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स्तनपान माताओं को टाइप 2 मधुमेह से बचाता है
शोध में पाया गया कि स्तनपान कराने से इंसुलिन संवेदनशीलता में सुधार होता है और माताओं में ग्लूकोज चयापचय तेज होता है। स्तनपान अग्न्याशय (पॅनक्रियास) में बीटा कोशिकाओं की संख्या और गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाता है, जिससे टाइप 2 मधुमेह के विकास के जोखिम को कम करने की संभावना है। 2 महीने तक स्तनपान कराने से मधुमेह का जोखिम आधे से कम हो जाता है और 5 महीने मे अधिक से ज़्यादा कम हो जाता हे।
Why is tummy time is given so much of significance?
Tummy Time is one of the baby’s first exercises and is the period during the day your baby spends awake and on their stomach. It is a crucial exercise for a baby’s motor, visual, and sensory development. Baby can begin it as a newborn till their first year. It prevents flat head syndrome (positional plagiocephaly) and a twisted neck. One should start with a few minutes going to longer sessions.
Sugar not so nice for your child's brain development, study suggests
Kids being the highest consumers of sugar, very less is known about the harmful effects of sugar on the development of the brain, especially the hippocampus. New research has shown in a rodent that daily consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages impairs performance on a learning and memory task in adulthood. This also affected the gut microbes that regulated digestion and health.
What does Co-sleeping with babies do?
Co-sleeping is when parents bring their babies into bed with them to sleep. It is associated with an increased risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) including (SIDS) and fatal sleeping accidents. For example, some parents believe that it helps their babies feel safe and secure. Also, some find it more practical. Breastfeeding and resettling during the night can be easier.
Drug free ways to treat your ADHD child
ADHD can be controlled naturally and behaviour therapy is the first line of treatment for children under 5. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in natural remedies for ADHD. Omega 3, Nutritious and high-fibre foods can help stabilize energy levels. Exercise helps the ADHD brain function more effectively hence aerobics, yoga has positive effects on attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity.
Emotional Quotient: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide
Emotional Quotient (known as emotional intelligence ) is the ability to be smart about emotions. A child with a high emotional IQ, explains Gottman, is better able to cope with his feelings, soothe himself, understand and relate well to other people, and form strong friendships. With a well-developed emotional intelligence, a person tends to form good moral standards for himself.
Your go to guide to an infant massage
Even if you’ve never done any infant massage before, massage strokes are easy to learn and the benefits are numerous. To begin, rub your hands together and then with oiled hands, start at the shoulders and flow downward. The slower the stroke is, the more relaxing it is. When you work on the belly, go in a clockwise motion as digestion flows clockwise. Last, massage muscles, not bone or joints.
What Is Helicopter Parenting really all about?
Helicopter parenting means getting involved in a child's life in a way that you are overcontrolling, overprotecting, and over perfecting him. It can develop for a number of reasons like fear of dire consequences, anxiety, overcompensation, etc. Its effects are widespread, but affect children as decreased confidence and self-esteem, Undeveloped coping skills and sense of entitlement undeveloped life skills.
5 Incredibly Fun GAMES to Teach Self-Regulation (Self-Control) | Early Childhood Development
Teaching kids to have self-regulation is one of the most important character traits we can teach. Experts believe that kids who master self-regulation become masters of their learning, are more critical thinkers, and make healthier choices; and the benefits are life-long. Self-regulation is something that develops as we mature, but is there something to help kids develop or strengthen this important skill?
5 alternatives to bribing your kids
Parents often use bribes to get their children to stop doing something undesirable but in long run it is harmful. Instead of bribing, Encourage them to set their own realistic, achievable goals. Create an environment that nurtures their self-worth and self-confidence. Praise your child’s success discuss with them how they feel when they are successful. Limit external motivation.
5 खाद्य पदार्थ जो आपके बच्चे के मूड को नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित करते हैं
बहुत से माता-पिता को नहीं पता होगा कि बच्चे के आहार का उनके व्यवहार पर भारी प्रभाव पड़ेगा। कुछ लोग जानते हैं कि मिठाई, उदाहरण के लिए बच्चे के अतिसक्रिय हो सकते हैं, लेकिन मनोदशा-परिवर्तन केवल कारण है। क्या हम जानते हैं कि डेयरी उत्पाद बच्चे के मूड और व्यवहार को भी बदल सकते हैं जो बच्चों को चिड़चिड़ा, कर्कश या आक्रामक बना सकते हैं। हालांकि, चीनी एक बच्चे को अतिसक्रिय होने का कारण बन सकती है, जब तक कि वे संपूर्ण खाद्य पदार्थ-आधारित आहार नहीं खा रहे हों।
The Crocodile’s Tears, When Does It Stop and Shed it for Real?
