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Say NO to Painkillers After 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
The Food and Drug Administration has released a recommendation for pregnant women to avoid common painkillers like aspirin, or paracetamol during 20 weeks or later. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) can cause rare but severe kidney problems in the foetus and could also lead to miscarriage or stillbirth. NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and celecoxib.
What toddlers eat around the world: Japan
The Japanese enjoy the world's longest average life spans, and a big reason for that maybe the food they eat, starting from a very young age. Rice is the centrepiece of a typical toddler meal. Other foods like meat, fish and veggies are the add on to the rice. A typical tot lunch is an egg-flavoured rice with fish or seafood, a side dish with roasted veggies and a tofu soup (miso).
How Much Your Toddler Needs to Be Active: Fun Ways to Exercise
While you may set a playdate with friends at the park once a day, you will need to find other opportunities for your toddler to keep them active throughout the day. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to create family activities. The animal challenge, Yoga, dance Party and ring around the roses can be some fun ways to engage you, tots, basically "Make Movement Fun"!
Top 10 Signs of Being Pregnant- Is It the Good News?
Think you may be pregnant? Found yourself googling 'indications of pregnancy'? (We accept the response to that is a yes). All things considered, in case you're ending up engrossed by each twinge and ache, contemplating whether they mean anything, you're in luck. With the goal that you know where to pay attention, here are the top 10 early indications from the undeniable to, honestly, pretty odd.
Tips to Help C-Section Heal Faster
A vaginal delivery requires the mom-to-be to push with all her strength. In some cases, this may not be possible, and a C-section may be the only recourse. If you've had a caesarean delivery, the postpartum recovery would be more challenging as well as slower than a vaginal delivery. Watch this video for answers to the frequently asked questions on C-section recovery.
The Benefits of Baby Massage
When you give your baby a massage, you're stimulating her central nervous system- explains Tiffany Field, PhD. It is a chain reaction: it makes the brain produce more serotonin, a feel-good chemical, and less cortisol, a hormone that is secreted in response to stress. As a result of the massage, baby's heart rate and breathing slow down, and she becomes more relaxed.
Is It Safe to Breastfeed If I Am COVID Positive?
Coronavirus is not found in breastmilk, so yes, it is safe to breastfeed your baby. However, the virus can spread through droplets, sneezing or coughing. Now that you cannot maintain distance with your baby, you can opt for giving breast milk in a bottle. Take measures of washing your hands before touching the bottle, if nursing, wear a face mask & wash your hands before touching the pumps.
What Is lactation Mastitis? Every Breastfeeding Mom Should Know This
It is a breast infection that begins as a sore spot inside the breast; the skin may become red over the spot, and fever and chills may develop. Headache, achiness, and other flu-like symptoms may be the first signs of breast infection. If you have mastitis, you'll need antibiotics; while you take them, you should continue to empty your breasts by feeding your baby or by expressing your milk.
Kids in Chennai are getting infected by a severe disease- It's not Coronavirus
Scrub typhus, is transmitted by chiggers (mite larvae) which feed on rodents and when bites human, it acts as a transmitter. Doctors at ICH is admitting at least 10 cases every weak with complaints of fever, chills and headache. Upon examination, it is showing a scab of a chigger bite which is a sign of bacterial disease. It is common among people who returned from forest and rural areas.
Mother's obesity may interfere with child's brain development, says study
Findings from the study by researchers from the New York University affirms that obesity in the expectant mother can be a contributing factor for the slow growth of brain development. The prefrontal cortex and anterior insula are the parts of the brain which are responsible for the decision making and behaviour. Which were then linked to the mother's Body Mass Index, an indicator of the obesity.
61,000 Babies Die in UP Within 24 Hours of Birth Each Year
While a girl's body is not prepared to carry a baby due to a young age, she gets pregnant. Underage marriage and anemia are one of the major reasons for the death of the newborn in UP. Data processed by UNICEF shows that of 55 lakh babies born in UP each year, 1.6 lakh dies. 1 out of 4 women goes for the regular checkups, 33% of babies are born at home & 75% are deprived of mother's milk.
Name the rash-Scabies
Scabies is a common itchy skin condition seen in children and infants. It is highly contagious and can spread through physical contact. It is usually a small red, crusty bump on hands and feet. Infant's skin is often more sensitive and therefore, could result in severe blister lesions. It is extremely itchy as human body form an immune system against the allergic reaction.
Do only breastfeed babies suffer from colic?
Colic refers to excessive crying of an otherwise healthy baby without any particular reason. The major signs of a colic baby are crying for more than 3 hrs. a day for more than 3 weeks. Breastfeeding could be one of the reasons but not always. When babies breastfeed, they may ingest air along with the milk due to the sucking action. This causes gassy acidic reaction into the tummy.
Do You Know Dates Can Help Your Baby Grow?
Are you thinking about whether to give your baby dates or not? Confused about how and when to start? This video gives you answers to all the questions regarding dates-its nutritional value, precautions, and when to start feeding it to your baby. A new mother can be worried about introducing anything new to her baby and it is obvious to have questions too. Here's how you can incorporate dates.
5 fruits to avoid during pregnancy
Any Fruit directly cannot cause a miscarriage or a stillbirth. Still, the effects it does to the body might contribute to an unhealthy pregnancy. A healthy diet is essential for a healthy pregnancy. You must be aware of what to eat and what to avoid during pregnancy. Since you are feeding for two, you have to be extra careful. While most foods are safe, there are few you must avoid.
Why Does My Child Feel She Has to Lie?
Children aren't naturally deceitful. A child who often lies is under too much pressure of some kind. As a parent, your job is to find out what is wrong and help find a better solution. You might say gently, You don't have to lie to me. Tell me what the trouble is, and we'll see what we can do." Some support and letting your child express can help her feel comfortable to talk about.
What Doesn't Cause A Miscarriage- Get Your Facts Right
Old wives' tales are not only untrue but might affect your health and pregnancy- says Dr Schaffir. As per Dr's facts, exercising or picking up heavy objects are very unlikely to cause a miscarriage. It could relieve the stress or pain one might have. Do you know what does not cause a miscarriage? Stress! To learn more about what cannot cause it? Swipe left.
What are the causes, signs and statistics of stillbirth- You need to know
A baby who dies in utero after 20 weeks of pregnancy or one who dies during delivery is considered stillborn. India has the highest number of stillbirths in the world rating from 20 to 66 per 1,000 births. Due to heavy smoking, being obese and many other reasons stillbirth can be ignited. When you do not feel the reflexes and you start feeling heavy it could be a sign to visit your doctor soon.