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Literacy with Love
A short-cut to success? No there isn’t any. So why not make the process or path of success fun! One of the ways is to make your child an early reader. Reading is a very crucial part of your child’s brain development. You can start reading books by the age of 4 months! Yes, and you know what’s better? Conversing while you read, draw or write with your baby!
What Happens in Your Brain During a Seizure
During a seizure, there are eruptions of electrical action in your mind, similar to a thunderstorm. This action causes various side effects relying upon the sort of seizure and which area of the brain is included. Seizures can take on a wide form and influence various individuals in an unexpected way. A few people could get to know the occurrence might happen while some are unaware about it.
Hormones responsible for the production of breastmilk in mother and its benefits
This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, features the anatomy and physiology of the female breast and demonstrates the basic breastfeeding procedure. An overview of the roles of the hormone’s prolactin and oxytocin in milk production, along with the four basic positions, which include the cradle hold position, side-lying position, cross-cradle hold and football hold, are also highlighted.
How does fertilisation take place in woman’s body and what are the chances of having twins?
Fertilization happens when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell in the fallopian tube. Once fertilization takes place, this newly fertilized cell is called a zygote which grows and becomes a fetus. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one type of fertilizing procedure. Women who choose IVF may also increase the chances of having twins, this is done in lab to increase the chances of fertility.
What Is Amniocentesis and What Is Its Importance in Pregnancy?
Amniocentesis is a procedure in which amniotic fluid is removed from the uterus for testing or treatment. Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds and protects a baby during pregnancy. This fluid contains fetal cells and various proteins.Although amniocentesis can provide valuable information of baby's health, it's important to understand the risks and be prepared for the results.
Why You Should Take Folic Acid BEFORE Pregnancy
If you’re planning to have a baby, it’s important that you take folic acid tablets for two to three months before conceiving. This allows it to build up in your body to a level that gives protection to your foetus against neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. If there is the right level of folic acid in your body, it reduces the risk of the baby developing neural tube defects by up to 70%.
Baby talk: Mini Parenting Master Class
Infant talk may sound silly at times to you, however not to your kid! In the initial 1,000 days, your child's brain creates neurons at a speed like never before. Infant talk helps give your little one the best beginning throughout everyday life. The plunked down with Dr. Marina Kalashnikova, investigates how infants learn language, to discover talk and why it's the main language on the planet.
Baby talk: Mini Parenting Master Class, UNICEF
Infant talk may sound silly at times to you, however not to your kid! In the initial 1,000 days, your child's brain creates at a speed never rehashed. Infant talk helps give your little one the best beginning throughout everyday life. The plunked down with Dr. Marina Kalashnikova, investigates how infants learn language, to discover what infant talk and why it's the main language on the planet.
Tastier and healthier options to maintain blood sugar level
Figuring out the best foods to eat when you have diabetes can be tough. That’s because your main goal should be controlling your blood sugar levels. However, it’s also important to eat foods that help prevent diabetes complications like heart disease. Your diet can have a major role in preventing and managing diabetes. Watch the video and find different options which are healthier and tasty
Why lead poisoning is a danger to your child's health
Lead poisoning is the global health crisis no one is talking about. Exposure to lead can seriously harm a child’s health, including damage to the brain and nervous system, slowed growth and development, learning and behavior problems, and hearing and speech problems. Nearly a third of the world’s children – up to 800 million – are affected by lead poisoning.
Thrush in babies, how does that happen and how to treat it
A most common yeast infection that occurs in infants and toddlers. It comes out as white or yellowish bumps on tongue or inner side of mouth causing irritation and slight bleeding sometimes. It happens through a strain of yeast fungus called Candida albicans and can cause infection with weaker immune system such as babies. It is completely treatable by medications and goes away within days.
Don’t worry, Postpartum hair loss is common, know your reason and remedies
It is normal to say that you are losing hair after birth? Try not to stress, as hair fall after pregnancy and labor is normal in new mothers. You may believe that pregnancy has at long last given your hair some life, however the impacts may not keep going as long as you might suspect. The shedding period is typical, and goes on for a couple of months. With little care it will be back to normal.
What are Kegels, and how does it help you during labor?
Kegels are exercise that help make your pelvic floor muscle stronger. These muscles help to support your rectum, bladder, small intestine and uterus. While the most important role in the process of labor is of pelvic muscles. This exercise in a set of three, 15-20 could make it stronger. It could also help recover from the weaking by age, pregnancy, childbirth or surgery.
Vaccination schedule for infants and children
Child vaccination can be overwhelming to new parents, but they should understand that vaccines protect children form infections and diseases later on in life. Most of the vaccines are given to child between birth and 6 years and many of them are administered more than once. Watch the video about the recommended vaccination schedule a very important aspect in planning your child's immunization.
आपका इम्यून सिस्टम कैसे काम करता है
इसे समझाना मुश्किल काम बन सकता है कि हमारी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली कैसे काम करती है। आप इसे अपने बच्चों को कैसे समझाते हैं? क्या वे जानते हैं कि फल उन्हें शक्तिमान बना सकते हैं,या छोटा भीम? फिर यह वीडियो अवश्य देखें। न्युमरस किड्स के स्वास्थ्य ने एक सरल वीडियो बनाया है जो आपको और आपके बच्चों को आपके शरीर और आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को समझने में मदद करेगा।
Know How to Check your Heart Rate
To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist. When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute. To keep in mind that there are several factors that could influence the H.R. like age & body temperature.
How to Remove Head Lice from Your Tots Hair?
Lice are tiny sesame seed parasitic creature which are very common in children and feeds on human blood. It is more common in school-going children as it spreads easily from one to other. Lice causes intense itching, tickling feeling from the movement of hair. It is difficult to prevent lice but once detected it can be removed by using some over-the-counter lice shampoo and proper hygienic care.
What Is the Most Important Phase of Life?
It is the first few years as a child. that is when the brain grows really fast. It is faster than any other time in our life. At this stage brain develops thousands of new connections every second. By the time your baby turns three, her 80% of the brain has been developed. It is also one of the main reason to have at least 3 years of gap between your two children,so that each gets equal attention.
Giving them a painless vaccine experience
Vaccine day could be tough for a child and parents to experience post vaccine side-effects. We now have many vaccines that are painless. One might get a wrong idea about painless vaccines that they do not cause pain when administered, this vaccine lowers the after-inoculation side effects like fever. This video describes whether they are worth to be given to your child. Watch for more information.
ब्रोंकियोलाइटिस क्या है, और संक्रमित बच्चों में इसकी देखभाल कैसे करें?
ब्रोंकियोलाइटिस बच्चों में एक आम फेफड़ों का संक्रमण है। यह फेफड़ों (ब्रांकाई) के छोटे हिस्सों में जमाव और सूजन का कारण बनता है और सर्दियां के दौरान स्थिति खराब हो सकती है। यह एक वायरल संक्रमण है, इसलिए इसे रोकना मुश्किल है,लेकिन उचित एहतियात जैसे हाथों को बार-बार धोना,मास्क पहनना बच्चों को दूर रहने में मदद कर सकता है। हमेशा ध्यान दें कि आपका बच्चा वार्षिक टीके सहित सभी टीकों पर अप-टू-डेट है ।