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The human heart, know the anatomy
The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a fist, located just behind and slightly left of the breastbone. The heart pumps blood through the network of arteries and veins called the cardiovascular system. The heart beats up to 3 billion times over an average lifespan. Learn about the anatomy of the heart and how this muscular organ provides life-giving oxygen throughout the body.
Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Letting Go of Worry
Anxiety is the feeling that you have to figure everything out and you need to do it now. My friend, you have time. Relax and enjoy this calm, guided meditation. Postpartum stress could be difficult to understand and handle at the same time. Things have changed and my mind is still adapting towards it, so how do you adapt? Meditation is the answer.
Video games negatively affecting a child's brain
What happens to your child's brain when they are watching or playing intense active and reactive content on screens? Video game use is known to affect attention. Results of some studies indicate that playing video games not only changes how our brains perform but also their structure. Researchers have discovered that video gaming can be addictive – a phenomenon known as Internet gaming disorder.
5 Incredibly Fun GAMES to Teach Self-Regulation (Self-Control) | Early Childhood Development
Teaching kids to have self-regulation is one of the most important character traits we can teach. Experts believe that kids who master self-regulation become masters of their learning, are more critical thinkers, and make healthier choices; and the benefits are life-long. Self-regulation is something that develops as we mature, but is there something to help kids develop or strengthen this important skill?
Mark your Pregnancy checklist: First trimester
Welcome to the first trimester of pregnancy! You don't have to worry about shopping for maternity clothes or writing your birth plan quite yet. These first few weeks are all about taking care of your health and wellness. Also, did you know that you reduce the chances of miscarriages by 80% once you successfully go through the first trimester? Watch the video to know more.
Where is that stale smell coming from.
Embarrassed Huh!!, Sweaty feet are normal, some sweat more some less. But why do they smell so bad. We have bacteria living on our skin, some are crazy about our sweat, they thrive and multiply rapidly. Their growth is accompanied by chemical reactions and that is what leaves that stinky smell. Our feet have more sweat glands than any other part of our body, so keeping them dry should work out.
What’s more pressuring, Sugars and Salts.
Aging and health concerns in this globalized life go hand in hand, the compromises that we make in our lifestyle could have detrimental effects. Diet is one such concern and what most people forgo, which in turn build up the pressure on mental health as well as on the blood vessels. Just to get a hint, let's talk about salts and sugar and watch how much pressure they put us through.
What is worse for your heart- Salt or Sugar?
We’ve always been told that too much salt and sugar in our diets is not good for our heart health. A study, published by US researchers in online journal Open Heart suggests that sugar is in fact is worse than salt for raising our blood pressure levels and heart disease risk, the researchers claim that reducing salt levels could, in certain circumstances, actually do more harm than good.
The 24-Hour attack of Bacteria on your toddler’s teeth
Kids will be kids. One cannot rely over their daily routine as they do it. The results will be outstanding instead (pun included). However, when parents pay a little attention towards their health especially towards their dental health than a lot of future pain could be avoided. Also, did you know that once a baby’s tooth start sprouting you need to massage their gum twice a day? Watch the video to know better.
Neuroplasticity, molding you brain for better.
Dr Matthew Antonucci breaks down the emerging concept of neuroplasticity i.e rewiring your brain to experience your life with a better angle. We all know the fact that our brain can adapt, learn, and change throughout our lives unless otherwise. Your brain makes new connections and increases its performance of not only cognitive function but physical functions too. Watch for more info.
How to wake up early daily.
We are the ones who have ruined our lifestyles, binge-watching overnights, virtual gaming or even reading something during nighttime to just live a “my time moment”. We can just do all these things in the morning too. The video describes the steps to wake up early in the morning without feeling tired.
Do not compare the vaccine efficacy based on their efficiency, here’s why
In the US, the initial two available Covid-19 vaccines were the ones from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. The two have high "efficacy rates," of around 95%. However, the 3rd vaccine in the US, from Johnson and Johnson, has lower viability rate, 66%. Experts say that on the off chance that you truly need to know which antibody is the best one, viability isn't really the main number by any means.
Vaccine Do Not Cause Autism, They Save Lives
Some people have had concerns that ASD might be linked to the vaccine children received, What’s the story behind it? In 1998, U.K. doctor Andrew Wakefield published a study in The Lancet suggesting that the MMR vaccine could trigger autism resulting into 80% drop in the vaccine administration. Citing further concerns about ethics and misrepresentation, The Lancet retracted the paper in 2010.
What is the age of your heart?
Do you know the age of the heart in 1 of every 2 males and 2 out of 5 females is 5 years or more than their actual age? It can also be on a younger side. An older heart puts one at a greater risk of heart failure. The lifestyle that we adopt is the major factor that affects your heart age. Eating health and being active will lower down your hearts ageing.
God Gave us intestine for a reason. Here are few facts
Do you know if we unfold our intestine, their length will cover two tennis courts? So, what are these ducts do for your body is important to know about. These two sectional tubes have a lot of underlying functions, Leonardo believed that our intestines help us breath, this is not completely true, but some true facts are described in the video. Watch to find out.
The emotional life of your brain” and Altered Traits.
We live in an environment of expectations, many times we lose what we expected. We might not be aware about how to deal with unexpected situations. Dr. Richard Explains how mindfulness could work wonders. He addresses the question of why some people are more resilient while others fail. The research is based on neurological bases of emotion and emotional style.
Indian Medical Tourism,
Despite being the second-most populous country, India is significantly developing the healthcare infrastructure. Famous for historical sites and culture, however in recent times a new kind of tourism Is on the rise and Indian Hospitals are becoming a part of medical tourism. It means providing treatment to foreign citizens who travel to India for treatment, Watch to know more about Medical Tourism
History of Vaccine form smallpox to covid 19 vaccine
Vaccination has always been controversial yet accepted by many without a doubt but many times vaccines are associated with causing harm. The purpose of the vaccine is to limit the spread of infections and protect those who cannot get vaccinated. Historical evidence shows vaccines are necessary against infections, same is the case with covid 19 vaccines, but anti-vaccine sentiments still persist
Vaccine efficacy and effectiveness, how does it work?
Confusion around what is the Efficacy and Effectiveness; about covid 19 Vaccines. It is not wrong to have these questions. The health professionals delivered the world with these vaccines against covid in just less than a year of the pandemic’s arrival. This video delivers unbiased information on, how does these efficacy numbers are calculated? And the underlying facts of vaccine development.
Corona Virus vaccines versus Covid variants
With the heads and shoulders relation in the number of daily cases of Covid, the certainty all around the world. Vaccination drives on the track and to resolve the issues with the emerging mutated variants necessary steps are being followed. This video talks about different variants B.1.1.7 (UK), B.1.351 (South Africa) and P.1 (Brazil). Know more about which vaccine works well on which variant.