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Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 299v, a probiotic strain improves the iron levels of pregnant women
As per a new study, taking a particular probiotic strain improves iron levels in healthy pregnant women and may therefore help to prevent iron deficiency. Compared with taking a placebo, taking the probiotic product reduced the prevalence of iron deficiency (78% versus 59%) towards the end of pregnancy. When a person develops iron deficiency anaemia, the body cannot get the amount of oxygen it needs.
How to differentiate between ankel sprain, fracture and tendinitis.
Sprains are injuries to the ligaments of the ankle, causing them to partially or completely tear as a result of sudden stretching. Fractures can accompany ankle sprains or occur without sprains. Fractures are repaired with casting to immobilize the bone for healing. Tendinitis usually results from trauma but can result from underlying inflammatory diseases or illnesses such as reactive arthritis.
What are the types of birth defects causing a severe problem post-pregnancy
Birth defects are structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part or parts of the body (e.g., heart, brain, foot).3-5% of babies are born with birth defects which is called a congenital disorder. Around about 40-50% of these diseases are detected in the earlier stage of pregnancy but. 3-5% of babies suffer from a congenital anomaly. These kids need to be admitted to NIC
What causes a baby to laugh in their sleep?
It’s believed that when babies laugh in their sleep, it’s often a reflex rather than a response to a dream they’re having. We don’t know for sure whether babies dream, although they experience the equivalent of REM sleep called active sleep. When babies go through this, their bodies can make involuntary movements. These movements might contribute to smiles and laughter from babies during this time.
Do you have a tailbone, know what could damage it
The tailbone, or coccyx, is at the bottom of the spine and helps to support the pelvis. It is easily possible to injure or fracture your tailbone by your simple daily activities like sitting or when something is pressuring the lower spine. In woman, the childbirth labour process could also damage the bone and cause intense pain, while in the majority of the cases is by falling backwards.
पोलियो वैक्सीन: ड्रॉप्स या इंजेक्शन
पोलियो वैक्सीन आपके बच्चे को पोलियो या पोलियोमाइलाइटिस से बचाता है, जो संक्रमित लोगों के मल से फैलने वाला एक बेहद संक्रामक वायरल रोग है। ओपीवी (OPV) प्राप्त करने वाले 2.4 मिलियन लोगों में से एक - जो एक जीवित है, लेकिन डाइल्यूटेड वायरस है, - पोलियो का अनुबंध कर सकता है। आईपीवी (IPV) के साथ ऐसा नहीं है क्योंकि यह निष्क्रिय है। ओपीवी को कई खुराक में दिया जाता है ताकि यह सुनिश्चित किया जा सके कि बीमारी नियंत्रित हो और अंततः मिट जाए। इस तरह के दोहराया टीकाकरण ने भारत पोलियो मुक्त सहित दुनिया भर में कई देशों को बनाया है।
Food for your mood, what it holds inside.
Having a bad day, scraping out that bad feeling in front of the TV with ice cream or a hot beverage to relieve that negative feeling, you could be doing it just the right way, do keep a track of what you are eating. Mood and food have a deep relation, if your intake comprises of a lot of junk food without proper nutrients you could be feeding your mind like a monster. Watch the video to avoid a bad mood.
Your Waist Size Is a Clue to Your Heart Disease Risk
When attempting to lessen your danger of obesity-related diseases, for example, cardiovascular sickness or type 2 diabetes, checking changes in your weight appears to be a decent method to follow progress. Recent information features abdominal obesity, as determined by waist circumference, a CVD risk is independent of your waistline. However, a higher BMI, obesity definitely increases the risks.
What Is Brittle Bone Disease?
Brittle bone disease is a disorder that results in fragile bones that break easily. It’s present at birth and usually develops in children who have a family history of the disease.The disease is often referred to as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), which means “imperfectly formed bone.” Brittle bone disease can range from mild to severe. Most cases are mild, resulting in few bone fractures.
What does babies dream, is it similar to adults?
There are sceptics who question the ability of babies to have a dream-like adult. Our dreams are made up of past events & experiences. A newborn does not have the mental skills, to make up complex things like dreams. During the first months of their lives, when babies smile or laugh, are only a subconscious response, which happens when the baby is drowsy or during REM stages of sleep.
When should you start reading to your baby in the womb?
At about six months along, a baby is familiar with the mother’s heartbeat to digestive sounds. From outside the womb, sounds are extremely clear, although about 10 decibels lower. From Week 25, a baby’s connection to the outside world comes in the form of sound. The soothing, rhythmic sounds of a simple story is quite audible. The tones of the voice is more important than the enunciation of the words.
How can you help soothe your child’s strep throat?
While you wait for the antibiotics to work, try to keep your patient comfortable and prevent her from becoming dehydrated. Offer liquids like water, diluted apple juice. Offer cold or soft foods like popsicles, yoghurt, cottage cheese. Steer clear of anything citrusy, acidic, spicy or salty, since they can be irritating. Run a cool-mist humidifier- the moist air help ease a dry and itchy throat
Breastfeeding or formula feeding, or both?
Breastfeeding do have many benefits for babies and mums too. While it Is not always possible so you might have to shift towards formula feeding at times, this is known as mixed feeding. But it has its own challenges. For example, you might notice your breasts getting overfull, this can be painful and cause your body to stop producing milk. So, try and keep feeding between intervals when possible
नवजात शिशु में हाइपोस्पेडिया
हाइपोस्पेडिया एक जन्म दोष है जिसमें मूत्रमार्ग लिंग की नोक पर नहीं खुलता है। हाइपोस्पेडिया में, मूत्रमार्ग का उद्घाटन असामान्य स्थानों पर हो सकता है, जैसे कि लिंग का शाफ्ट या अंडकोश के पास। हाइपोस्पेडिया तब होता है जब गर्भावस्था के आठ से 14 सप्ताह के दौरान मूत्रमार्ग का असामान्य विकास या गठन होता है। यह स्थिति माइनर से लेकर गंभीर तक अलग-अलग डिग्री में हो सकती है।
Just Sitting all day, how bad it is.
Sitting down and relaxing your body can help you relieve one from stress and anxiety. Lifestyle changes at home and even at work that makes us sit all day around in from of screens and work our way out could lead to problems of a sedentary life. Our bodies is built to move, the joints and muscles are made for movement, watch to find out the sedentary way has ill effects over a long run
Pets - health and safety risks to babies and children
There are many advantages for your child to have a pet around. Interacting with a pet can help your child's social and emotional development. But pets can pose risks to your child's health and safety. Keep pets apart from babies unless you are close enough to quickly remove one of them. if the pet is child friendly than let both of them know each other slowly only with an adult supervision.
Eight ways to help your child grow up happy
You would do anything to make and keep your child happy. While happiness does not always come with a gift or prises. There are a lot more activities which could make your child happy. The happiest people are often those have mastered a skill. So, when your baby writes her name for the first time, give her lots of praise and let her enjoy the success as she has worked hard to achieve it.
How to avoid spoiling your child
Set clear principles for how you need your kid to carry on and be predictable about implementing them. Giving your kid basic tasks acquaints him with assuming liability. He'll discover that participation is significant, and that he can have a positive outlook on himself by helping other people. Furthermore, when you do need to say "no" to your kid, give a justification for your choice.
Honey, not so sweet to your infant
You might think it’s a harmless natural treat, but honey is potentially very harmful to your child. Introducing honey too soon can risk your child for infant botulism due to the bacteria clostridium botulinum. Once a baby gets diagnosed with the condition, almost 70% of cases results on a ventilator for more than 23 days to prevent respiratory failure. However, fatality rate is still very low.