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Rajasthan Set to double its healthcare budgets and much more.
Covid has struck many lives, it has also brought out failures of equitable healthcare access. Rajasthan’s government is taking necessary steps to provide firstly, primary health services to everyone. The agenda includes setting up medical and nursing colleges, upgrading current health infrastructure, the addition of medicine and diagnostics centers with the help of public-private partnerships.
COVID 19 and sleep co-morbidities.
COVID influence and uncertainty goes hand in hand, especially uncertain sleep routines. According to a survey, 67% believed their sleep was healthier before pandemic whereas 98% had developed sleep disorders post lockdowns. Dr. Deepak Talwar, Chairman Metro Respiratory Center, suggests that OSA intervention becomes necessary in treating sleep disorders, read more about sleep co-morbidities.
Signs That Your Body Is Not Getting Enough Nutrients It Should, Red Flags
Nothing could do damage to your body until you let it do. A day or week of bad choices aren’t going to make any difference, neither a day of running. But when a poor diet leaves your body short on the nutrients for a along it starts showing. For ex. Fatigue with no reason. When the three S’s- Sleep, Stress, and Sickness doesn’t explain why you are still tired, probably it’s time to check Vit D.
15 Common Infant and Newborn Problems You Should Be Aware Of
The initial days and long stretches of parenthood are full of nervousness. Children are so tiny and defenseless that it isn't easy to not stress over. Also, you do have a reason for stress. One of the conditions is Bluish skin. It is normal for baby to have blue hands and feet but this may not be a concern as it will go away in some time. In case it doesn’t go, contact your doctor straight away.
Beat the stress: Yoga and naturopathic diet.
When someone feels stressed out for a prolonged period, this could lead you to chronic disorders like anxiety or depression, high blood sugar, and problems related to blood pressure. We all have at some point in time taken up soothing breathing exercises to relieve stress. Naturopathy, eating right food and Yoga for better physical form is what need to be taken up as preventive health management.
Benefits of eating walnuts
A walnut is the edible seed of a drupe, originating from the Mediterranean and central Asia region. It has been part of our diet since ancient times. So, including them in your diet would result out incredible benefits. It lowers depression levels, benefiting your brain capacity. Daily consumption would lower LDL cholesterol and a healthy gut. Read more about the powerhouse of nutrition.
Multi-Vitamins and Protein Supplements, top selling items at a pharmacy.
There is seen a surge in self-prescribed demand of protein and vitamin supplements, an all-India survey conducted by pronto Consult company specializing in perception and pharma market analysis. This may be due to lockdowns impacting the hygiene and health quotient in people’s minds. But there are certain conditions where your doctor’s communication is necessary before taking up supplements.
What Is Amniocentesis and What Is Its Importance in Pregnancy?
Amniocentesis is a procedure in which amniotic fluid is removed from the uterus for testing or treatment. Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds and protects a baby during pregnancy. This fluid contains fetal cells and various proteins.Although amniocentesis can provide valuable information of baby's health, it's important to understand the risks and be prepared for the results.
Light controlled enzymes for noninvasive diseases.
Research from University of Sao Paulo shows potential solution in medical treatment without the need to opt for invasive surgery and to avoid the side effects of current treatment methods. They demonstrated the enhancement of enzyme activity fused under infrared light within a temperature-controlled environment. The research could be beneficial for people suffering from Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.
COVID Reinfections, who are at risk.
Researchers for Denmark suggest that “older population are at a high risk of reinfections from COVID 19”. The article deals with the ongoing studies to keep the population informed. As per their study, with respect to Denmark’s population, with 0.88 percent (17/1,931) of those aged 65 or older who were infected during the first wave testing positive again in the second wave”, Read more.
When your thoughts Loops up, Intrusive Thoughts.
Somethings we think, we realize, and we move on, that’s okay, but the thoughts remain in our minds. Some thoughts might reoccur, these could be the ones that are associated with and distressed or upsetting situation. Intrusive Thoughts could make a remark on how you behave which is not the case with regular things we think of. OCD, PTSD, even eating improper food tends to generate such thoughts.
You sweat when your body need to cool down, then what are cold sweat.
Sweating is normal body function to regulate your heat and remove salty fluids from your body. But when someone feels chilly and starts to sweat, there could be something wrong behind it. Cold Sweats can be linked to a certain illness, or medication, even low blood sugar levels. The treatment for cold sweat is based on underlying causes, that is why it makes such phenomenon mysterious, read more.
