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A Must Know to all The Parents- When to Not Start CPR In an Infant
In case your child does not have a carotid pulse, (the pulse you feel over your neck and ear region) only then you should start CPR. If your infant is choked, you should NOT start CPR immediately as the pulse will be there, the heart is still working, only breathing has stopped which means you have to unchoke your baby and then check the pulse and start CPR.
Ways You Can Boost Child's Focus and Attention Span
Some children can focus more than others. This lack of focus can prevent them from showcasing their actual talent to the world. But there is some good news. They, if cultivated early in life by solving age-appropriate puzzles, outdoor activities, structured environment and proper food can bring out the best version of themselves and help build focus in the early stage of a child's life.
This Store Sold Only Black-T-Shirts for A Day and This Is What Happened
Yes, one size fit all in this store. This Fashion store decided to sell only 1 size & 1 colour for every customer. After the complaints Manager of the store (Kids) came and spoke about, “If one size doesn't fit everyone, why do they have the same expectation from every kid”? Each kid is different, their needs need to be nurtured and guided differently. The stunning message by Bournvita is eye-
Introducing Bottle to Your Breastfeeding Baby
Maybe you are planning an evening out or willing to return to work soon. So which kind of bottle to opt for? Try a slow-flow nipple; this will make your baby feel just like breastfeeding. How much milk should you give? As per research, a 1-6 months baby consumes 750ml/day. Hence, you can adjust accordingly. Proceed with your regular breastfeeding schedule, and you will be just fine.
61,000 Babies Die in UP Within 24 Hours of Birth Each Year
While a girl's body is not prepared to carry a baby due to a young age, she gets pregnant. Underage marriage and anemia are one of the major reasons for the death of the newborn in UP. Data processed by UNICEF shows that of 55 lakh babies born in UP each year, 1.6 lakh dies. 1 out of 4 women goes for the regular checkups, 33% of babies are born at home & 75% are deprived of mother's milk.
Why Does My Child Feel She Has to Lie?
Children aren't naturally deceitful. A child who often lies is under too much pressure of some kind. As a parent, your job is to find out what is wrong and help find a better solution. You might say gently, You don't have to lie to me. Tell me what the trouble is, and we'll see what we can do." Some support and letting your child express can help her feel comfortable to talk about.
How to make siblings cope up?
While you are pregnant, it is good for your child to know what is going to come That way, he can get used to the idea gradually. Of course, you will have to gear your explanations to his level of understanding, and no amount can make him prepare for what's next in the plate. Your job is to begin the dialogue, answer his questions and reassure him that you love him as much as you did before.
Can you make your baby smarter?
The short answer is yes… but NO. Experts say that half of the person's intelligence is dependent on genes and other half is contributed by factors like nutrition and earlier experiences. This is regarding intelligence which can be measured by standard IQ tests. There are different kinds which contribute equally to your child's career, like emotional intelligence or emotional quotient.
What is the Role of a parent in today’s world?
Sadhguru, a Yogi, mystic and a spiritual master says nobody, nobody has ever known the best way to parent their children. However, by trying to work on inner self will surely help you bring up a pure and beautiful human being. Create an atmosphere of joy, happiness and positivity around you, it will naturally build up your child likewise.
Parenting Strategies in the Time of COVID-19 | Kate Eshleman, PsyD
The social distancing guidelines and school closings brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak have amplified the pressure on parents to do it all. How can parents and caretakers lead their kids’ education on top of managing their own work responsibilities and household duties? Child Psychologist, Kate Eshleman, PsyD serves up some insights on how to deal with disrupted routines and new demands.
How to do CPR on an Infant (Ages Newborn to 1 Year)
It is necessary to know to do a CPR if you are a new parent of having an infant at home. One cannot wait until the emergency care arrives and could lose the golden time for CPR for your baby. Hence, it is never a harm to have some extra vital knowledge about the basis of life care. If there is no breathing, no response or normal movement by the baby than start CPR immediately
What is going wrong with your parenting skills?
If your children aren’t succeeding then you are doing something wrong, what your kid will become is controlled by you. Talk on such comparative parenting topics by Yuko Munakata, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder, her articles have been featured in The Atlantic and top scientific journals.
Get your facts right- Glass or Bottle feeding
Your baby may give you clues about which he likes better. Some things to consider: Plastic bottles are lighter than glass and are shatterproof. But they may not last as long as glass. In the past, some parents chose glass to avoid a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) that is used in some plastic bottles. Now, all plastic bottles sold in the U.S. are BPA-free.
Planning to bring a new member into the family: We have got you some tips
You are most likely to conceive during the mid of your menstrual cycle. The first day of the cycle is when you start bleeding while the last day is the day before you get into periods. Number of days differ to every woman; it could range from 20 to even 45 days. Best time to have sex is from the 11th-16th day of the cycle. A woman’s egg stays active for one day while a sperm could last for 7 days.
Going out with your baby in pandemic
It is hard to stay at home but harder to step out of the house. You are bored and need some fresh air. Yes, you are right and you can and should step out if you want to. Make sure the weather is not too cold or hot, avoid the crowded places, consider baby’s safety & yours too. Try not to overdo it. You are still recovering from birth and do want want anymore hassle in life.
Why are puzzles important for your preschooler?
Apart from the physical and motor skills, puzzles do a lot more than that. “There is no better way for your child to gain an understanding of the world around them than by allowing them to manipulate it as per their wish”. When they make the art, join the pieces, recognize the shape and build the memory, their problem-solving skills are developed.