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Getting Through the Quarantine with A Toddler
As pandemic is the only talk in the world, but you are probably just too tired by things happening at your house with a three-year-old. Certainly, it is not forever and even at times when you have to work from home, handle your toddler & let him do household chores as well. The only thing you can do is stay calm, & be positive. See the tips on how come out as the best version of yourself.
Does it feel too much pressure to be a modern Indian parent?
Alia is exhausted, her five-year-old attends kindergarten, then goes straight to her dancing class, sleep in the afternoon, goes to her basketball class, and if she gets time she can play with her friends outdoor. Does this even look real? But certainly, this is the story of many parents who is over exhausting their children. Remember Parenting is not a race, it is love, respect and time you share
Are you dealing with anger management issues being a parent?
Do you ever get angry at your kids? Well, then, you are not alone. Many would-be thinking of getting mad at their kids is OK, especially when they have done some wrong things and you have to face a hard consequence of that. Anger is a natural emotion, and it comes out easily. But sometimes we need to grab upon those hard feelings and let your little munchkins express them as well. What say?
What is the APGAR score?
The APGAR score is a simple numerical assessment that rates how a baby is doing at birth. The test helps the doctor quickly determine whether your newborn might need additional medical assistance. Anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar developed this scoring system in 1952 & modern hospitals worldwide still use the Apgar scale to make an immediate assessment of how ready your baby is to meet the world
Parenting Tips by Sudha Murthy
The Serpent's Revenge – Unusual Tales from the Mahabharata, Sudha Murthy's book is talking about parenting and tips. “Child is a sponge, they absorb everything around them”- Murthy says, if parents do not want their child to dig themselves in mobile phones, you should not do the same. She further says you are the role model of your child, there is no Sharukh Khan and Sudha Murthy as a role model.
How celebrities are parenting their children
In an interview with kidsstopress , Kajol Devgan describes her way or the highway parenting style. Well, she definitely agrees on how she wishes would not be parenting her elder child, but will not experiment anymore on the younger one. Isn’t it exciting to see how celebrities do the same things as normal parents do? She adds further- Family support has made her parenting easier
Have two kids and find them struggle playing? Then it is the ultimate answer to all your questions
Dr Laura Markham shows on how to deal with a toddler and a newborn on sharing upon things. Teaching to share things, being empathetic over their siblings could be tough and you might even lose your temper at times, however, if you watch this amazing, ultimate video all your problems would come to an end. It will help your siblings get along and give you some tricks too!
How to parent your child? Let’s focus on becoming a better parent than raising a better child.
Your child asks you “Guide me, how do I do it? and you say of course I will. You then realize he is not able to do it, or is he not able to do it “YOUR WAY”? So, it is the time to back off and let your child fight their own battles. You can fulfil his needs to an extent, but that does not mean you own them. See the line, know the line, don’t miss the line and don’t overpass the line
Does my infant knows her name?
Your baby is going under a lot of changes during the first-year milestone and therefore some might even go unrecognized. There is a big change when a baby starts recognizing its name, which directly means that baby has started associating sounds with objects and individuals which takes place between 5-9 months. However, there are many other things which are significant as physical development.
My child lost her first fight in wrestling, but I am very happy
"Life Is a competition, till the day one dies”, words Mahavir is telling his 10 years old. He knows he is being harsh on his daughters, and won’t understand it yet, but he is slowly nurturing his daughter for success. His daughters seized the words into their mind and celebrated their loss as nobody else did. Today the daughters are Geeta and Babita Phogat, Gold Medallist in Commonwealth Games.
Different types of parenting: A video says it all
Since all the blogs are about how parenting should be, how you should parent your kids, which most of the parents don’t like so here is the video summarizing all about how children could feel on your parenting actions and also how it looks like from another side of the table. It is a must-watch video, I bet you will laugh a lot.
Things to do instead of bribing your kids
If all your hack fails and you can’t stop yourself from bribing your kid for some basic behavior you can try mom’s magic! So instead of saying no to certain thing at the same moment, take you time and engage your kid with some other work and later you can politely replace their demand to your wish. Kids tend to distract and forget faster than adults and hence this trick should surely work
Has your tot started lying to you, is it a sign to be worried?
At younger age child lies for their entertainment. Yes! It is one of the most common motivation for them. They love to tell a story and continue till they can. It is exciting for them. So, from next time when you catch your child lying just try to push it and see what story comes up. I bet it would be hilarious. Lying in child is quite common but to what extend it goes, you need to read it.
How to prepare your first child for your coming second one
The happiness and love your first child have brought in your life can’t be measured. Preparing your first could be unusual at first but might turn the tables and make it challenging to handle. Start from the beginning, let your child understand the curiosity and take him along with on this journey. Get toys for the older ones rather than for the newborn. Make the elder one feel special too.
What to do with Tot tantrums in public
You cannot prevent your toddler giving you outbursts; Wasn’t this told you before? It comes in their job description, and it is a very significant part of their profile. Tantrums mostly starts when people are around because tots are clever, very clever and they know that you will hardly resist their needs when people are around. What can you do in this situation? Stay calm and do not bribe.
Do you prefer JOINT FAMILY over NUCLEAR one?
Having more than 3-4 members in the family could give your child an extra dose of love and support. When grandparents are around, they can be the best babysitters, helping hands and an amateur who literally is the solution to all of your problems. Kids living with a joint family are naturally coming up to become a socialize "keeda". There are Pros & Cons to this.
Facing Difficulty Sleeping with a Newborn?
Are you co-sleeping with your infant? The sleepless nights show up in the morning where tough gets tougher. A research done by Mao and co-author shows that there are higher chances of your baby waking up night more often than a baby sleeping on a crib. Have you ever realised the reasons behind it? Sharing the same bed also known as "Cosleeping" might result in more awakenings.