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Healthy and Tasty Rice Dishes For Kids
Rice is an integral part of our diet. It is nutrition-rich that makes it a favourite cooking ingredient for every mom. This video has brought five tasty, healthy, and super-easy rice recipes for kids. Children get bored by eating similar food every day. Here are some best rice recipe ideas for kids that you will surely enjoy preparing, and your children will surely relish eating.
Over-parenting: what is the line?
You are the best mom/dad, remember this line. Now coming to the word over-parenting; it is typically a sign when you overburden your child with the set of your rules & regulations. A researcher from the University of Arizona says People who engage in over-parenting are not adjusting their parenting and letting the child have greater autonomy; they still want to control all the child's outcomes
I want my boys to respect me while still enjoying with me"
While every dad wants to be a buddy friend of their sons, they also want their sons to respect them equally. The thin line between both is invisible and maintaining the balance is essential. When taking up the role of good and bad cop, the key is to keep reversing the roles, and being on the same page with the other members of the family. Read the story of Uchit Arora on the query.
Steroids boost survival of preterm babies in low-resource settings, a new study finds
The results of another clinical preliminary, presented in the New England Journal of Medicine, shows that "dexamethasone"—a glucocorticoid used to treat numerous conditions, including rheumatic issues and extreme COVID-19—can help endurance of premature babies when given to pregnant the drug crosses the placenta and accelerates the lung development & resolves the respiratory problems.
I am struggling to look after my child in my husband's house- QnA time
Hi, I gave birth to a baby boy a few months back. My marital family, before my pregnancy, never seemed to be happy enough by my efforts, and there are way too many ups and downs currently. I never got any chance to spend some time with my baby, and because of that, he didn't get to eat any good fruits or veggies. I feel my husband seems uninterested about our son's health. What should I do?
An actress who lost her son shares a pen on world prematurity day
Back in 2017, the Bollywood actress Celina Jaitley had given birth to his second set of twin boys, Shamsher and Arthur, but unfortunately the former couldn't survive due to premature birth. She has talked about it on the occasion of World Premature Day. Sharing pictures of Arthur, she wrote, "Remember lots of Kangaroo care, breast milk, putting your faith in your doctors...can work miracles."
The complexity of my breastfeeding journey
I had opted for a C-section as the fluid levels were low. I did not go into labour naturally, and so my body took its time to release colostrum. As my baby was born, I was terrified, but after a few seconds of trying, she latched on, and I breastfed her for the first time. It was easy. But as the numbness was going away, my optimism was too, I could feel the pain, and things worsen over days.
Impact of Television (T.V.) on Children – Positive and Negative Effects
Television now has become an essential part of a kid's life. It can either inspire your child for good or may influence their life for bad. The power it holds is immense, and hence it is significant to have the control in your hands. The personality your child develops with the help of T.V. is great, but are you aware of what your child watches in your absence? Read the article to know the answers
7 Interesting and Fun Word Games for Kids
Wondering what word games do for your kids? Well, it improves their memory and develops in them a love for learning and reading, among many more benefits! Watch this video for some amazing ideas for word games for kindergarten kids. There's nothing better than kids word games to develop your children's reading skills, letter recognition, spelling, and vocabulary, while they have fun!
How to Control Anger At Your Toddler?
It surely doesn't help when you talk about the endless problems of your life. But it doesn't work if we get angry at a child asking 'WH' questions. This is who they are! It is showing their rarity to a particular task and also achieving a developmental milestone. So, be happy that you have a tot who is curious about the world and who knows might become the second Picasso, Einstein or a legendry ac
Let's Teach Empathy Beyond Liking and Sharing Pictures on Social Media
Life has become busier than before. With the help of technology, conversations have become easier than in previous times. Feelings are limited to just the time of the stories Because this is what todays' kids & teens have become & will be worse in the coming years. Empathy is putting yourself in other's shoes &understanding the pain, but how can we if we are busy measuring our shoes all the time?
Newborn Fun Facts from South Korea
In South Korea, babies are considered one year old on the day they are born, unlike the system across the world. This also means that babies turn a year old every January 1. Hwang Ju-Hong, a member of the country's national Assembly, believed Korean ages are antiquated and inefficient and earlier this year they passed a bill making the standard way of international counting a mandatory method.
Easy Peasy Rangoli Designs You Are Waiting For
Diwali is around the corner. So, what if you cannot visit your friends and families this year, but you can make these beautiful designs at your door's steps? Do you know the term Rangoli comes from Sanskrit word "Rangavali" which means bringing good luck? People across make Rangoli during different occasions & in southern India, they make it almost every day & calls it "Kolam".
How to Take Care of Mental Health Among Children During Pandemic
There hectic schedules- online zoom classes, online exams, assignments with little to no outdoor activities can take a toll on them. Your teen’s life has been under a turmoil since more than 6 months-resulting into anxiety, and depression. A balanced life with a healthy diet, some outdoor activity and cycling can have tremendous changes in their mental health status! Don’t believe us? Then Try it.
When will My Baby Stop Crying?
The unremitting crying of your infant is sufficient to send any parent on a crazy ride of feelings, from stress to disturbance and fatigue. The uplifting news is, these cry-fests are typical. The terrible news? They could continue for the following, not many weeks. Their GI and the sensory system are as yet changing and developing, and the baby is still adjusting to the environment.
Stretch Marks Are Preventable: Watch the Video
Want it or not, stretch marks are a bitter truth of every pregnancy. Some may like to flaunt some don't. Hence, we have got you a video which can help you prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. By keeping some simple things in mind, one can avoid marks. Dr Aradhana Singh is a senior gynaecologist and obstetrician at Fortis hospital and will give you the perfect advice you are looking for.
Willing to Boost Your Child's Memory: Read This
Do you know that the human body has a part of the brain which is responsible for memory storage? For children, it is advised to form Mind maps. It will not only join the dots but also makes a visual appearance and stays for a longer time. Since it takes around 8 secs for the brain to process information, it is recommended to focus on something for at least 8-10 secs to store it in the memory.
Stop Worrying About Your Child's Academics
You are not wrong if you think that the way to survive on this planet depends on the number of marks he scores or the field he chooses as a career. Life skills cannot be learnt from books; you need to accept that and tell him the truth. The journey is not as pleasing as you have made it for them but a hike of hurdles, success and failures too! So, talk about life experiences than discussing marks.
Stop Worrying About Your Child's Academics
You are not wrong if you think that the way to survive on this planet depends on the number of marks he scores or the field he chooses as a career. Life skills cannot be learnt from books; you need to accept that and tell him the truth. The journey is not as pleasing as you have made it for them but a hike of hurdles, success and failures too! So, talk about life experiences than discussing marks.
Is it the time, should I go to the hospital now?
The start of labour is called the latent phase. This is when your cervix becomes soft and thin, and starts opening for your baby to be born. This can take hours or, for some women, days. When you have a contraction, your womb tightens and then relaxes. For some, contractions may feel like extreme period pains. Watch the video and get some learnings on when to rush for hospital.