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They Cry but Without Tears: Newborn Fun Facts
Now you can notice this in any new-born, they cry but do not have tears! These tears will show up in about a month's time. But, thanks to the hormonal influx of mothers, they tend to make up for their missing tears during the first few days. Call it sympathy but blame it on hormones. Peak crying will start around 6 weeks of birth and will calm down after 3 months.
Name the Rash- Urticaria (Allergic Hives)
Urticaria or hives commonly also known as allergic reactions are characterized by itchy, red raised and flared skin which can last from a few minutes to hours. It might occur by some insect bite or allergic food reaction. Hives are common amongst Indian children and not contagious. It can go back on its own after a few occurrences or after a particular age.
Willing to Boost Your Child's Memory: Read This
Do you know that the human body has a part of the brain which is responsible for memory storage? For children, it is advised to form Mind maps. It will not only join the dots but also makes a visual appearance and stays for a longer time. Since it takes around 8 secs for the brain to process information, it is recommended to focus on something for at least 8-10 secs to store it in the memory.
Kids Raised by Same-Sex Parents Perform Better at School, Study finds
Although not known and accepted by Indian culture, a UK based study has shown that kids who have been raised by same-sex parents are doing comparatively well than other kids. However, as per the survey, the financial status of the parents had a direct correlation with the student's performance. Well, in that case, then how is the same-sex playing the role over kid's outcome?
Stop Worrying About Your Child's Academics
You are not wrong if you think that the way to survive on this planet depends on the number of marks he scores or the field he chooses as a career. Life skills cannot be learnt from books; you need to accept that and tell him the truth. The journey is not as pleasing as you have made it for them but a hike of hurdles, success and failures too! So, talk about life experiences than discussing marks.
How Long Can Postpartum Last: A Surprising Truth
At the point when Jane brought forth her child 10 years prior, she immediately started encountering critical post pregnancy anxiety. It felt like her mind had been unexpectedly "reworked," and her indications worsened over time. "It seemed like there was this thing in me that flourished and developed," said Jane, "I was feeling suicidal, those thoughts had an existence of their own".
Stop Worrying About Your Child's Academics
You are not wrong if you think that the way to survive on this planet depends on the number of marks he scores or the field he chooses as a career. Life skills cannot be learnt from books; you need to accept that and tell him the truth. The journey is not as pleasing as you have made it for them but a hike of hurdles, success and failures too! So, talk about life experiences than discussing marks.
Name The Rash- Baby Acne
If your baby has acne, they may have it at birth, but it usually shows up after a couple of weeks. It is also known as neonatal acne & occurs in about 20 per cent of newborns. It looks like small, red spots (pimples), and whiteheads may also develop, sometimes surrounded by reddish skin. The spots are likely to appear on your baby's cheeks, but may also appear on their forehead, chin and back.
Hypothyroidism in pregnant mothers linked to ADHD in their children
The hormones produced by thyroid glands located in the neck are thyroid hormones. Low levels of these hormones (Hypothyroidism) in the pregnant woman during the first trimester may interfere with the baby's brain development. Study shows that disruption in the thyroid hormones may contribute to the Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). It is lesser-known but yet widespread amongst Indians
First Colour Your Child Will See: Newborn Fun facts
Do you know that infants can first recognise the colour red? According to scientific studies, red is the first colour that a baby sees. Colour red has the longest wavelength, which is 700 nanometres (nm). An infant can't focus farther than 8-12 inches away. Since the red colour has the longest wavelength, the colour doesn't scatter easily. It can even be seen or detected from a long distance.
What Kids Eat Around the World-Russia
It's not always about 5-star restaurants. In Russia, kids eat some quite strange dishes such as Syrniki. It is a dish made with quark. Quark is just like curd cheese mixed with flour, eggs and sugar. Best tastes when served with jam or honey. It is one of the favourite dishes of Russian children and love to eat this almost every other morning.
Is it the time, should I go to the hospital now?
The start of labour is called the latent phase. This is when your cervix becomes soft and thin, and starts opening for your baby to be born. This can take hours or, for some women, days. When you have a contraction, your womb tightens and then relaxes. For some, contractions may feel like extreme period pains. Watch the video and get some learnings on when to rush for hospital.
What happens just after you give birth? Care 101
The APGAR score is a simple numerical assessment that rates how a baby is doing at birth. The test helps the doctor quickly determine whether your newborn might need additional medical assistance. From the cord-cutting to the APGAR score, all is explained in the video. However, this is the video from the UK hospitals which might differ slightly to the Indian hospitals.
Child Health Literacy Programme to Fasten the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals
The Union Ministry of Education has launched 'Child Health Literacy Program' and 'Child Health Brigade' keeping in mind the education and health of children. By putting 'HEALTH' into the curriculum, the goal is to teach living a healthy & balanced life. Currently, 45 schools, about 100 teachers and more than 1500 employees are part of this programme. The budget has also increased by 11% to 8100 cr
I Have PCOS And Planning For A Baby, What Do I Need To Know?
PCOS is a complex hormonal condition where a woman does not ovulate on time & has irregular periods. So, how to increase the chances of pregnancy? Follow a healthy lifestyle & exercise regularly. Yoga is yet another option for maintaining a healthy life. It balances your internal system and hormones. If still there is no success, one can also opt for IVF after consulting with a doctor.
Are You Feeling Tired Every Now And Then: Check Your Vitamin Intakes
Constant fatigue can be a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. However, even after having a healthy diet, you are feeling extremely tired then it is time to visit your doctor. This is one of the symptoms of a condition called "pernicious anaemia" and not just anaemia. It is a rare blood disorder in which the body can't properly use vitamin B12, an essential vitamin for healthy red blood cells.
How to make your child have his own strong opinions
Be it a 3-year-old or a 5-year-old, always try and discuss thoughts with him. Ask him how does he feel about something, what are his opinions and why he feels this way. The key here is to expand their horizons of thinking and allow him to discuss their thoughts. It can be as simple as discussing over a movie they love or even having a healthy debate on why they do not want it the veggies!
I Want My Kid To Be Independent And Stand Up For His Views
While many people in the country still think about getting good grades and competition, I feel my kid is much more skilled than them. He surely doesn't get high grades always, but he knows the meaning of independence, kindness and finances. He is 10 years old and knows how to manage his pocket money. He might not excel in everything, but he will surely excel as a great human being.
What's Sperm Freezing: Best For Incompetent Couple
Sperm freezing is the cryopreservation process where potent sperm cells from a man are put away at incredibly low temperatures for use sometime in the future when he wishes to have kids. They can also be used for the donation of sperms to other couples. In contrast to the way toward freezing women's eggs or embryo, sperm freezing is moderately fast and simple while likewise being cheaper.