क्या शिशु को बोतल से दूध पिलाकर सुलाना सही है?
यह परिस्थिति पर निर्भर करता है। बहुत सी माएं जो बोतल से दूध पिलाती हैं, वे मानती हैं कि शिशु को बिस्तर या अपने पलंग (कॉट) में ही बोतल से दूध या फॉर्मूला दूध पिलाना, उसे शांत रखने का आसान तरीका है। हालांकि, सोते हुए शिशु के मुंह में दूध की बोतल लगाकर छोड़ देना सही नहीं है, क्योंकि इसे निम्नांकित समस्याएं हो सकती है: जैसे दांतों की सड़न अगर, शिशु के दांत निकलने शुरु हो गए हैं, तो सोते हुए शिशु के मुंह में बोतल लगाकर छोड़ने से उसके दांतों में सड़न शुरु हो सकती है। आपको शिशु को रात में आखिरी बार दूध पिलाने के बाद और सोने से पहले उसके दांत अवश्य साफ करने चाहिए। अधिक जानने के लिए, और पढ़ें
बच्चों के लिए तिल के फायदे
शिशु बेहद नाजुक और कोमल होते हैं, इसलिए सही तरीके से उनकी देखभाल बहुत जरूरी होती है। छह महीने तक वो सिर्फ मां के दूध पर ही निर्भर रहते हैं, लेकिन जैसे-जैसे वो बड़े होते हैं, वैसे-वैसे उनके विकास के लिए जरूरी पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर खाद्य पदार्थों के सेवन की सलाह दी जाती है। तिल कई पौष्टिक तत्वों जैसे – प्रोटीन, कार्बोहाइड्रेट, फाइबर सहित अन्य कई मिनरल और खनिजों से भरपूर होता है। इसके अलावा, यहां यह भी स्पष्ट करना ज़रुरि है कि तिल की गिनती एक एलर्जिक खाद्य पदार्थ के रूप में भी की जाती है। इस कारण कुछ बच्चों को इससे एलर्जी की समस्या भी हो सकती है।
Enjoying the freedom from covid after vaccination, important points.
One must not undermine the safety issues that are being directed to keep the covid pandemic under control. The center of disease control recommends that one must not travel unnecessary and wearing masks is a must. For people who have taken only one dose have a potential risk of virus mutation so getting the second shot on time is necessary to be considered fully vaccinated. Read More
Keeping life in order or ordering what you like, Eating Habits. Anorexia vs Bulimia
Our well-being is directly connected with our eating habits. When there is an unhealthy relationship with food i.e. irregular timetable to eat food, skipping meals, this leads to Bulimia an eating disorder where a person irregularly eats more than a normal amount of food thereafter either vomiting or follow aggressive physical weight loss activities. Anorexia, eating disorder due to mental issues
Auditory Hallucinations, voices that merges with thoughts.
Thinking about achieving in life or at work, we all think. Sometimes these thoughts might be intervened by voices. These voice hallucinations, for instance; sound like a voice form a friend, complimenting you or criticizing tempting voices urging you to some dangerous things, or a spiritual guidance. They are “Auditory Hallucinations” and at least 10 percent of people experience them. Read more
Supercomputers to personalize medication, Healthcare Thought.
Scientists from Japan are trying to customize treatments, a medicinal treatment plan based on individuality. The concept emerges because the way the physical aspects of healthcare delivery system merging with the digital aspects of life. Fugaku, world’s most powerful supercomputer would assist in simulating homogenous genomic information and clinical data for personalized medicated healthcare.
First newborn with antibodies
It is still unclear about the efficacy of the development of SARS COV 2 antibodies in the newborn whose mother’s had recovered for the infection. A new development comes out from New York where a newborn’s blood showed antibodies against COVID. The mother had been inoculated with the first dose of Moderna mRNAs vaccine in her 35th week of pregnancy. This development surely open
Hormonal Imbalances causing havoc.
We live in a polluted environment, stress up under work pressures, lesser time focusing on health and a uneven nutrition intake leads to imbalances in production of hormones in our body. They are the essential chemical messengers that are important for communicating with tissues and cells for proper metabolic processes. A holistic approach towards lifestyle and diet for harmony becomes necessary.