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Protect your lungs keep them healthy.
Oxygen is necessary for every cell of our body and lungs makes it possible to intake it from atmosphere and deliver it in our bloodstream. As we live in a polluted environment our lungs get abused. We can improve their condition by using some natural techniques and food items like deep breathing exercises, regular intake of water or ginger in your diet. Read more!
Newborns do not have kneecaps.
A patella (Kneecap) is a hard and sharp bone. Babies do have knees but without kneecaps, it takes sometime after the babies are born to develop kneecaps. The reason behind is linked to evolution and the birth process. Cartilage is more pliable than bone, which makes birthing an easier task. Since they crawl and bump around everywhere, soft cartilages help them to adapt and grow. Read more!
An Egg Describes Why Severe Brain Injuries Happen Without Damaging the Skull
Wu, the researcher, finds out the physics by experimenting with it on deforming the egg yolk without breaking the shell. He did a simple experiment using an egg scrambler; with a rotational force, it could quickly scramble the egg and mix the yolk with the white. Chin is the farthest point from the neck, hitting on it could cause the highest rotational acceleration/deceleration of the head.
8 Tips From Mom Founders Navigating Parenting While Running Their Companies From Home
Invite your kids to join (some) meetings. Allison Evans, co-founder of Branch Basics does exactly that and encourages her employees to follow suit. "We have an understood 'company policy' during this unique & challenging time: all kids allowed! So, our team conference calls occasionally consist of giggles, demands, tears, & whining, We can do this, we will do this, & we will be stronger for it."
What Are Your Baby's Sleeping Signals, You Want to Know This?
Your baby cannot sleep all by herself, neither she knows her sleeping signals; hence she is counting all upon you to take her to rest. Baby will always want to stay awake, but an infant will get tired within 2-3 hours of walking. When she gets tired, she starts rubbing her eyes, decrease her activity, crying or fussy, yawning or asking for a feeding.
Babies are born to boogie
We indeed are gifted to resonate over the frequencies we hear, but form where and when we develop this skill that has been evolved in us. Here is a fun fact that babies understand the sounds even when they are in the womb through reactions are visible only after 6 months after being born. An exciting article where child specialists discuss the cute and pure world of a baby dancing.
Something wrong with long hauliers covid patients
Doctors at Mount Sinai Health System noticed something. The patients who had contracted covid and recovered from the disease showed fatigue, brain fog, chest pain, GI symptoms, and anxiety and depression. Estimated, post covid syndrome may vary from 2% to 25% population who were previously infected. Get a complete insight about PCS and ways to overcome it.
Pregnancy Can Increase Your Risk of Organ Transplant: An Article Review
Research has found that in pregnancy, the T-cells, one of the immune cells, becomes tolerant towards antigens from the foetus, which is also one of the reasons for the successful pregnancy. However, the other part of the immune system, B-cells, becomes sensitized, creating memory B-cells that could contribute to the transplanted organ's rejection. Hence pregnancy is a 'Sensitized event.'
Headaches in Children
Statistics show that 90% of school-going children experience a mental health problem every year. It could be expected in toddlers too, but, it is also the fact that all headaches in kids are not a sign of meningitis. It could also be due to a simple viral fever or by an injury. If the headache persists for more than 24 hours visit a paediatrician. Chances are scarce but should not be ignored.
How do you know if your baby has proper motor skills development?
By the age of 2 months, baby will start sucking her thumb and opening the fist. The journey will continue till the age of 9 months, where will also stretch out his hands to pick things and use the objects/toys and hold it firmly. Although baby will progress and pick up the skills on its own, it is crucial for you to encourage the baby at every step.
How Will Your Body React When You Stop Eating Meat?
Someone who doesn't like to skip a single meal of the day without meat in it can face a severe challenge in the starting, but it isn't impossible. When you stop eating meat, your body will start to react. You will feel tired and weak. The body will get out of energy. On the other side, you will start going to the loo as more fibre will make it easier to poop by pulling water.
An After-Vaccine Care for Infants, Things to Keep in Mind
It is sporadic to have any severe reaction to the vaccine. However, some common ones are a red itchy or swollen spot at the site of administration. You could comfort the baby by cuddling, encouraging to move the arm or leg, and making him forget about it by playing and distracting. Only 1 in a million children could have an extremely severe symptom like hives, breathing problems and more.
क्या यह मगरमच्छ के आंसू है?
क्या आप अपने नवजात शिशु को कम से कम 45 मिनट तक रोते हुए देख रहे है? लेकिन बिना किसी आँसू के , क्या वे सच मे रो रहे है? यदि हाँ, तो वे वास्तव में अपनी भावनाओं को व्यक्त कर रहे हैं और आपसे संवाद करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। यह सच है कि वे आँसू नहीं बहाते हैं क्योंकि लैक्रिमल ग्रंथियां अभी भी विकासशील अवस्था में हैं और 2 सप्ताह के बाद आँसू का उत्पादन बढ़ाना शुरू कर देंगी।
How Does A Severe Asthma Attack Look Like?
Want to know how an asthma attack can do to your body? Here is a fascinating video of what happens inside one's body during a severe attack. This could help you or anyone around you to know what the symptoms may look like from the outside. The trachea swells up, and a person will not breathe, causing him to dizzy and changing the face colour. Watch the video for a better explanation.
चलिए। बच्चों के लिए व्यायाम मजेदार बनाते हैं
5 से अधिक विकल्प हैं, लेकिन यह उनमें से एक है। बच्चों को कुछ सरप्राइज दें। बच्चों को प्ले स्टेशन वीडियो गेम से बाहर निकालें। रस्सी, स्केट्स, फुटबॉल या ट्रैम्पोलिन में निवेश करना एक अच्छा ऑप्शन है | आप बच्चों के साथ खेलें, उन्हें ऊपर लिखी खेल सामाग्री से एक एक करके परिचित कराएं | यह सबसे अच्छा तरीका है उनकी रूचि पैदा करने के लिए |
What's Your Rashi: Your Parenting Style Based on Your Zodiac Sign Virgo (23Aug-22Sept)
Known for their perfectionist attitude towards everything, Virgo parents are incredibly critical of their children. They are known to have high standards for both themselves and their children. Although it helps to bring out the best in their child, it can sometimes take a toll on their psyche. Therefore, along with guidance, you must show them love and compassion.
Best Toys for A Year-Old Baby
Nowadays, your toddler is a heap of energy, quick to know her general surroundings. She'll do this by snatching, squeezing, pressing, pushing, and tossing essentially anything she can get her hands on. Regardless of whether she's strolling, or slithering, she'll have the option to arrive at more articles. Let the inner artist of your kids grow and hand over the crayons to your future Picasso.
New test to detect womb cancer
Womb cancer begins in the cells that form the lining (endometrium) of the uterus. Being the sixth most common cancer takes away an estimated 89000 lives every year. British scientists have discovered a painless procedure to detect cancerous womb conditions. The recent detection tool examines the urine or vaginal samples for cancerous cells. Read more about the device and solutions it offers.
Give them care, Treating infant's skin conditions
Infant's skin is delicate and thin, it makes them fall prone to skin infections. Any of these infections can be a signal of underlying deficiency of nutrition. A daily bath should not be considered as it may make their skin dry out. Some common skin infections like eczema, diaper rash, and acne, read more to know why they happen and ways to treat them.