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Kangaroo mother care tips
Skin to skin contact between mother and new-born is Kangaroo mother care. Studies reveal the positive outcomes of KC in premature babies and have decreased mortality care. It not only improves the bonding between parents and children but has resulted in boosting immunity and reduce postpartum depression. It can be practised by father and new-born as well.
Things to take care when treating baby skin
Baby skin is very gentle and delicate. It needs the utmost care and keen eye for any infection as of lower immunity; they are more prone to get infected easily. So as soon as the baby is born, a midwife would clean it and give it to you. Once the baby reaches home along with you, try to give a bath with lukewarm water, not too hot or cold. The bath should not exceed to more than 5 minutes. LINK: h
Effective Home Remedies for babies with diarrhea
Diarrhea lasting more than 24 hours could cause severe dehydration, however certainly depends on the consistency. It is less likely for doctors to prescribe over-the-counter medicines for kids and should not be taken in any case on own. There are ways to stop diarrhea with these 5 home remedies which could stop and not harm your infant’s gut system. The key is to prevent your child from.….
Meditation for kids: When and How to introduce it to kids
Probably you would want to avoid your toddler while you are meditating. But hey! we just have the perfect tricks to help your toddler meditate with you. It will help him introduce a discipline, kindness and calmness in his life. Make up a story: Always meditate with your kids and start with a story. Seat cross-legged in a comfortable position, hands on the knees or tuck in the lap, eyes closed.
Know the difference between baby blues and Postpartum depression (PPD)
Majority of the women faces baby blues immediately after giving birth. However, to misunderstand postpartum depression with baby blues could make situations neglecting and make it a long-term problem. All the symptoms of PPD are similar to baby blues however, the major difference comes down to, for how long you have been feeling it. Baby blues goes away faster than PPD.
Tricks to Develop Social Skills in your Children
Schooling is not enough to expose your child to other people. Environment refers to an exposure that can help your child develop its creative skills which indirectly will help him increase his confidence. By coming in contact with a different class of people at an early stage will surely help him grow personally. Engaging in outdoor activities and self-development is also a part of social skills.
Know the Science Behind Tummy Time
Chiropractors explain by a theory saying the more the head remains to flatten and in the same position, more difficult it gets to overcome gravity and your infant will remain to one suitable side posture in sleep frequently. Parents think it is typical behavior and the head shape of the infant remains unnoticed which is often observed by the paediatrician during the first physical examination.
Is it normal for newborn to cry too much?
Responding to crying is all that your newborn needs, though not always but understanding their needs will help her grow and develop. Crying of your newborn is normal and it usually begins after two weeks and reaches its peak at 6 weeks, luckily for most babies it ends in 12-14 weeks that is around 3-4 months old. This pattern of crying is known as "Colic" and is normal.
Many first-time mothers have the question, is it the time to feed my baby solids? Well, it depends on the personal development of every child. However, experts say that solids should not be started until your baby is 6 months old till then you should keep it on breast milk or bottled/powdered milk. The reason lies behind the physical development as the gut is yet fully not developed for solids.
5 most helpful ways to handle a three-year old. Dealing with a toddler not always needs you to be a trained and experienced mother, you are probably reading this with one eye open and the other eye constantly on the kid seeing if he is on some mischievous mission. In the starting it might get complicated and frustrating but will surely help you manage the future years.
5 Things to Keep your Toddler entertain even during the Pandemic
· You are probably just too tired by all the things not going around but what is happening at your house with a three-year-old. As a working parent, there would be days where you feel relaxed at work and not at home and also at this moment you wish to go back to work as soon as possible because you are missing your normal routine more than household chores; where your kids could come quite handy.
Know the difference between baby blues and Postpartum depression (PPD)
Majority of the women faces baby blues immediately after giving birth. However, to misunderstand postpartum depression with baby blues could make situations neglecting and make it a long-term problem. All the symptoms of PPD are similar to baby blues however, the major difference comes down to, for how long you have been feeling it. Baby blues goes away faster than PPD.
Can your baby have Lactose Intolerance if you Breastfeed?
Breastfeeding can be a cause of lactose intolerance. However, this does not promote to stop breastfeeding if your baby is lactose intolerance. Breastfeeding can cause lactose intolerance only if the fat level in the milk produced is low. What happens is due to less fat in milk, lesser it stays in baby’s stomach and lactose does not break down properly which leads to indigestion and intolerance.
Downs Syndrome- Not A Challenge Anymore
· It is a genetic disorder that is caused due to an abnormal cell division of the 21st chromosome by either having one more, or an extra material that causes developmental issues and physical changes. A better understanding of your child with Down syndrome and early support can improve the quality life and make them capable to be independent. Your child can do anything like a normal person.