behave well. "An incentive is something you offer before a confrontation, so it's about positive reinforcement” However to every action there is a reaction. Every continues bribing has long term reaction. And certainly, to bring the change, model the behaviour you want to see. This is one tip, swipe for more.
All You Need to Know About Your Child’s Safety and Coronavirus. Are They at Risk?
A virus that was detected back in the 1960s has got its name from the "crown" of proteins surrounded by viruses. It belongs to a family of viruses that ranges from MERS & SARS. As per the reports, COVID-19 has affected fewer children than adults. While symptoms almost remain the same, measures to take are-wear mask while travelling, hand hygiene and getting child vaccinated with influenza vaccine
10 Baby Care Skills Every New Parent Should Learn
The joy comes with equal responsibility. It can be quite a bumpy ride for the first-time parents for taking care of the baby. There could be several issues like bathing times, napping issues and changing diapers, but the video has got you all the required solutions to your problems. It is not the most complicated thing in the world but if guided than could become easier than expected.