Newborns cry right after there existence into the outside world; indeed, it is the most memorable moment for every parent but little did you know that babies don’t shed tears while crying. Most babies begin to shed tears sometime between the ages of two and three weeks. By this age, the lacrimal glands are developed enough to produce a significant number of tears noticeable while crying.
Minecraft, a game: The introduction
Minecraft is a sandbox-adventure video game. The style is called "sandbox" because it provides a creative landscape with no fixed goal and endless possibilities. Its blocky design is rather kid-like, too. It is an open space for kids to make their own rules. The more you play, the more you learn what to do, such as Redstone and different kinds of ore, to make ever-more-complex tools and structures.
Dads are not required during the first few days of the birth
No, dads are equally important as mothers. The intense connection between a mother & the baby might keep dads wondering with a FOMO. But one needs to understand that she is undergoing a huge change and your support could do wonders for her. Ever heard about kangaroo father care!? Yes, it does happen & is almost similar to mother care. The benefits are infinite and help improves the bonding too.
मुझे कैसे पता चलेगा कि मैं पर्याप्त स्तनदूध का उत्पादन कर रही हूं?
जब आप अपने शिशु को स्तनपान कराना शुरु करती हैं, तो दूध की आपूर्ति को लेकर चिंतित होना एक सामान्य बात है। शिशु का वजन बढ़ना और अपनी उम्र के अनुसार उसका सही विकास, इस बात का सर्वोत्तम संकेत है कि आप पर्याप्त दूध का उत्पादन कर रही हैं। स्तन दूध की ज्यादा आपूर्ति बनाने और उसे जारी रखने के लिए शिशु को बार-बार और जब वह चाहे तब स्तनपान कराना महत्वपूर्ण है। अगर, आपका नवजात काफी अधिक सोता है, तो हो सकता है आपको उसे नींद से जगाकर ज्यादा बार स्तनपान करने के लिए सौम्यता से प्रोत्साहित करना पड़े। यह आपके स्तनों को और अधिक दूध उत्पादित करने के लिए उत्प्रेरित करेगा।
Harsh Parenting Is Equal to Slower Brain Development
A new study shows that an abusive or a harsh parenting style in the childhood has a long-term negative effect on the emotional well-being of the child in future life. Evidences also shows that the harmfulness of this nature could also slower the process of brain development leading to changes in the parts of brain which is responsible for the emotional& social development of the child.
गुड टच और बैड टच: अपने बच्चे को कैसे अंतर समझाएं
अगर आप अपने बच्चों को बताते कि क्या सही है और क्या गलत है। आप उन्हें यह भी कहते हे कि झूठ बोलना अपराध है, फिर उन्हें यौन पहचान का महत्व क्यों नहीं सिखाया जाए? हालांकि यह एक आसान विषय नहीं है। बच्चे को पता होना चाहिए कि किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को कभी भी उन्हें या उनके निजी अंगों को छूने की अनुमति नहीं है। यदि आप अपने और बच्चों के बीच संवाद खुला रखते हैं, और जानते हैं कि उनके अधिकार बहुत कम उम्र से हैं, तो उनके लिए जरूरत के समय में संपर्क करना आसान हो सकता है।
Can Banana also be a reason for Food allergy?
Food allergy is the most common cause of anaphylaxis in children. However, banana is not one of the highest allergenic food. But as per the evidence presented by researchers in the PubMed journal shows an incidence of a 4-months old baby boy with a history of eczema to be presented in emergency room with the symptoms of vomiting and cyanosis when tested, showed positive for banana and extracts too.
Word of Advice, Let Your Parents Babysit Your Child
When it comes to babysitting, today’s modern families are less likely to turn over older sources. But, with all the physical, emotional, and psychological changes their comes a sense of security, a true love, and lots of free help and advice. Their brain might proceed slow but heart runs for the family. Hence, you know your bringing up so, your child will always be in a safer hand!
Unknown Benefits of Breastfeeding Beyond the First Year
All of the health and developmental benefits of breastfeeding continue for your child as long as you nurse. Although, colostrum the first milk has more nutrients than ever but breastmilk continues to act as a shield to your baby. The nutrition it provides helps to compete your child’s daily requirement for growth. In addition, it provides immunity and prevents major illness.