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Are You Feeling Tired Every Now And Then: Check Your Vitamin Intakes
Constant fatigue can be a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. However, even after having a healthy diet, you are feeling extremely tired then it is time to visit your doctor. This is one of the symptoms of a condition called "pernicious anaemia" and not just anaemia. It is a rare blood disorder in which the body can't properly use vitamin B12, an essential vitamin for healthy red blood cells.
How to make your child have his own strong opinions
Be it a 3-year-old or a 5-year-old, always try and discuss thoughts with him. Ask him how does he feel about something, what are his opinions and why he feels this way. The key here is to expand their horizons of thinking and allow him to discuss their thoughts. It can be as simple as discussing over a movie they love or even having a healthy debate on why they do not want it the veggies!
I Want My Kid To Be Independent And Stand Up For His Views
While many people in the country still think about getting good grades and competition, I feel my kid is much more skilled than them. He surely doesn't get high grades always, but he knows the meaning of independence, kindness and finances. He is 10 years old and knows how to manage his pocket money. He might not excel in everything, but he will surely excel as a great human being.
What's Sperm Freezing: Best For Incompetent Couple
Sperm freezing is the cryopreservation process where potent sperm cells from a man are put away at incredibly low temperatures for use sometime in the future when he wishes to have kids. They can also be used for the donation of sperms to other couples. In contrast to the way toward freezing women's eggs or embryo, sperm freezing is moderately fast and simple while likewise being cheaper.
Breastfeeding Hurts In the First Week- Solved
The most common complaint from the new moms is the sore nipples, especially when feeding for 3-4 times a day. Check how she is latching; the large portion of the areola should be in her mouth. Try different positions from, laid-back, cross-cradle or underarms too. Make sure you wipe nipples gently with a moist cotton cloth; this will prevent any infection from the left-over debris.
Baby sleep simplified
Baby has just come out of the womb and is unaware about the day and light patterns. Que is, is there any sleeping pattern? Ans is NO, there is not such a pattern at this stage, although they can sleep at a stretch of 3-4hr. max. Now, since they wake up quite easily, it is good to have some soothing sound while the baby sleeps, this will help create a comforting environment and prolongs the sleep
Formula Feeding Concerns: Is Soy Milk Safe For My Newborn?
Usually, cow's milk formula is recommended for the newborns and is considered safe too. If the child is hyper allergic or intolerant only then he may recommend soy formula milk. However, both stand equal nutritious value. Also, there is no study claiming any harmful effects of soymilk on a child's development. More kids from western countries are reported lactose intolerant than newborns from Indi
Newborn Fun facts
Do you know that newborns are short-sighted? They can only see up to 20-30cm in front of their faces. But, by the time your baby reaches one or two months when you move things around her eyes, she shall focus on the objects and build up her eyesight. By the end of the fourth month, she can see close-up-colours and shapes more clearly. One can develop the vision by playing with colourful objects.
It was tuff, but I am glad I chose this: My experience of normal delivery
We went to the wedding on my due date. We had several false alarms before and thought this one was too. I started feeling light contractions during the reception. It got more frequent and had to go home. As we reached home, it got worse, and the 20 minutes' drive to the hospital seemed forever. We went to the hospital to know that we are still 6 hours away. And this happened next.
A Must Know for All The Parents- Treating Burns And Scalds
As your baby explores the world around them, they may come into contact with something that can burn or scald them. In this video, an NHS health trainer shows you how to treat your baby's suffering from burns or scalds. Various key factors for diagnosing and treatment are discussed like the use of cold water over the affected area or when it becomes necessary to approach for medical help.
How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children | Lael Stone | TEDxDocklands
How did your parents respond to you as a child when you were upset? Can you see the impact of their imprints in your life as an adult? This talk explores all these questions, along with how the lack of emotional literacy in our culture has significant power when it comes to parenting. It explores how compassion, empathy and mindfulness have a place in raising children also in our education system.
What to Feed Your Pre-Schooler in Lunch: Indian Edition
By the time your child reaches preschool, they should be able to feed themselves. Your child should be eating from each of the food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and meat. Your job is to decide what foods are offered and when and where they are eaten. Plan regular meals and snacks and make sure to give your child enough time to eat; also give them choices on the plate on what to eat.
Unique Birth Traditions Around the World- China
In China, children are known to be potty-trained before they turn one. Some families reportedly start training their babies as soon as they learn to hold their heads up. Babies wear crotch-less pants while parents hold them over the potty and make a specific whistle-like sound. Some families still follow this ancient practice. Well, Indian babies are also well-trained with the whistle sound!
Newborn Fun Facts
Newborns are natural swimmers. They can hold breath when underwater and even splash their arms and legs. She can start swimming whenever you are ready. It is essential to make sure that the baby does not get too cold. If you are accompanying the baby, then wait till six weeks. Take time to heal the wounds, and you can jump off after that. But remember, supervision is always necessary.
What Type of Personality Does Your Newborn Have?
She is an individual; her personality is different than yours. She might be calm or more excitable. While some are regular in eating & sleeping, others need to be woken up for feeding. Do you know when babies open up their eyes, they are taking in the information from the world? It will not take more than a month for you to figure out her type. And do share with us too!
There Is a Lot to Learn from the Movie RIBBON
The storyline of the movie will keep you hooked throughout. The shock of the unplanned pregnancy of a young career-oriented couple took their nerves down. Kalki plays the role of a reluctant parent, and a feminist to the best while her daughter becomes a target of sexual abuse. The disturbing life of the couple and lack of communication between the 3 brings turmoil to an unexpected outcome.
How to Sleep, Train Toddlers and Big Kids
Being a theatre nerd, we had a tradition called "Toga Night". I tried to use the trick with my son. So, whenever he would come out of his bed, I would throw a cream pie onto his face. Well, I am not telling you to do this, but now you know where to start from! Practicing a new bedtime play could help you maintain a proper night schedule"- A frustrated father of a 3-year-old.
Mother's Day fun fact (Although each day should be Mother's Day)
• It is always the second Sunday of May • In 1914 former U.S President Woodrow Wilson declared Mother's Day as a national holiday • 50 countries around the world celebrate this day • There will be 20 million new moms by the end of December 2020 • Also, don't forget about the step mom's too!
Baby Massage: Helping Digestion (Video)
If your baby is suffering from colic or constipation, it is distressful for the baby. Continious crying makes it stressful for the mother to take necessary steps to ease up baby's condition. Massaging is useful activity to relieve baby's pain, here are some tips and tricks which elaborates the significance of massaging in context of motion of hands, pressure allowance and much more.
What Toddlers Eat Around the World- Denmark
Danish toddler's food is similar to their neighbors- Germany. They love potatoes and meat. Kids are usually fed on potatoes and meatballs and chopped salads. Also, another staple is classic split pea soup with mustard and bread. Every Danish child would love it. They get their job done. Easy and simple to chew food like a sandwich made with ham, fish, cabbage, beets and Danish cheese! That's it.