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Can a common food preservative harm the immune system?
A recent study has assessed the harmful effects of chemical food additives & food contact substances on the immune system. The study compared laboratory toxicology testing (ToxCast) results with data from previous tests done on animals. Both the studies confirmed that a common preservative TBHQ can cause immunotoxicity leading to hypersensitivity, immunosuppression and may cause autoimmune disease
This Is one of the most ignored signs of diabetes
Frozen shoulder, the symptom is 2x common in hyperglycemic patients, characterized by what is called “loss of passive range of motion”. This motion can be described as the movement of joints through the range of motion by another person or equipment with no effort from the person himself. It could occur when the flexible tissue that surrounds the shoulder joint becomes inflamed and thickened.
Will reading to your baby in the womb make her smarter?Know this by pablo casals example
Pablo Casals started to read a piece of music and soon realized he knew what was coming next, without reading it. He later learned that his cellist mother had rehearsed the piece daily in the later stages of her pregnancy. Dr. Michael Roizen said “Exposure to different sounds and scenes is essentially what helps establish connections from one set of neurons to another. This is how we all learn.”
Sudha Murthy’s Parenting Advice For Indian Parents
Sudha Murthy, aka Sudha Amma, has inspired and shared tips for parents. 1.Don't force your child to be best at everything 2. Don’t buy everything your child asks for. Children lose the pleasure of having it. If they ask for books, yes definitely. But justify other purchases. 3.“Whatever little time you get, you should spend it on children until they are 14. After that they don’t require you.”
Tips for a faster recovery after c - section
The initial few days can be tough after delivery, so follow these tips: Rest whenever your baby sleeps. Have a good nutritious diet and make sure you consume 2 to 3 liters of water. This will boost breast milk supply and also prevent constipation. Exercise mildly or walk. Never bend while feeding for a year or more, as it can lead to chronic backache, and always stay happy.
What are the four different grades of microtia
Microtia occurs in 4 levels, or grades, of severity: 1: a child may have external ear that appears small, but the ear canal is narrowed /missing. 2. The top two-thirds of ear are small and malformed 3. This is a most common type and child may have underdeveloped, small parts of ear present and no ear canal. 4. This is most severe form and called anotia and there is no ear or ear canal present.
खिंचाव चिन्ह (स्ट्रेच मार्क्स) दूर करने के लिए क्या कर सकते हे?
आप खिंचाव के निशान यानि कि स्ट्रेच मार्क्स से पूरी तरह छुटकारा नहीं पा सकती हैं। हां, ये समय के साथ फीके अवश्य पड़ जाते हैं।गर्भावस्था के दौरान आपके बढ़ते शरीर की वजह से त्वचा में तेजी से खिंचाव होता है, इसी कारण स्ट्रेच मार्क्स या स्ट्राई होते हैं आपको इसके लिए महंगी क्रीम या तेलों की जरुरत नहीं है। अगले कुछ महीनों और सालों में ये निशान हल्के होकर आपकी त्वचा के रंग से मिलती-जुलती बारीक लकीर जैसे हो जाएंगे। शरीर के जिन हिस्सों में स्ट्रेच मार्क्स हैं, वहां की मांसपेशियों पर असर करने वाले व्यायाम भी आप कर सकती हैं।
Why does COVID have so many Symptoms?
The pandemic that the world still trying to understand, through the variants it attacked the population and the number of symptoms associated it is still putting the scientists to come out with better vaccines. Not only the visible signs show affected lungs but also like GI problems, skin rashes and loss of smell and taste. Watch to find out more about the symptoms linked to COVID infection.
What is pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome?
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs. We do not yet know what causes MIS-C. However, we know that many children with MIS-C had the virus that causes COVID-19, or had been around someone with COVID-19.
How does age affect your fertility plans?
How old you do make a difference to your chances of getting pregnant, but perhaps not as much as you might think. Female fertility decreases steadily and stays high all through your 30s. In general, among couples who don't consider inside the first year of trying, about half will conceive during the second year. So even in the late 30s, chances are high for conceiving.
Where do you feel the pain where your kidney suffers?
A dull tender pain sometimes even sharp on the side or on the back could be an outcome of a kidney issue. The most common cause could be infection spreading through the urinary tract or developing kidney stones. Kidney stones can cause excruciating pain. Back problems could also affect the kidneys. Sometimes blood clots also affect the tiny veins in them obstructing their functions, Read more.
When your finger swells
The swollen finger could be the result of injury or trauma by breaking, dislocating, or spraining which can cause swelling. Spraining gives a painful experience along with stiffness around the swollen area while the crooked finger is a result of dislocation turning it discoloured. Medical attention is necessary to find out the reason behind the symptoms, as turning blind could also cause serious infection.
Letting go, why many not choose this way
Leaving out all the rest, almost all of us take up a new thing in an attempt to sacrifice something that needs improvement. The research article describes the behavioural aspects of adding rather than subtraction opted by almost all of us which could be conjoined all aspects of life. An engineering-based study review suggesting discarding is a hard-earned cognitive behaviour. Read more.
क्या कैफीन के सेवन से गर्भाधान में मुश्किल होती है?
इस बात के कोई स्पष्ट प्रमाण नहीं हैं कि प्राकृतिक तरीके से गर्भाधान के प्रयासों के दौरान कैफीन के सेवन से प्रजनन से जुड़ी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। मगर, यदि आप इन विट्रो फर्टिलाइजेशन (आईवीएफ) करवा रही हैं, तो यह इसकी सफलता की संभावना को प्रभावित कर सकता है। कितनी मात्रा में कैफीन का सेवन सुरक्षित है? गर्भाधान के प्रयास के दौरान कैफीन की मात्रा सीमित करने से जुड़े कोई विशिष्ट निर्देश नहीं है। फिर भी, यह जानना जरुरी है कि गर्भवती होने पर, आपको कैफीन के सेवन की मात्रा घटाकर एक दिन में 200 मि.ग्रा. कर देनी चाहिए। कैफीन के सीमित सेवन से गर्भपात के जोखिम से बचा जा सकता है।
Science behind motivation.
We make resolutions, we aim to do something, many of us loses that constructive enthusiasm sometime later and there are others that achieve their aim, why so? Motivation is the process behind it, which guides the behaviour to strive hard, this constant connection is an outcome of biological, emotional and social influence motivation places in one’s mind. Watch to get an idea about the science behind it.
Social Emotional Learning is Essential for Child Development—Here’s How to Teach It at Home
It's true that knowledge is power, but academic achievement is only one aspect of a successful education. SEL has plenty of benefits for students, ranging from improved school performance to healthier friendships. If you're asking yourself, "what is social-emotional learning?". Out of 5 topics, one of them is relationship skills SEL skill teaches kids how to act in regards to social norms.
Nails are just a part of a puzzle
You must have seen many doctors asking to show your nails for many other reasons but little did you know that it could predict your current or future health conditions. For example, pale-yellow colour nails could mean a liver disease, a white or less pinkish coloured nail shows signs of anaemia or fungal diseases. These puzzles should be left for doctors to solve, but any discolouration should be a red signal for you.
Amazing cheap and easy to find protein rich foods in house
Eating a protein-rich diet can help people lose weight because it can help them avoid overeating. A high protein diet can help build lean muscle when combined with exercise. Also, who said that only meat-eaters are protein efficient. A lot of vegetarian and vegan foods are high in protein. Oats, contain 17g/100g of serving. These are also sources of complex carbs, plus easy to make and eat too!