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Is your child a slow learner?
A slow learner is a child of below-average intelligence, whose thinking skills have developed significantly more slowly than the norm for his/her age. This child will go through the same basic developmental stages as other children but will do so at a significantly slower rate. However, this development, while being slower, nevertheless be relatively even.
Teaching Conflict Resolution to Your Children
One way to address conflict resolution is by using books. Authors of children’s books are able to write to a child’s level of understanding. The story can be used to describe a conflict between characters as well as demonstrate to children the best way to resolve that conflict. Once they see a different way to resolve problems, they’ll be more likely to use those skills
Cereals as your child's first meal
Most parents begin with one of the precooked cereals made especially for babies. They are ready to eat as soon as they’re mixed, which is a great convenient. Most are fortified with iron, which is very important in a baby’s diet. You can also feed them adult cereals. But these grown-up cereals shouldn’t be the mainstay of your baby’s diet because they do not have enough iron in them.
10 सबसे अच्छे खाद्य पदार्थ जो आपकी प्रजनन क्षमता को बढ़ा सकते हैं
सही प्रकार का भोजन खाने से आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली (इम्यून सिस्टम) मजबूत होगा और आपके गर्भवती होने की संभावना बढ़ सकती है। तो आप गर्भवती होने की कोशिश करते हुए, कुछ बेहतरीन खाद्य पदार्थों को अपने आहार में शामिल कर सकती हैं। जैसा हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियाँ, . पत्ता गोभी, और केला। हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियाँ सबसे लाभकारी होती हैं। वे आयरन, फोलिक एसिड, और एंटीऑक्सिडेंट से समृद्ध हैं। आपको हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियों को अपने दैनिक आहार का हिस्सा बनाना होगा क्योंकि ये एक मजबूत एंडोमेट्रियल परत का निर्माण करने में मदद करते हैं, और युग्मनज को गर्भाशय की दीवार सेजोड़ने में मदद करते हैं।
5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Life
There are four widely researched styles of parenting: authoritative, permissive, authoritarian and neglectful. The styles range from controlling to undemanding; and from cold and unresponsive to loving and receptive. In recent years, over-involved parents, who are present in every aspect of their child’s life, are often referred to as the fifth style. They are also known as snowplough or helicopter parents
Talk To Kids about their Emotional Needs and how much important it is
It’s a good idea to talk to kids about emotions and how other people experience them. Give their emotions names (jealousy, anger, and love) and teach them that these are normal. Talk to them about how to handle emotions in a positive way and point out situations where other people are experiencing emotions. knowing your own's emotions will help them understand others very easily too!
Make family night a weekly occurrence to increase family bonding
It is not uncommon for adults and children to occasionally feel mentally depleted. An easy way to respect everyone’s need to unwind and relax without the pressure of conversation and cooking is by doing a weekly family night, where you rent a movie, order take-out food and just relax together as a family.
Can blue light cause headaches?
Working and playing for long periods on blue light-emitting devices like phones, laptops, and tablets can lead to headaches—but it may not be the light itself that causes problems. To prevent any such condition, try keeping a distance, use the 20.20.20 method and maintain a healthy posture to avoid any extra strain. Researchers still don’t know the cause hence it is beneficial to get the eye checked up
6 Tips for Coping with IBD Fatigue
Symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can vary quite a bit, from typical GI pains to joint pain. However, it is more of a mentally stressful experience than being physically in pain. One could take naps in between the day, or have a nutrient-dense food. But remember some days could be better than other and there are things which could help you improve with conditions.
Is the therapist your perfect match?
If you’re looking to dive into therapy for the first time, it can be hard to know where to start in terms of finding the right person. So, go on and be brave. Ask how much do you charge per sessions, how long will be each session, and do I get to see you beyond appointments? It’s difficult especially when you are in need, but it’s better to be clear than sorry with no results later.
Soy versus cow’s milk formulas
Neither cow’s-milk-based nor soy-based formula is ideal. Many infants are allergic to cow's milk and find it difficult to digest lactose. In rare cases, similar proteins may even cause type 1 diabetes. Soy formulas don’t have these problem proteins, and they are also free of lactose. Although the research does not show that soy formulas cure colic, some infants clearly feel better on them.
छोटे बच्चों को गुदगुदी करना क्यों हानिकारक है?
छोटे बच्चों को संभालना हर किसी के लिए आसान नहीं होता। खासकर तब जब बच्चा अपने आसपास के लोगों और चीजों को पहचानना शुरू कर देता है। ऐसे में लोग अक्सर बच्चे के साथ खेलने और उन्हें अपने पास बुलाने के लिए हंसाने की कोशिश करते रहते हैं। इस दौरान कई बार वे गुदगुदी का सहारा लेते हैं।गुदगुदी बच्चे के हिचकी आने का कारण बन सकती है (8)। वहीं, हिचकी से बच्चे को असुविधा महसूस हो सकती है, जिसे वे बोलकर व्यक्त नहीं कर सकते हैं। ऐसे में माता-पिता और घर के अन्य सदस्यों को शिशु की सुविधा को समझने और ध्यान में रखने की आवश्यकता है। बेहतर है गुदगुदी करने के अलावा, शिशु के साथ खेलने के अन्य तरीकों को अपनाया जाए।
Let’s see the power of Dates!
Do you like dates? Let's be honest; they don't usually pop up in our brain whenever we think about healthy foods. If you want to add dates to your diet, you have to follow a couple of simple rules. First and foremost, dates are kind of high in sugar and calories, so you should always eat them in moderation. And second, 2 dates a day is more than enough to get all the health benefits your body needs.
Some people still need to mask up even if vaccinated. Are you one of them?
Not quite. You do have to mask up on public transportation or if required by laws or regulations -- that would apply to hospitals, nursing homes and other health care settings, and even some local businesses and workplaces. Then there is this warning: "If you have a condition or are taking medications that weaken your immune system, you may NOT be fully protected even if you are fully vaccinated.
Do weight loss supplements really work?
Although many herbal and dietary supplements claim to help those who want to lose a little weight with no extra efforts, many researchers have claimed it to be completely false. As it is not enough to benefit your health, various findings. One of the reviews on herbal supplements found that only white kidney beans led to the loss of weight but yet it is not extravagant and meaningful either.
CDC: Leading on COVID, or Leading from Behind?
A highly controversial statement of the CDC on Past Thursday to free people from wearing masks both indoors and outdoors has support on both sides of the coin. However public health expert has her own opinion. “we have more people not vaccinated, and we are declaring victory” the statement comes out of concerns for citizens who are not vaccinated but the would-be delusion of being one.
Eating more fruit and vegetables linked to less stress, study finds
Mental health condition is the issue world is facing, infecting 1 in every 10, and is also a silent pandemic. As per the research eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is associated with less stress, according to new research. The findings revealed people who ate at least 470 grams of fruit and vegetables daily had 10 % lower stress levels than those who consumed less than 230 grams.