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How to avoid the traps of overparenting & help children become self-made adults.
No parent is immune. We all love our kids dearly and want to do everything and anything for them, starting from the infancy stage. But the minute they start walking, you realise that they are walking away. As a parent, you need to be rather helpful and help them realise the responsibility of being independent. Listen to what a Harvard professor has to say about it.
पहली बार माँ बनने के बाद कैसे रखें खुद का खयाल
पहली बार माँ बनने का एहसास जितना सुखद होता है, यह एक माँ ही समझ सकती है। एक नन्ही सी जान को जब हाथों से स्पर्श करते हैं, उससे बेहतर कुछ हो ही नहीं सकता पर यह एहसास जिंदगी में अपने साथ-साथ बहुत सारे परिवर्तन भी लेकर आता है इसलिए कुछ परिवर्तन ज़रूरी हे जेसे की, शरीर को गर्म रखें, डिलीवरी के बाद हमारा शरीर बहुत कमजोर हो जाता है शरीर में पानी और खूून दोनों की बहुत कमी हो जाती है। शरीर खुला हुआ होता है ऐसे में शरीर को गर्म रखना बेहद जरूरी होता है। ठंड शरीर को बहुत ज्यादा परेशान करती है। इसलिए शरीर को गर्म रखना बेहद जरूरी है। इसके साथ-साथ गर्म कपड़े पहनना और विशेषकर सिर को ढककर रखना जरूरी है।
Raise yourself, before you raise your kids:Parenting tips
Sadhguru looks at how a child needs a friend, not a boss. If we enforce our ideas upon a child, he will lose his sense of independence, and this could result in rebelliousness l Once you become a parent, the most important thing is that you have to be 100% straight. You just have to protect them from the wrong influences, At the same time, they should remain free from your influence, he points out.
What is the reason to stop aspirin before a surgery or tooth extraction?
Cardiac patients on aspirin therapy may require extractions for their diseased teeth. It is a common practice among physicians and dentists/surgeons to stop aspiring prior as it may lead to fear of bleeding complications. Aspirin is a blood thinner so, even a small cut on the body can make it difficult to stop the bleeding and hence doctors make sure they stop aspirin prior to treatment.
Magic Mushroom' Psilocybin as Good as Antidepressants: Study
The magic ingredient in "magic mushrooms" may be at least as effective as standard medication for depression, an early clinical trial suggests. The study of 59 patients with major depression tested the antidepressant against psilocybin (found in mushrooms) and after 6 weeks, just 2 doses of psilocybin were as much effective as an antidepressant.
COVID-19 and Diabetes Can Be a Deadly Mix
Simply having diabetes didn't raise a COVID-19 patient's risk for death: The study found that COVID-19 death rates among people with diabetes were similar to those among people without diabetes. But the patients who were taking insulin to control are 75% more likely to die than ones being treated with metformin-the first line therapy for type-2 diabetic patients.
Could High-Dose Fish Oil Raise Odds for AFib?
Many people take fish oil to protect their heart, but a new study suggests that prescription versions may raise the risk of a common heart rhythm disorder, leading to a heart attack. According to the American heart association, prescription lowers the triglycerides by 20-30% which is a positive outcome but medications are equally controversial as the benefits for heart are still unclear.
Symptoms of heart attack you might not know
Atypical symptoms were most common among older people, especially women. A quarter of heart attack patients who have these symptoms and are less likely to receive emergency care, study reveals. These patient with atypical symptoms is most likely to die within 30 days than those with chest pain. Atypical symptoms include breathing problems, extreme exhaustion and abdominal pain.
क्या मेरे बच्चे को स्तनपान कराते समय कॉफी पीना ठीक है?
गर्भावस्था के दौरान कॉफी का सेवन बढ़ते भ्रूण को नुकसान पहुंचाने के लिए जाना जाता है, लेकिन बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं कि कैफीन स्तन के दूध में मिल सकता है और आपके बच्चे के सिस्टम में जमा हो सकता है, जो उसकी नींद में बाधा उत्पन्न कर सकता है और चिड़चिड़ापन पैदा कर सकता है। एक दिन में एक या दो कप के लिए अपने सुबह के जॉय को सीमित करें। (और हम वेंटी-आकार के कप के बारे में बात नहीं कर रहे हैं!)
The power of placebo
The placebo effect is an unexplained phenomenon wherein drugs, treatments, and therapies that aren’t supposed to have an effect and are often fake, miraculously make people feel better. What’s going on? It is anything but a “real” medical treatment. It could be in a form of a pill or a fake “shot”. What all placebos have in common is that they do not have any active component/ that affect the medical condition.
COVID-19 to be more lethal in men than women: Article review
It's long been known that obesity is a risk factor for severe COVID-19 in infected people. But new research suggests that the connection may be even stronger for men than women. The inflammatory response in infected men has shown higher cytokine than in women due to which the severity increases. However, obesity has nothing to link with cytokine levels in the body.
Use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 care can immediately stop the pandemic: Scientists
Peer-reviewed research has assured that worldwide ivermectin use can end the Covid-19 pandemic, as the medication essentially lessens the danger of getting the destructive respiratory infection when utilized routinely. The basic antiparasitic ivermectin is being promoted as a marvel solution for Covid-19 by specialists and campaigners the world over.
Do you need supplements?
As per the reports it is found that people in India are highly deficient to Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. It is hence recommended that everyone in India might consider taking these supplements especially during winter as it is not possible to get enough from the sun and Vitamin B12 from the meats. Supplements can be very effective to help accelerate the improvement of health conditions.
STOP! Read these warning signs before buying groceries.
Just because a packed food seems tastier, fresh and claims to be healthier does not always mean it is always healthy. Hence there are some of the important unknown warning signs that you should be knowing. For e.g. Ingredients can be disguised by using different names, like sugar can be listed as honey, nectar, corn syrup or as glucose, fructose etc.
Can bowlegs be prevented?
There is no known prevention for bowlegs. In some cases, you may be able to prevent certain conditions that cause bowlegs. For example, you can prevent rickets by making sure your child receives sufficient vitamin D, through both diet and exposure to sunshine. Learn how to safely get vitamin D from sunlight. Early diagnosis and detection of bowlegs will help you and your child manage this condition
क्या बच्चे को पूरे दूध के गिलास में थोड़ी चीनी मिलाने से बच्चे इसे बेहतर तरीके से पचा पाएंगे?
नहीं, चीनी मिलाने से आपके बच्चे को दूध को पचाने में कोई मदद नहीं मिलेगी, लेकिन यह मीठा पेय और खाद्य पदार्थों के लिए एक उत्साह को बढ़ावा देने की संभावना है। जब आपका बच्चा लगभग एक साल की उम्र में गाय का दूध पीना शुरू कर देता है, तो आपको थोड़ी चीनी मिलाने का प्रलोभन हो सकता है। चीनी की लत हो सकती है और भविष्य में अस्वास्थ्यकर वजन बढ़ने, मोटापे, मधुमेह और हृदय रोग के कारण बन सकती है। उच्च चीनी सामग्री वाले भोजन आपके बच्चे के दांतों के लिए भी हानिकारक होते हैं। जब आपका बच्चा लगभग एक साल की उम्र में गाय का दूध पीना शुरू कर देता है, तो आपको थोड़ी चीनी मिलाने का प्रलोभन हो सकता है।
The journey of 9 months
From the excitement of the new coming to counting the due date, the journey is all worth it. The emotional ride of the 9 months takes you to the most beautiful destiny of your life. As the baby develops, a mother’s body grows too. She aims to become a better person, to make the best of her time and invest her all into the newborn. The video takes you to this ride.