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Lazy Keto: All you need to know about this new weight loss diet plan
As a more straightforward version of the keto diet, lazy keto does not include a high proportion of fats in the diet. It only requires one to limit their carbohydrates to 10 percent or less of their daily calorie intake. It focuses on just consuming 20 gm of carbs in a day as compared to a regular keto, a 20-40 gm carbs/per day, a moderate protein intake of 20 percent of daily calories, and a high fat intake of at least 70 percent of daily calories.
Waking up at this time is considered best for your health
In ancient times, according to Hindu sacred texts, it was believed that one should wake up in the Brahma muhurta. It is an auspicious period that begins 1 hour 36 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before it. It is good to wake up before the sun rises when there are loving (sattvic) qualities in nature that bring peace of mind and freshness to the senses. If not before, then make sure you wake up with the sun but not after sunrise.
All you need to know about the Delta Plus variant of the novel coronavirus
Medical experts say it is too early to predict the effectiveness of the existing vaccines on the new variant. A detailed study would be required to establish any effect of the mutant on the immune system. Although the Delta variant was first detected in India, the mutant of it is found in Europe. With almost having similar symptoms to infected patients, it has not yet suppressed India with its effect.
स्तनपान के दौरान स्तनों में दर्द होने का क्या कारण हो सकता है?
अतिपूरित स्तन या दुग्ध नलिका में से सही प्रवाह नहीं होने पर आपके स्तनों में सूजन व असहजता हो सकती है, यह एक पीड़ादाई स्थिति है जिसे मैस्टाइटिस कहा जाता है। यह तब होता है जब दूध आपके स्तन में ही फंसा रहे और दुग्ध नलिका से निकलकर आसपास के ऊत्तकों में पहुंच जाए। आपके स्तन का प्रभावित हिस्सा लाल और संवेदनशील लगेगा और आपको बुखार जैसा महसूस हो सकता है। अपने शिशु को स्तनपान करवाती रहें ताकि प्रभावित स्तन से जितना संभव हो उतना दूध बाहर निकल सके। अपने डॉक्टर या स्तनपान सलाहकार से शिशु की लैच और दूध पीने की अवस्था देखने के लिए कहें। यह सिर्फ एक कारण है, इसके और भी कई कारण हो सकते हैं।
One magic food: Tiger nuts
Tiger nuts, also known as chufa, yellow nutsedge or earth almonds, are not actually nuts, but rather edible tubers. Video shows the emerging health benefits of tiger short, wrinkled parts of the plant stem, and they're packed with fiber, potassium, iron, and vitamin E! Also, tiger nuts are extremely rich in amino acids, helps maintain insulin production, which means are great for diabetic patients.
Know your micronutrients and their importance
This area of nutrients has suddenly gain traction, especially after the pandemic hit. With the COVID situation putting in the spotlight the need to build a strong immune system is more than ever important. For a long time, the focus was only on Vitamins A, C, and D. However, today the order has changed and the focus has also shifted towards the significance of Zinc, the most underrated micronutrient before.
Balancing mind and body for an emotional turmoil
Focusing on the present. In case a mind wanders onto the worries or the past than try and bring it back into the present. After accepting the agitation, worry, and angst as normal and not judging it to your present environment will help you release your mind from discomfort. We allow the negative experiences to unfold, again and again, however, it is not the experience which is negative, it is our self-talk that is.
Half of young adults with COVID have persistent symptoms 6 months after: Study
COVID infection leaves a huge impact even after recovery. The study from the Bergen COVID-19 research group followed a group of infected patients during the first pandemic and analyzed the post-recovery effects on the patients. The study concluded to find out that there was a higher correlation between high antibody levels and symptoms in isolated patients. The most common symptoms were loss of smell/taste, shortness of breath, impaired concentration and memory problems.
Reason to support why coffee is good for your health
Do you know that drinking one to maximum two cups of coffee a day could help you ward off the risk of heart failure? Ah yes! There is good news. The case of coffee is stronger than ever. Study after study has shown you are getting more benefits from your morning beverage than you think. With fully packed of substances it could help take off conditions more common in women, including Alzheimer’s and heart disease.
Four essential herbal ingredients that can help boost immunity
Herbs are known to have antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. But did you know that Tulsi is highly effective in keeping infection away? It helps against common respiratory infections and relieves stress, & anxiety. While Guduchi supports by promoting vitality, activating WBC, and pacifies mucous membrane, making it effective against asthma. Herbs are known to have antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties.
Dieting impacts a person's energy balance by altering gut microbiome: Study
Dieting impacts a person's energy balance by altering gut microbiome: Study
क्या एसी या कूलर चलाना नवजात शिशु के लिए सुरक्षित है
हां, यह सुरक्षित है, आप इसके प्रति कुछ सावधानियां बरतें। अधिकांश डॉक्टर मानते हैं कि नवजात के साथ कूलर या एयर कंडीशनर (एसी) का उपयोग एकदम सुरक्षित है। शिशु को गर्म, वायुहीन और आर्द्र वातावरण में रखने से बेहतर है कि उसे ठंडे वातावरण में रखा जाए। कुछ विशेषज्ञों का मानना है कि ठंडे और हवादार कमरे में शिशु आराम से सो पाते हैं। यह एसआईडीएस (अकस्मात शिशु मृत्यु सिंड्रोम) के खतरे को भी कम करता है। वहीं, दूसरी तरफ अत्याधिक ठंडे कमरे में रहने से शिशु के शरीर का तापमान घट सकता है और उसे ठिठुरन हो सकती है। एसी या कूलर चलाते समय शिशु को सुरक्षित व आरामदायक रखने के लिए आप निम्नांकित सुझाव आजमा सकती हैं।
Is Holding pee bad for your health?
A healthy adult bladder can hold up to 16 ounces, or 2 cups, of urine. This is great news if you’ve only had one cup of coffee, but not so much if you find yourself on cup number three with no restroom in sight. Humans should urinate at least four to six times a day, but occasionally, the pressures of modern life force us to clench and hold it in. How bad is this habit, and how long can our bodies withstand it?
Your early age grey hair could be because of excessive stress, study says
While it may seem intuitive that stress can accelerate graying, the researchers were surprised to discover that hair colon can be restored when stress is eliminated, a finding that contrasts with a recent study in mice that suggested that stressed-induced grey hairs are permanent. The study has broader significance than confirming age-old speculation about the effects of stress on hair color, said the study's senior.
Natural ways to lower blood pressure
High blood pressure affects a large proportion of the world’s population. While drugs are one way to treat the condition, there are many other natural techniques, including eating certain foods that can help. Controlling your blood pressure through the methods like cutting down on sugar, eating berries, and eating high in calcium foods can help lower the risk.
The AstraZeneca vaccine has slightest increase of blood clotting risk, says Research
After delivering 1.17 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines 379 cases of low platelet and blood clots events have come out. However, the CEO of the British Society of Immunology suggests that the risk-benefit ratio is the point that should be considered. And hence, despite the potential risks of receiving the vaccine, the study notes it’s important to acknowledge its benefits