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स्क्रीन समय सिर्फ़ सीमाओं के बारे में नहीं है, आप इसे मजेदार बना सकते हैं
क्या आप उस भूमिका के बारे में उत्सुक हैं जो स्क्रीन मीडिया को आपके बच्चे के जीवन में निभानी चाहिए? आश्चर्य है कि क्या स्क्रीन का समय हानिकारक है, या अगर यह सिर्फ मीडिया का दूसरा रूप है (किताबों की तरह) जिसका उपयोग आपके बच्चे को सीखने और बढ़ने में मदद करने के लिए किया जा सकता है? बच्चों के लिए शिक्षा मीडिया का चयन करते समय, अपने उद्देश्य को याद रखें। डिजिटल दुनिया में देखने के लिए बहुत कुछ है। बहुत सारे व्याकुलता और एनिमेटेड श्रृंखला वाले ऐप्स से बचें। आकर्षक ऐप्स, ई-बुक्स और गेम्स देखें।
Take Care of This While Holding A Baby
Ever remembered the first time you held a baby. The moment you take the little ball of cushion in your hands you somehow start shivering. But now being a mom/dad, it will be a daily chore. So, what are the must things you need to keep in mind. First, have a clean sanitized hand. Second, make yourself comfortable first. Third offer support to the head and neck region, and hold gently.
Low Milk Supply While Breastfeeding: Know the Possible Causes
An always hungry baby would make you question whether you have enough milk to feed him or not, consequently, many thoughts could cross your mind about weight, health and growth if enough milk is not supplied. Hence, there could be many reasons for your worries. Certain medications like pseudoephedrine, and in fact few herbs such as peppermint, parsley also disrupt the milk supply.
Can Holi Chemicals Pass into Breastmilk?
It’s Holi and what better time to express the feeling of joy and gratitude to life. But along with that one needs to take care of precautions as chemical colours get easily absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin and might find its way to your breastmilk. Mercury, for example, is used to making red colours get absorbed by the skin and is very harmful to you and the baby too.
Understanding Dyslexia and How to Support Child Dealing with It
Dyslexia is known as a reading disorder, characterized by trouble with reading full sentences or long words. The severity of it varies amongst children but often could be helped with several activities. One of the many ways to work it out with a special child is to do what makes her feel good. Whether it is music, joining a sport, or anything else that could help build her confidence.
Nutrition Myths Busted: Sugar Makes Kids Hyper
Sugar isn't good for kids, yet research shows the sweet stuff will not reason them to get hyper, hurt their mental space, or make them incapable to focus. Since numerous parents accept there's a connection, however, they anticipate that their kids should act severely after eating sweet food. Thus, they're prepared mentally to see it on the off chance that it occurs.
Physical Activity for Your Toddler, What Do You Need to Focus On?
When you see your child playing and want to introduce some new physical activities you need to focus on the fun part of the game. The activity needs to be fun and must-have engagement of all parts of the body, if not all than at least one. Physical activity is vital to your child’s healthy growth and development. Playing with your child and praising him as he learns.
What Is Free Play and Why is it Always a Good Idea?
Playtime is not just about having fun – it’s about learning, too. The major setback someone has received due to pandemic is kids. While playing is the core of the physical development of the child, free play allows your child to be independent. They get to choose anything and play anywhere. When a child is playing alone, they are engaging themselves using their imagination and building self-confidence.
What Is The Most Important Thing A Parent Can Do To Support Brain Development?
The main thing that any parent can do to support baby’s growth and development, and especially the mental health, is to become more acquainted with the baby, to have an option to get involved, in what we call "serve and return" . A baby serves a smile, a coo, a babble, a gesture, and the parent or other adult caring for that child returns a response that is connecting to what the baby did.
Screen Time Isn’t All About Limitations, You Can Make It Fun. Here’s How.
Are you curious about the role that screen media should play in your child’s life? Wondering if screen time is harmful, or if it is just another form of media (like books) that can be used to help your child learn and grow? When selecting education media for children, remember your purpose. There is quite a lot to look up to in the digital world. Avoid apps with lots of distraction, and animated series. Look for engaging apps, e-books, and games.
