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A retribution required, for their contribution, ASHA workers.
There are these warriors who guard our borders and there are those soldiers that protect us from unhealthiness. Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) is a community joined altogether by humble souls that strives hard for wellbeing of others. Instituted by government (Health Department) as a part of national rural health mission, watch how Omana spend her day even during COVID times.
A health call to country’s youngsters
Over increasing complexities in lifestyle management, regular health checkups are an essential part. They can help prevent development of chronic complications in later stages of life, keeping the age factor in the viewpoint timely checkups are particularly important for young generation. Monitoring blood sugars, weight checks, cholesterol levels, kidney, and liver function can help reduce risks
Health expenses out of pockets, a vicious obstacle for healthcare
Questioning the healthcare equality concepts, a report presented by finance commission states that about 70% of the expenditure on health is borne by patients themselves. It is a critical remark made by the commission after accessing the limitations of country’s healthcare system. A progressive approach needs to be planned out for better health coverage and lowering the expense burden, read more.
Can Any Vaccine Cause Autism in Children- FAQ?
The number of children with autism appears to be rising fast, and no one knows exactly why. Many theories and rumors have focused on the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR). However, carefully done studies have failed to find any connection between MMR and autism. There is no difference in the rate of autism in children who have received MMR compared to those who have not.
Immunization, develop your mindset towards healthful future.
There are lot of views out there in the community regarding vaccine programs. One thing is for sure these health initiatives are for the betterment for our species. This video shares a mindset of a healthcare professional Danielle Stringer, from Arizona, who shares her experience through educational session on whether vaccines are good or bad and addressed the concerns regarding hesitancy.
What Is Toxic Stress and How does Kids Develop It?
Toxic stress refers to prolonged, traumatic life events that occur for an extended period of time in the child’s life without the protection of an adult. Examples of toxic stress can include abuse, neglect and household dysfunction. In response to this prolonged exposure to toxic events, the child’s body produces a severe stress response that lasts for an extended period of time.
Pfizer to began Its COVID Vaccine Trials on Pregnant Women, Hoping for Positive Results
Pregnant women have an increased risk of complications and developing severe infection, which is why it is critical that we develop a vaccine that is safe and effective for this population,” said William Gruber MD. Besides studying the effects on pregnant women, researchers will study the safety in infants and whether protective antibodies were transferred to the infants.
How to Take Care of Baby Soft Skin of The Newborn, Some Skincare Tips
There is no need of any type of lotions or creams until baby is of 2 months. When you begin using skin care products, make sure to go for less chemically and more natural ones. Also, babies don’t need daily baths, during the first few weeks, sponge bath should do the trick. Since baby’s skin is ultra-sensitive bathing every day or very frequently could make their skin dry and prone to bacteria.
Baking Soda for your Acid Reflux
Sodium bicarbonate commonly known as baking soda is a salt widely used for baking food items. Do you know that our pancreas naturally produces sodium bicarbonate to protect our intestines? Sometimes you might feel a fiery sensation in your food pipe this could be due to a sudden decrease in your stomach’s acid levels. Baking soda comes to the rescue, read more about its antiacid properties.
Foot Infections get rid of them.
Our body gets continuously contaminated by external pathogens and microorganisms. Foot is that part of the body that is always in contact with tangible external environment, an easy way for bad microbes to cling on to our body. Foot infections vary in treatments form mild home remedies to aggressive interventions. Read more to know ways to stay away from foot infections.
Carbs from poor quality, A diet to be avoided.
There are many studies that have been conducted by researchers, all indicated similar outcomes in relation to poor eating habits and cardiovascular diseases even fatalities. One of them is a study conducted in 5 different continents published in the New England Journal of Medicine that researched on poor quality carbs and adverse heart events. Read more to get complete insight.
Mobile Health, A way to improve diabetic patient’s health and lower costs.
One in six people with diabetes in the world is from India, the level of adherence is quite low because of uninformed patients. But nowadays, with the use of healthy lifestyle, which is a smart way to treat diabetic population and lower the costs of treatment. The global mHealth market was estimated to have reached USD 49 billion by the end of 2020. Read more about this implicating research.
From melody to language, they are communicating in their own way: An article review
In the first few months of their lives, babies cry, babble, gurgle and make a variety of other peculiar sounds. It can be difficult to imagine that they are actually laying the foundations for later speech with these utterances. However, there is a determining element that proves that even their cries can be assigned to a particular language: the speech melody -- or, more accurately: prosody.
You change every day, take care for your skin to bring out better change
Your skin is a barrier to protect your internal organs, it is home to more than 1,000 species of bacteria. As a natural ageing process your skin changes and maintaining better looking you is possible only with good nutritional supply. Changes in your skin can sometimes signal changes in your overall well-being. Read more on how vitamins, zinc, selenium benefits you with glowing skin and life.
It is Clear, it is fresh, Its MINT.
A versatile flavoring food item that garnishes your day with freshness. Mint one of the oldest culinary item which we might use in many ways to kick start your day. There are many ways we use mint like in toothpaste, beverages, desserts, salads. As a remarkable medicinal herb that is rich in vitamins that enhances skin conditions, smoothens the digestive system, boosts immunity. Read more !!
How Flu vaccine saves lives of many children’s
The story comes from the state of Minnesota, where the holiday season coincides with flu season,an 8-year-old boy’s (Louie) life came under critical threat when he was diagnosed with croup. Louie faced hospitalization for days & due to the harsh effects of flu, he was put on a ventilator then on oxygen. Luckily,he became okay because his parents had given him a flu vaccine, read the complete story.
Using Sugar to Season, Sugar – Natural Sweeteners – Sugar Substitutes
Want to lose weight or just following a healthful trend on some social platform, cutting down the calories especially sugary diet with artificially transformed sugar of sugar substitutes. Soft Drinks, baked foods, jams, contains processed natural sweeteners like “Saccharine”, consumption might lead to adverse health. There are many types of sugar options available but moderation intake is a must.
Compounding your health with these two compounds
Nitrates and Nitrites are food compounds that occur naturally in our body, they are present in veggies they are also added to some processed foods. Nitrate and nitrites break down into nitrosamines at high temperatures, which could be harmful. Excess nitrosamines can create carcinogenic substances in or body. Read more to know how to use these performance enhancers to minimize harmful exposure.
Preeclampsia Is A Condition and Not A Disease, It Can Be Controlled by Following These Steps
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication with high blood pressure. The typical diet strategy is to control the high B.P with a low salt diet. Researches show that antioxidant, calcium and omega-3 rich foods are considered apt. fruits with natural antioxidants, fish with omega-3 and milk and dairy products except some cheeses are great to manage Blood pressure.