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How did you come to life? Welcome to life- Hashem Al-Ghaili
A video by Hashem Al-Ghaili shows how you have been formed in your mother’s womb. An incredibly beautiful depiction of how a coagulation of just two cells can divide and forms human kind. Who is Hashem AL-Ghaili? Hashem Al-Ghaili is a science communicator and a video producer. He is best known for his infographics and videos about scientific breakthroughs
How to Get Your Kids to Listen and Engage | Kris Prochaska | TEDxBend
Kris Prochaska by using her intuitive insight, diagnostic skills and experience of years will load you with some tips on how to get your child to listen to you. Why do we always ignore our kids and try to suppress them with our thoughts? Can we do this with adults? Have we ever behaved like we do with kids? No, right? then why not try and explain our little ones in a simpler form.
Reusing the inserts of the cloth diapers: How to make sure they are germ-free
Cloth diaper inserts are the fast gaining popularity among the new mother. These are great alternatives to disposable diapers too. Although washing the inserts are easy to ensure that the insert is absorbent. Best diaper insert is bamboo; they are known to absorb more than the traditional cotton inserts. Bamboo made fabric can wick away the moisture and help keep baby's but dry and happy.
Do this to keep our baby safe before he starts crawling
"You wouldn’t have imagined it, it is your nightmare but, can happen. Unintentional injuries are the top killer amongst children in western countries & in India. Do you know that children can drown in just 1-inch of water? So, keep your toilet & water tank lids always closed. Make sure to unplug the wires when not in use. There are many such things to be taken care of, but we often neglect.
What is so unique about Finland’s parenting style?
It is not about how much leave a dad or mom gets or about gender equality, but what your child deserves at this stage as what are his rights says the family minister of Finland, Annika Saarikko. Parents in Finland never stress about their child’s education instead, the schooling starts only once the child is of 7 years, and early years are spent in making their child more creative and active.
Is it safe to fly with my newborn?
It is recommended to wait until the baby turns six weeks old. It will give you time to settle down with the baby and also will help the baby to develop its immunity against prone infections, in the case of C-section it is definitely not safe for the mother to travel and should take six weeks more before the journey. Lastly, one also has to make sure that the newborn is vaccinated.
How to wrap a newborn in Indian style
Call it to swaddle, wrapping or lapetna your baby Indian dadi has got you covered. Swaddling makes your baby feel safe, helps her sleep for longer & peaceful times. In short, there are lots of benefits, and here is the step to step guide on how to wrap your baby like a pro. Remember to keep it tight and use cotton cloth for wrapping.
How do Tummy times help? Watch the most useful video for New moms.
There are several milestones that could be achieved just by putting your baby on tummy time. A mom after seeing the milestones track realized that her baby is missing several major milestones which are common at her age. She was advised to put her baby on tummy time, and within a week, her daughter decided to roll over! See the video and watch the importance yourself.
Your child’s social and emotional development
"Your child will start to develop socially and emotionally from birth itself. It will reach to emotional developmental milestones at certain ages too. 17% of children face development delays in life. A parent needs to keep track of milestones to know if the baby is delaying upon any. For example, by the age of 3months baby will start enjoying to play with caretakers and will react when it stops!
How do toddlers use stuff toys to deal with separation?
Let’s not get mistaken when kids play with stuff toys more than educational ones. As much intelligence quotient is a part of kid’s development, emotional quotient is too. It can be challenging for some toddlers to express themselves, and stuffed toys could be their partner when you are not. Your tot might take It hard to be away from you, and separation anxiety could be dealt with stuff toys here
It is stressful to have a newborn, what should I do to feel better?
Adjusting to the change in life could be overwhelming. Bringing a new life into this world comes with huge decisions and immense stress. Things could take a toll if you forget about yourself while adjusting to else’s needs. So here is what you can do. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, rest when the baby sleeps & forget about other work, give yourself some treats and lastly talk it out to someone.
My kids are Anti-Social, what should I do?
Doesn't it seem more accessible when we as kids used to simply hang out on our routes with our other friends then today? Many parents might agree that social skills are a critical part of your child's life. Hence, there are plenty of ways that can help your kids develop skills at a very young age. One is by creating eye contact. Transfer the confidence you want to see by the magic of eyes.
Is it “OK” to bribe your child?
While bribes are bad, it's totally fine to provide an incentive for your child to behave well. "An incentive is something you offer before a confrontation, so it's about positive reinforcement” However to every action there is a reaction. Every continues bribing has long term reaction. And certainly, to bring the change, model the behaviour you want to see. This is one tip, swipe for more.
Parenting 103 - Don't pamper your child too much
What happens when you pamper your child a lot? What are its side effects? If you do not think that you are pampering your child than it is a must-watch because parents usually live in a bubble that “I am not such parent” allow us to pop your bubble and see how can you make your kid become a better person when reaches adulthood.
Are Helicopter Parents Ruining a Generation?
Initially, helicopter parenting appears to work, says Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult. “As a kid, you're kept safe, you're given direction, and you might get a better grade because the parent is arguing with the teacher.” But, ultimately, parents end up getting in the child’s way. A must watch video on helicopter parenting, I bet you do not want to miss it! A must-must watch
Things that no one would tell you of being a first-time mom
By the personal experience of Diana Eidelman, a counsellor for more than 20 years now explains how difficult it could get for an experienced career-oriented person but to a first time being a mom. Drawing from her own experience, Diana shares the insights of experiences that could challenge a working mother more than anything. Awesome interaction & communication is the key- she adds.
Need-to-know, potty training tips
Below are the few tips to potty train your baby 1.Make sure he is ready, do not rush into the stage to potty train your baby 2. Let him choose the kind of chair he would like to be trained on 3. Buy some wonderful cartoonist underwear to inspire him 4.Keep a check to track the progress. 5.Inspire him by playing his favourite jingles while he is pooping.
Heard about STEAM education before? know what it is.
STEAM stands for S-Science, T-Technology, E-Engineering, A-Art, M-Math. The approach of STEAM education shares common goal. It requires gathering & experimenting with ideas providing proof to support them. STEAM education starts earlier in life, however, that does not mean teaching your kid equation or theories using flashcards. But, it is a practical given approach to teach your kids about STEAM.