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Foods that you be choking hazard to your baby
Choking could completely block a child's airway. Food is a common choking hazard. Many children do not chew their food well so they try to swallow it whole and If your child is 4 years of age or younger take extra safety measures or don’t feed the following foods: Nuts and seeds, Chunks of meat or cheese, Whole grapes, Hard, gooey, or sticky candy, Popcorn, peanut butter, Raw vegetables,Raisins etc
कावासाकी रोग क्या है?
यह शिशुओं और छोटे बच्चों में दिल की बीमारी का प्रमुख कारण है। स्थिति रक्त वाहिकाओं में सूजन का कारण बनती है, और लक्षण गंभीर हो सकते हैं। बुखार के कई दिनों के अलावा, कावासाकी बीमारी वाले बच्चों में लाल चकत्ते, गर्दन की ग्रंथियों में सूजन, हाथ और पैर में सूजन और लाल आँखें, होंठ और जीभ जैसे लक्षण विकसित हो सकते हैं। यदि अनुपचारित छोड़ दिया जाता है, तो जीवन के लिए खतरा हो सकता है।
How sugar affects the brain
When you eat something loaded with sugar, your taste buds, your gut and your brain all take notice. This activation of your reward system is not unlike how bodies process addictive substances such as alcohol or nicotine -- an overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels and leaves you craving more. Nicole Avena explains why sweets and treats should be enjoyed in moderation.
Servings lets you live longer.
A balanced life, longer life is the motto of all, and the recommendations of all the nutritionists to provide the body proper fuel to stay healthy. The Fruits and vegetable servings serve the purpose as per the guidelines of the American Heart Association. Moreover, the outcomes of two major cohort studies NHS and NPFS showed a lower death rate where participants intake Fruit and Veggie diet every day.
Benefits of following a vegetarian diet.
Sustainability is the key outcome of following a vegetarian diet. With more and more people shifting to plant-based fresh food items which enhances their health and desired level of body weight, Cholesterol, heart health, and diabetes and even the polls show this trend. A vegetarian diet has sub-classification based on the consumption of dairy-based products and eggs. Read more on how to get started.
Following a 5:2 diet plan for a healthier life
We eat, whether good food or processed, we gain energy, if remained unutilized, the body stores it. To not let the excess accumulation of this energy which might have associated effects, some ways to use that stored energy comes to us by the knowledge passed on in our religion and this knowledge is backed by today’s science. Intermittent Fasting, like following a 5:2 calorie intake plan, read more.
Taking care of baby's soft smooth skin
Baby's skin is much thinner and sensitive than adults so they need special care and protection. Here are few tips are given. Massage the baby with good natural oils. Always hydrate the baby's body with a good moisturiser. Bathe them a few times a week to keep them healthy and free from infections and allergies. Skin can easily burn from sun exposure so it is important to avoid direct sunlight.
Cure diarrhea in your baby with these simple home remedies
Diarrhoea or loss of motion in babies is the condition when a baby passes its stools frequently being watery in nature and more than three times a day. Few effective home remedies for babies above 6 months is giving ORS(Oral Re-hydration Salts and Zinc), banana, curd, coconut water, etc. These are the few most effective and successful remedies for the prevention of diarrhoea and dehydration.
Would you say 'Diabetic OR a person with Diabetes'?
There are 450 million+ people suffering from diabetes. Some has accepted the fact and trying to live on, others trying to improve. There are many perspectives attached in the mind of the person suffering and others that meet these sufferers. We or they name their condition, the author describes through a survey, how we should associate our words for people suffering from diabetes or a diabetic
स्तनपान माताओं को टाइप 2 मधुमेह से बचाता है
शोध में पाया गया कि स्तनपान कराने से इंसुलिन संवेदनशीलता में सुधार होता है और माताओं में ग्लूकोज चयापचय तेज होता है। स्तनपान अग्न्याशय (पॅनक्रियास) में बीटा कोशिकाओं की संख्या और गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाता है, जिससे टाइप 2 मधुमेह के विकास के जोखिम को कम करने की संभावना है। 2 महीने तक स्तनपान कराने से मधुमेह का जोखिम आधे से कम हो जाता है और 5 महीने मे अधिक से ज़्यादा कम हो जाता हे।
What precautions to take during first trimester of pregnancy | Dr Anjali
From the moment you get the news that you are pregnant, you will probably be filled with a rush of emotions – and most likely a flood of questions from everywhere too. While the first trimester of pregnancy is marked with a host of changes for you and for your baby, many will be invisible to the outside world. Watch this video to find out what changes happen to your body and how to deal with them.
