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5 Parenting styles and their Effects on life
There are four commonly studied parenting styles: authoritative, permissive, authoritarian, and neglectful. Controlling to undemanding, frigid, and unresponsive to loving and receptive are the styles. Over-involved parents, who are present in every part of their child's life, have become known as the fifth type in recent years. They are also referred to as "snowplows" or "helicopter" parents.
Somogyi Effect
Also called the "rebound effect," it's when your blood glucose gets really high after it's been really low, typically while you were sleeping. If it happens a lot, you might need to check your blood sugar in the middle of the night. You can often prevent the Somogyi effect by having a snack in the evening or adjusting your insulin.
Do you know about BENTO LUNCH BOXES?
Bento boxes, as they are known in Japan, are fashionable lunch containers that have divisions for separating food and keeping it fresh. Color, texture, dish, and style are all options for sorting. Bento boxes are becoming increasingly popular around the world as a fun and quick solution to encourage children to eat their lunch.
How to Prevent Your Child From Developing Disabilities
One needn't do anything other than adopting healthy lifestyle choices. Giving your child the best possible start in life is an important. Appropriate prenatal care and early childhood health care are key, as some birth defects in utero are associated with developmental delays, emotional and behavioral problems, and learning disabilities. Fortunately, many common birth defects can be avoided.
Go for Coffee!
Regular coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of death and improved health outcomes. One of these health associations was a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, with higher coffee intake more often linked to health benefits compared to no coffee and low coffee consumption. Intake of 3 to 4 cups a day compared to none indicated largest risk reduction for type 2 diabetes, depression, etc.
How the food you eat affects your brain
You have a direct and long-lasting impact on the most powerful organ in your body when it comes to what you bite, chew, and swallow. Your decisions have an impact on the most powerful organ in your body: your brain. So, what foods are it that make you feel so drained after lunch? Or are you a night owl who is restless? Mia Nacamulli takes you on a journey through her mind to find out.
इम्पोस्टर सिंड्रोम
क्या आपने कभी यह विश्वास करने का अनुभव किया है कि आप उतने सक्षम नहीं हैं जितना कि दूसरे आपके बारे में सोचते हैं? आप सोच सकते हैं कि आप अपनी उपलब्धियों के लायक नहीं हैं और आप एक धोखेबाज हैं और आपने जो काम किया है वह सिर्फ किस्मत से है। मनोवैज्ञानिक पॉलीन रोज़ क्लेंस और सुज़ैन इम्स ने पहली बार 1978 में इम्पोस्टर सिंड्रोम की सूचना दी थी, आज यह अनुमान लगाया गया है कि 70% लोगों को एक बार इस तरह की भावना का अनुभव हो सकता है।
Hyper-glycemia and Hypo-glycemia
These are the doctors' ways of saying your blood sugar is high or low. (A good way to remember the difference is that the "O" sound is in both "hypo-" and "low.") Usually, hyperglycemia is over 160 mg/dL, but your doctor may have set a different target for you. Sometimes people have high blood sugar in the very early morning, called the "dawn phenomenon." Hypoglycemia is usually less than 70 mg/dL.
बहुत अधिक स्क्रीन समय, कंप्यूटर विजन सिंड्रोम
हमें फोकस की जरूरत है, हमें अपना काम पूरा करने की जरूरत है, हमें मनोरंजन की जरूरत है, हम इसे कहां ढूंढते हैं। हम में से अधिकांश के लिए एक डिजिटल विंडो आवश्यकता या समाधान है। कंप्यूटर या स्मार्ट फोन के सामने ज्यादा समय बिताने से आंखों पर जोर पड़ता है। थकान, सूखी आंखें या सिरदर्द भी हो सकता है। ऐसे तरीके हैं जिनसे आप दूरी को समायोजित करके या स्क्रीन की चकाचौंध को कम करके प्रतिकूल लक्षणों को कम कर सकते हैं, और पढ़ें।
What’s Wrong with Overscheduling Your Kids?
Overscheduling can burn out our Kids. Children who are involved in too many activities with little to no downtime have a high chance of experiencing burnout. When parents place too many expectations on their kids, they also have an increased potential to burn out. If you feel that your child is feeling overworked or overwhelmed by their daily activities, you need to know which ones can be cut back
Understanding myths before and after pregnancy
In order to be a good satisfactory parent, it is critical for new parents to understand their personal idea of what that means for them. Being conscious of the fact that you might have had certain expectations about how you would behave as a parent, and understanding why you might have had those expectations, can help you make sense of your feelings if things don't turn out the way you had hoped.
Parenting Hack 101: Teaching kids to wear shoes correctly
To get your kids to put their shoes on the correct feet. Cut a sticker in half and glue it on the inside of your children's shoes. Give the kiddo something to lean his back against while he puts on his shoes and socks. You'll be amazed at the difference you'll see for a lot of kids simply by letting them lean up against a wall when they sit on the floor to put on and take off shoes and socks
High Contrast Sensory Baby Video
Sensory videos can be a great way to encourage visual stimulation and eye coordination, but it is also important to remember that babies need multi-sensory activities to promote development. Enjoy this high-contrast video with added movement and calming classical music by J.S. Bach to share with your baby.
Vitamin B-complex and D supplements in Diabetes
Micronutrients are potential preventive and treatment agents for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Vitamins B1, B3, and B7 help your body break down glucose to use for energy. Low vitamin D levels have been shown to be predictive of the future development of type 2 diabetes. Increasing vitamin D serum levels to normal led to a 55% relative reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Does your Hands and Feet itching? It might be first sign of Diabetes
A skin problem is sometimes the first sign of diabetes. One of these skin conditions is eruptive xanthomatosis, which can make hands and feet itch. It’s caused by out-of-control diabetes, and it goes away when the disease is managed well. It can also make you itchy on your arms, legs, & buttocks. Other signs of eruptive xanthomatosis: Small, yellow bumps on skin Redness around bumps High cholesterol
दांतेदार दांत, आपकी मुस्कान को ढँकते हैं
क्या आपने बच्चों में सबसे ऊपर घुमावदार दांत देखे हैं? मामेलन एक दांत के किनारे पर एक गोल गांठ होता है, जो नए फटे स्थायी दांतों पर होता है। वे आमतौर पर एक उम्र के रूप में गायब हो जाते हैं, कभी-कभी वे लंबी अवधि तक रह सकते हैं। ऐसी स्थिति का सामना करने वाले लोगों को काटने में परेशानी हो सकती है, या व्यक्ति को परेशान करने वाले दांत एक दूसरे के खिलाफ रगड़ सकते हैं। दांतेदार दांतों की समस्याओं के इलाज के तरीके के बारे में और पढ़ें
Preventing Childhood Obesity : Eating Better , Moving More
Obesity increases more as children get older. For ages 6 to 11, at least 1 child in 5 is overweight. Over the last two decades, this number has increased by more than 50 percent and the number of obese children has nearly doubled. For most children, being overweight is the result of unhealthy eating patterns. Since these habits are in early childhood, efforts to prevent obesity should begin early