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Green Mucus Means Infection Myth OR Fact?
The contents of your tissue can’t take the place of a lab test. Studies show that green or yellow mucus is slightly more common in certain bacterial infections. But it’s not a sure sign that you have one or that you need antibiotics. A sinus infection can cause clear mucus, and a common cold can turn it green.
अपने बच्चे पर क्रोध को कैसे नियंत्रित करें?
इस स्थिति में आपके जीवन की समस्याओं के बारे में चर्चा करने का कोई मतलब नहीं है। अपने बच्चे के 'क्यों' प्रश्न पर क्रोधित होना, संदेह करना अच्छा संकेत नहीं है। यह एक विशेष कार्य के लिए उनकी दुर्लभता दिखा रहा है और एक अहम् माइलस्टोन विकसित करने की ओर बढ़ रहा है। तो, खुश रहें कि आपके पास वह बच्चा है जो दुनिया के बारे में जानने को उत्सुक है और जो जानता है कि वह दूसरा पिकासो, आइंस्टीन या एक दिग्गज अभिनेता बन सकता है!
How does ventilators save life, explanation by TedX speaker
In the 16th century, physician Andreas Vesalius described how a suffocating animal could be kept alive by inserting a tube into its trachea and blowing air to inflate its lungs. Today, Vesalius’s treatise is recognized as the first description of mechanical ventilation— a crucial practice in modern medicine. So how do our modern ventilators work? Alex Gendler explains the life-saving technology.
Difficulty finding replacement for fast food, try this instead
“Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables,” nothing can be more important than your body. Opt for salads if you have to go to a fast-food restaurant, and cut down on the amount of dressing as they typically contain a lot of sugars. But that’s really about it – there are not too many other good fast foods out there, so to speak.” Avoid eating meat, instead go for meat replacements like Soya-Chunks.
Air traveling can be safer with this trick(s)
A study shows that missing the middle seat in an airplane could actually contributes on lesser transmission of the aerosols between the passengers. This reported a reduction in 23 to 57%. In case if you have been fully vaccinated it will add an additional layer of protection. However, some questions still remain unanswered like what about people sitting behind or in front of you?
What are the different stages of diagnosis for birth defects while pregnant?
Birth defects can be diagnosed during pregnancy by offering these screening tests, to check for birth defects or other problems for the woman or her baby. 1st trimester ST is done to look for defects related to the baby’s heart or chromosomal disorders, i.e Down syndrome. 2nd trimester ST is done to look for the presence of structural anomalies.
What is the scientific reason behind nap times in kids?
Toddlers are going through a marathon of development,intellectually and physically. Sleep is the only way they can restore themselves. Naps facilitate your toddler's cognitive development. Research has found that cortisol, a hormone that increases with stress, falls dramatically during a nap.As a result, your toddler awakens happier, more alert, and prepared to explore his world.
Why is folate supplements usually recommended during pregnancy?
Folic acid is a B vitamin and is the only form of folate that helps prevent NTDs i.e birth defects of the baby’s brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida). During early development, in pregnancy ,folic acid helps form the neural tube. All women of reproductive age should get 400 mcg of folic acid each day to get enough folic acid to help prevent some birth defects
Living with type-2 diabetes, the emotional journey
Living with diabetes can be an emotional roller-coaster ride, especially because of the highs and lows. Although, taking care and managing diabetes is the responsibility of the person with diabetes, family members can be an integral pat of the management. The fear of long-term complications is common, it hinders the family members happiness but the adherence is the key to a successful journey.
Can I Treat Sleep Talking at Home by Myself?
If you are sleeping, talking is not a problem to be worried about. Certain lifestyle changes such as avoiding the habit of drinking alcohol, avoiding heavy meals near bedtime, sleeping in different beds or rooms in your home can help it resolve. But, if your act of sleep talking does not resolve even with these lifestyle changes and occurs frequently, you need to consult a sleep therapist.
स्ट्रेप थ्रोट कोनसि बीमारी है?
स्ट्रेप थ्रोट एक आम जीवाणु संक्रमण है। यह स्ट्रेप्टोकोकस बैक्टीरिया के कारण होता है और स्ट्रेप बच्चों में गले के खराश की एक तिहाई बीमारी के लिए जिम्मेदार होता है। यह बहुत संक्रामक है और कोई भी आसानी से संक्रमित हो सकता है। लेकिन यह 5 से 15 वर्ष की आयु के बच्चों में सबसे आम है, खासकर सर्दियों और शुरुआती वसंत में। शिशुओं और बच्चों के लिए चिंता नहीं करनी चाहिए, क्योंकि यह उस युग में बेहद असामान्य है।
Mark your Pregnancy checklist: First trimester
Welcome to the first trimester of pregnancy! You don't have to worry about shopping for maternity clothes or writing your birth plan quite yet. These first few weeks are all about taking care of your health and wellness. Also, did you know that you reduce the chances of miscarriages by 80% once you successfully go through the first trimester? Watch the video to know more.
Have you heard about the SMILE Program ?
SMILE is an acronym for - Self-esteem, Mindfulness, Independent can-do attitude, Loved unconditionally and Emotional resilience. Children often think "I’m not good enough’ and it can adversely affect them . In this program parents are taught simple, non-invasive yet powerful techniques that promote emotional resilience and bring about positive change in kids
Is neural tube a birth defect?
Neural tube defects are severe birth defects of the brain and spine. It occur when the neural tube does not close properly. The neural tube forms the early brain and spine. These types of birth defects develop very early during pregnancy, often before a woman knows she is pregnant. The two most common NTDs are spina bifida (a spinal cord defect) and anencephaly (a brain defect).
Benefits of reading books to your baby in the womb
You may think the only benefits of reading to your unborn baby are the relaxation and bonding you feel. But science shows that reading to baby in the womb develop early language learning. Studies shows that reading (particularly mother’s relaxing voice) causes a baby’s fetal heart rate to lower. Also, the bond experienced later on can start to occur while Mama or Papa read to the baby prenatally.
Do you need to drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day for a healthier life
No need to count cups. Research shows people who gulp a glass of H2O when they’re thirsty get enough to stay healthy and hydrated. Water-rich foods like soup, fruit, and vegetables and drinks like juice, tea, and coffee all help you get your fill. You might need to drink more water if your urine is dark yellow, you don’t go regularly, you're very active, or you live in a hot climate.
स्तनपान स्तन कैंसर के खतरे को कम करता है, सच या झूठ?
स्तनपान कराने वाली अधिकांश महिलाएं हार्मोनल परिवर्तनों का अनुभव करती हैं जो उनके मासिक चक्र को स्थगित कर देती हैं। यह एस्ट्रोजेन जैसे हार्मोन के प्रति महिलाओं के जीवनकाल की कमज़ोरी को कम करता है, जो कैंसर कोशिका के विकास को आगे बढ़ा सकता है। स्तनपान अतिरिक्त रूप से आपके ओवेरियन कैंसर को ओव्यूलेशन से नीचे लाने में मदद कर सकता है। दूध पिलाने से एस्ट्रोजन का स्तर कम हो जाता है, इसलिए स्तन कैंसर की संभावना भी कम हो जाती है।
The deadliest pandemic of 1918.
It’s about influenza, for some it could be life threatening. A historic view of the deadliest outbreak of flu in 1918 that still challenges medical community. How the “Spanish Flu” captured the world, that affected an estimated 1/3rd of the world’s population. Still influenza affects many, although there is less fatality rates, vaccine becomes a priority to safeguard our lives. Find out more.