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What are the harmful effects of consumption of caffeine during pregnancy? .
Research shows that consuming large amounts of caffeine during pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage or low birthweight, so it’s best to limit your intake to 200 mg/per day of caffeine as it can take longer for your body to metabolize. Some effects on the foetus can be Acute lymphoblastic ,Impaired cognitive development, low intelligence quotient and other metabolic disorders.
Safety: Covid 19 Vaccine and pregnancy
Covid 19 infection have a severe implication on pregnant women, but the actual number of infections are small. After the arrival of vaccines there was a constant dilemma about their safety for pregnant women. Clearing out the ambiguity The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology shows vaccines are not only safe for these women but also for the babies. Know more about these studies.
गर्भावस्था के दौरान एक्स-रे की हानिकारकता
गर्भावस्था के दौरान एक गर्भवती महिला को विभिन्न जांच प्रक्रियाओं और टेस्ट से गुजरना पड़ता है। वहीं, कभी-कभी कुछ जांच प्रक्रियाएं गर्भवती के साथ-साथ होने वाले शिशु को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं। ऐसा ही एक टेस्ट एक्स-रे है। एक्स-रे एक प्रकार का रेडिएशन है, जिसे इलेक्ट्रोमैग्नेटिक वेव्स कहा जाता है। दरअसल, आमतौर पर एक्स-रे हाथ, पैर, छाती और मुंह का किया जाता है। इसलिए, ऐसा माना जाता है कि प्रेगनेंसी में इसके प्रयोग से गर्भवती और भ्रूण को नुकसान होने की आशंका कम ही रहती है। वहीं, शोध में इस बात का भी जिक्र मिलता है कि अगर पेट का एक्स-रे किया जाए, तो इस स्थिति में भ्रूण को नुकसान पहुंच सकता है हीं,।
Mark your Pregnancy checklist: First trimester
Welcome to the first trimester of pregnancy! You don't have to worry about shopping for maternity clothes or writing your birth plan quite yet. These first few weeks are all about taking care of your health and wellness. Also, did you know that you reduce the chances of miscarriages by 80% once you successfully go through the first trimester? Watch the video to know more.
Maternal mortality is the annual death rate of women for any reason caused during pregnancy and childbirth or within 42 days of gestation. It is could be caused by hemorrhage, infection, hypertensive disorders, ruptured uterus, hepatitis etc. MMR in India has not declined in the past 15 years. Unplanned pregnancy, and related illegal abortion are the reproductive causes for maternal death.
Guide to an infant massage
Even if you’ve never done any infant massage before, the strokes are easy to learn & the benefits are numerous. To begin with, rub your hands together & then oil it, start from the shoulders and flow downward. The slower the stroke is, the more relaxing it is for the baby .When you work on the belly, go in a clockwise motion. Lastly, massage the muscular part but remember not the bones or joints.
Is your child ready for the solids yet?
Your baby’s individual development and behaviour will guide you when to start introducing solids. Signs your baby is ready for solids to include when your baby: has good head and neck control and can sit upright when supported, shows an interest in food. Most babies start to show these signs by around six months, but It’s not recommended to introduce solids before four months.
Awareness about hellp syndrome
HELLP syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur in pregnant women who have: H: hemolysis (the breakdown of red blood cells) ,EL: elevated liver enzymes. LP: low platelet count. It is considered to be a variant of preeclampsia. It occurs in about 1 to 2 out of 1,000 pregnancies. Mostly it develops during the third trimester of pregnancy. HELLP symptoms are the first warning of preeclampsia.
5 alternatives to bribing your kids
Parents often use bribes to get their children to stop doing something undesirable but in long run it is harmful. Instead of bribing, Encourage them to set their own realistic, achievable goals. Create an environment that nurtures their self-worth and self-confidence. Praise your child’s success discuss with them how they feel when they are successful. Limit external motivation.
Unclutter your life
Stressed up life, at times you could face it sometimes you may not. Simple steps can help you deal with such situations. Try these things. Cleaning out your junk Drawers, Cleaning out your closet, Dusting the places, Managing your mails, You can choose to plant small plants. Small improvements can make big difference of what you expect and experience.
Where is that stale smell coming from.
Embarrassed Huh!!, Sweaty feet are normal, some sweat more some less. But why do they smell so bad. We have bacteria living on our skin, some are crazy about our sweat, they thrive and multiply rapidly. Their growth is accompanied by chemical reactions and that is what leaves that stinky smell. Our feet have more sweat glands than any other part of our body, so keeping them dry should work out.
शिशु के विकास से जुड़ी चिंताएं
हर शिशु अलग होता है, और इसलिए आपके शिशु के विकास का भी अपना अलग पैटर्न होगा। जन्म के बाद शिशु का थोड़ा वजन कम होना एकदम सामान्य है। अधिकांश शिशुओं के साथ ऐसा होता है। हालांकि, दो से तीन हफ्तों का हो जाने के बाद शिशु का वजन उतना पहुंच जाना चाहिए जितना जन्म के समय था। इसके बाद औसतन शिशु का वजन निम्न ढंग से बढ़ सकता है: एक से तीन महीने के बीच हर महीने कम से कम 450 ग्राम वजन बढ़ना तीन से छह महीने के बीच हर महीने 400 से 600 ग्राम वजन बढ़ना। इसके बाद एक साल का होने तक हर महीने 280 से 360 ग्राम वजन बढ़ना।
This Is one of the most ignored signs of diabetes
Frozen shoulder, the symptom 2x as common in hyperglycemic patients is characterized by what is called “loss of passive range of motion”. Passive range of motion can be described as the movement of joints through the range of motion by another person with no effort from the person himself. It could occur when the flexible tissue that surrounds the shoulder joint becomes inflamed and thickened.
Sunburn in summer
Superheat that we cannot beat, tropical summers, and skin issues are not the only case. The effect of ultraviolet rays not only darkens your skin but can alter your DNA resulting in premature aging of your skin. The symptoms of sunburn include skin redness which may sometimes hurt, one could also have flu-type symptoms. Read more to know the treatments.
Coming years, Healthier for everyone, World Health Day 2021.
Let us align ourselves with the equities of our thoughts and take up actions that are necessary to fight off covid and give ourselves and others the sense of a healthier future. WHO is committed in providing health care equality to everyone everywhere. Prevent ourselves for breaking down unhealthy lifestyle and celebrate this day of well-being with “health First”.
Evolutionary Road to Diet: How our nose helped us
It was a fire that changed our evolutionary path to what we are today and what we eat. Flavors is what we understood by cooking. Do you know Dolphins do not have developed taste receptors; they just can taste salty flavors? The article deals in our ancestral and evolution, where our nose helped us develop our cognitive abilities through cooking raw food. Read More
What’s more pressuring, Sugars and Salts.
Aging and health concerns in this globalized life go hand in hand, the compromises that we make in our lifestyle could have detrimental effects. Diet is one such concern and what most people forgo, which in turn build up the pressure on mental health as well as on the blood vessels. Just to get a hint, let's talk about salts and sugar and watch how much pressure they put us through.
Flexibly you from static stretching
Often followed by a rigorous workout, stretching helps to ease the workout pain and is an effective means for a flexible body. Stretching involves lengthening or flexing a muscle or tendon to promote enhanced elasticity. This method uses the agonist and antagonist muscles to work together to create a pull and muscle stretch and requires no external prop. Read more about static stretching.