Why is tummy time is given so much of significance?
Tummy Time is one of the baby’s first exercises and is the period during the day your baby spends awake and on their stomach. It is a crucial exercise for a baby’s motor, visual, and sensory development. Baby can begin it as a newborn till their first year. It prevents flat head syndrome (positional plagiocephaly) and a twisted neck. One should start with a few minutes going to longer sessions.
Oxidative Stress, makes you age fast, do let it!
Our body is a constant warzone, the radical organisms’ harmful byproducts of our cell’s mechanisms v/s body’s immune system. Antioxidants are fighters that save our body from these radicals. When there is an imbalance, one may suffer from Oxidative stress, which can lead to cell and tissue damage as there are fewer antioxidants to protect. Read more about how they are linked to chronic conditions.
Words that elucidate health
With high tide over the health in our minds, we choose to take up activities, routines and diets that would ultimately deliver us health even when we are in unchartered waters of burdened life over achievements. “Organic is what you should eat”, “Eat this every day, it’s all-natural”, where do these words come from and what they mean? Read more about 30 of such terms offering health.
Sugar not so nice for your child's brain development, study suggests
Kids being the highest consumers of sugar, very less is known about the harmful effects of sugar on the development of the brain, especially the hippocampus. New research has shown in a rodent that daily consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages impairs performance on a learning and memory task in adulthood. This also affected the gut microbes that regulated digestion and health.
Is it safe to fly during pregnancy?
Completely depends, if the pregnancy has no complications then there’s no reason why you can’t travel safely, as long as you take the right precautions. Some women prefer not to travel in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy because of nausea and morning sicknesses during these early stages. While travelling in final months can be tedious and uncomfortable so best is to travel between 4 and 6 months.
You Need a Daily Multivitamin, Myth Or a Fact?
You may have heard that a multivitamin can make up for nutrients that aren't in your diet. Researchers don’t all agree on that point. But if your doctor tells you to take vitamin, do it. And if you’re pregnant, you need to take folic acid to lower the risk of birth defects. Still, the best way to get your nutrients is to eat a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, & healthy oil.
प्रेगनेंसी में विटामिन-ई क्यों जरूरी है व कमी के लक्षण
गर्भावस्था में अन्य पोषक तत्वों की तरह ही विटामिन ई का भी विशेष महत्व है। विटामिन ई शरीर के चयापचय को बनाए रखने के लिए जरूरी होता है। यह एक तरह का एंटीऑक्सीडेंट है, जो फ्री रेडिकल्स को दूर करने में मदद कर सकता ह। साथ ही इसे शिशु के विकास में मददगार माना जाता है। प्रेगनेंसी में शुरुआत से ही शरीर के लिए रोजाना 22 से 30 मिलीग्राम तक विटामिन ई जरूरी होता है । यह मात्रा उम्र और गर्भवती की शारीरिक अवस्था के हिसाब से ऊपर-नीचे हो सकती है। ऐसे में डॉक्टर ही गर्भवती के लिए सटीक दैनिक खुराक निर्धारित कर सकते हैं।मात्रा की जानकारी के बाद आगे हम विटामिन ई की कमी के लक्षणों के बारे में बता रहे हैं।
What is Cancer?
Cancer is more than just one disease. It refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer often has the ability to spread throughout your body. Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world.