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Nurturing your child’s brain before he turns 5?
Learning was never limited to books, readings or going to school. You can have fun and learning both at the same time as your child. There is much more and beyond from teaching the alphabets and colours which is important for early brain development for your child. Executive Function skills largely focus one: • Attention • Impulse control • Working memory • Planning
Reality Check-I Am Not the Perfect Mom, But That's the Best Thing About Me
I focused on so much of trying to be a perfect mother that I totally forgot the parent he actually needed. He does not want an A+ mom who is struggling every single day to show how flawless she is. All this while I was trying to become a reflection of someone else's image and between those, I completely forgot the actual mindful parenting skills: fun, creativity, and that magic which was missing.
Traditional parenting by Dr. Swati Lodha: Beautiful yet pungent description
We often talk to others on how good our children are, about their grades, their notorious activities& more, but have we ever thought of asking our children how they would like to be brought up? Well in that very case, take a pause, ask yourself, do you want a kid that obeys all your instruction or you want a child that respects your efforts and work you have put in to reach where they are today.
Tips to reduce screen timings for toddlers during quarantine?
We love to hate it, but cannot live without it. It is every parent’s dream for their child not to watch television or use mobile phones excessively, but they also cannot resist themselves from allowing it to their kids. It will provide you with short term relief but goes terrible for the long. Kids watching television or using a mobile phone are more likely to have childhood obesity and...
How to make a toddler be a nonresistant preschool-child?
I have a five-year-old kid, and even after a year of schooling he still cries almost every other morning, he comes back to me, throws tantrums and makes my day harder than ever. He just can’t do it. It is quite usual for your child to behave as such because a) She is highly attached to you and has separation anxiety or b) There is something off into the school happening with him.
Is Creativity the new normal?
Gone are the days when parents wanted their child to be either a doctor or an engineer; now the era has changed where creativity has been given equal importance as of academic skills. Mindful parenting plays a significant role in the development of creativity in children. A study reports that the environment can have a positive impact on problem-solving skills and improves concentration power.
Ways to Survive Being A Single Mom in The Society
Mai split up with her husband when her daughter was 1 year old. Her husband abandoned both of them and left the city for good. He started his new life as soon as he left Mai, on the other hand, she was shattered, didn’t know where to start from. First-year went by, it was all about experimenting, chaos and hard decisions. It was rough as things have started getting back, she told her future self.
HOW To Over Come A Miscarriage Emotionally?
Miscarriages are becoming very common with women nowadays. Dealing with it could be a lot more difficult than it might seem. As much the attachment with the baby increases the pain of losing the child doubles. We are sorry if you had to go through this, but read this article, you might feel better. Tips on how to hold yourself if you have ever faced a miscarriage.
Are you planning to have a baby soon? Know Where to Start from
There is no denying that good news could be overwhelming in the start. You might have questions on what is safe? What to do for your baby and is it normal, should I opt for breastfeeding or formula milk? Emotions can take you away but as time passes by things will get going. To calm your nerves down here is the list of 6 things you need to take care of before planning a family.
Things that no one would tell you if you are a first time parent
Upon realizing that you are going to become a parent soon, you would be imagining all about cuddles, snuggles, and cute smiles and laughter. When reality kicks in your thought process completely change. Just because your baby doesn't sleep without you, or cries often doesn't mean you are not a good mother. Every mother's experience is different and every child will respond differently.
What is EQ? Know why is it essential for your child to have a higher EQ
Psychologist Daniel Goleman reports that intelligence quotient (IQ) at the most makes up to 20% of the success into your life; However, the remaining, such as wealth, emotion, empathy…. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is not defined during childbirth and sees no boundaries and could help the child develop higher empathy, social responsibility and decrease in anxiety levels.
Nutritional Smoothies for Toddlers
The most versatile way of making smoothie is by adding green veggies, the very berry smoothie is a perfect go-to for every mother who has hard time with tot & veggies. These smoothies can be customised according to the need; it is the perfect way to provide nutrition and fun at the same time. The key to make this smoothie fun is by adding colors! Hey, talking about natural colours only!!
Do we need to tell on how to parent a child? - Parenting tips
You need to know when to step in and step out of your parenting mode. You can provide care, fulfil his needs to an extent, but that does not mean you own them. This dance of steeping in and out is what you are going to do. You need to understand that your children are here to be the ultimate beings, they will have to fight their own battles, live their own life, at least one day.
Living with Type 1 Diabetes, Story of Tom.
Tom is a 10-year-old chap. He has type-1 diabetes and is different from his other friends. However, Tom can do all the other activities which all his friends do, but with extra care. He is well-informed about his disease and so does people around him like his teacher, friends, family members and his parents. Tom is a strong and independent boy who makes his daily routine fun. How? See more
What is the definition of a strong daughter for you?
"Its high time, we realize the difference between being strong physically and being ill-mannered while Emilia has a different approach to teaching her daughter of being strong. Emilia anticipates that being kind is an expression of being strong. She is raising a kind child and not a weak woman and believes that it is a time to change perceptions of others. Read the story of Emilia and her 2-year-
Are you a controlling parent or a practical one? How do you know that you are overprotecting him or just being normal? Try to observe your behavior and other parents around you of the same age to compare. If you get self-realisation then it is the time to step back by trying to hold your emotions and let your child learn the consequences of his decisions. Interesting? Want to know whether you are
Please be kind to toddlers and especially to their parents
As her kids were struggling to jump on the sofas and cushions, her mom was trying to resist them as much, possibly she could. Out of the three, the two were climbing on the curtains while the other one tries to escape her mother's comfort. As the waitress comes to take the order, she furiously looked into her eyes, and even without looking at the ala-carte, she says 3 ice-creams and 1 coffee.