Pro Tips for Managing Toddler Tantrums
Toddler tantrums are a normal part of every child’s development. It is just as normal as baby crying in their first few months. Knowing that behavior isn’t intentional, even if you feel that way sometimes, it is NOT. What could you do? Stay Calm & Practise Patience. If you have a big reaction by getting angry than you are making him even more upset. One other way is naming your child’s feelings, play a game while he is upset and let them express it out as much they want.
Kerala Opens Up Its First Human Milk Bank ‘Nectar of Life’
Kerala opened up its first human milk bank, Nectar of Life, at the Ernakulam General Hospital in Kochi. On the off chance that a new mother needs to breastfeed yet can't because of low milk supply, medical problems, or some other issue, donor milk could be the answer, given that particular rules set by the human milk bank are met. Human milk banks serve as a blessing for such women.
Literacy with Love
A short-cut to success? No there isn’t any. So why not make the process or path of success fun! One of the ways is to make your child an early reader. Reading is a very crucial part of your child’s brain development. You can start reading books by the age of 4 months! Yes, and you know what’s better? Conversing while you read, draw or write with your baby!
Language & Communication Skills,One Of The Most Critical To Child’s Development
No matter how many words you introduce to your baby, the first words they will speak would be either “mama” or “dada”. Speech is the verbal means of communication,& language is using shared rules, like grammar. First five years, stimulate the best language development as brain is developing new nerve cells and multiple connections between cells to serve the function of expression and reception.
Why Should YOU Massage Your New Born and Not a Therapist?
It is common to have objections of you being a millennial mom and trying new proven things. But when it comes to your baby no one knows better than you. So, why is it advised to massage yourself than any therapist? Researchers say that it helps build up the bonding and attachment between the two. Moreover, it also helps with better emotional and physical development. Do it because it is YOUR baby!
Parenting style based on your zodiac signs Pisces (February 18 – March 20)
Pisces parent pretends to not see but does know everything. He feels the kid's need and doesn't squeeze him. This nurturing style can lead either to an ideal childhood or to completely different impact. For the most part, the kid will be centred around certain exercises & interests. Pisces parent gives the baby unconditional help and doesn't spare a moment in going the additional mile for his kid.
Your Perfection Is Driving You Towards Helicopter Parenting Perfectionism
It is a psychological trait of wanting to be perfect, wanting success, and to have positive accolades that you can look up to. You wanting to live vicariously through their achievements to make you look good is one of the major factors. But helicopter parenting leaves a large void in your child’s life and you might want to reconsider your style! Read more what Forbes have to say.
15 Common Infant and Newborn Problems You Should Be Aware Of
The initial days and long stretches of parenthood are full of nervousness. Children are so tiny and defenseless that it isn't easy to not stress over. Also, you do have a reason for stress. One of the conditions is Bluish skin. It is normal for baby to have blue hands and feet but this may not be a concern as it will go away in some time. In case it doesn’t go, contact your doctor straight away.
क्या शिशु को बोतल से दूध पिलाकर सुलाना सही है?
यह परिस्थिति पर निर्भर करता है। बहुत सी माएं जो बोतल से दूध पिलाती हैं, वे मानती हैं कि शिशु को बिस्तर या अपने पलंग (कॉट) में ही बोतल से दूध या फॉर्मूला दूध पिलाना, उसे शांत रखने का आसान तरीका है। हालांकि, सोते हुए शिशु के मुंह में दूध की बोतल लगाकर छोड़ देना सही नहीं है, क्योंकि इसे निम्नांकित समस्याएं हो सकती है: जैसे दांतों की सड़न अगर, शिशु के दांत निकलने शुरु हो गए हैं, तो सोते हुए शिशु के मुंह में बोतल लगाकर छोड़ने से उसके दांतों में सड़न शुरु हो सकती है। आपको शिशु को रात में आखिरी बार दूध पिलाने के बाद और सोने से पहले उसके दांत अवश्य साफ करने चाहिए। अधिक जानने के लिए, और पढ़ें
Managing Budget for Babies, Yes You Have To!
Parenting is in true sense an emotional and financial turmoil if you don’t plan it well. It could be hard to resist yourself on cute little things you see online for your infant, but it could be easier when you manage your finances in the first week of the month. Take out your monthly for sure expenses for the baby and keeping a particular extra amount aside for basics or emergencies.