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Just Sitting all day, how bad it is.
Sitting down and relaxing your body can help you relieve one from stress and anxiety. Lifestyle changes at home and even at work that makes us sit all day around in from of screens and work our way out could lead to problems of a sedentary life. Our bodies is built to move, the joints and muscles are made for movement, watch to find out the sedentary way has ill effects over a long run
Carbohydrates and their health impact.
As we all know, carbs are an instant source of energy in form of sugars, starches, and fibers. There can be a variety of food items having the same level of carbs with different other nutritional content. Carbs could be of two kinds simple (Glucose, fructose) and complex based on different sugars content. Consumption of too much sugar carbs on a frequent basis can adversely affect your health.
What happens when you stop eating sugar for 1 Week?
The energy in form of sugars that we derive whether from taking that warm sip of coffee/tea, processed snacks, etc. Excess sugars can increase your blood pressure and increase chronic inflammation a pathway for heart diseases. Even weight gains and mood swings are effects of high sugar content in your body. Know how cutting down sugar intake makes changes in your body, try for one week. Watch about
How does ventilators save life, explanation by TedX speaker
In the 16th century, physician Andreas Vesalius described how a suffocating animal could be kept alive by inserting a tube into its trachea and blowing air to inflate its lungs. Today, Vesalius’s treatise is recognized as the first description of mechanical ventilation— a crucial practice in modern medicine. So how do our modern ventilators work? Alex Gendler explains the life-saving technology.
Mark your Pregnancy checklist: First trimester
Welcome to the first trimester of pregnancy! You don't have to worry about shopping for maternity clothes or writing your birth plan quite yet. These first few weeks are all about taking care of your health and wellness. Also, did you know that you reduce the chances of miscarriages by 80% once you successfully go through the first trimester? Watch the video to know more.
The deadliest pandemic of 1918.
It’s about influenza, for some it could be life threatening. A historic view of the deadliest outbreak of flu in 1918 that still challenges medical community. How the “Spanish Flu” captured the world, that affected an estimated 1/3rd of the world’s population. Still influenza affects many, although there is less fatality rates, vaccine becomes a priority to safeguard our lives. Find out more.
Why does COVID have so many Symptoms?
The pandemic that the world still trying to understand, through the variants it attacked the population and the number of symptoms associated it is still putting the scientists to come out with better vaccines. Not only the visible signs show affected lungs but also like GI problems, skin rashes and loss of smell and taste. Watch to find out more about the symptoms linked to COVID infection.
Science behind motivation.
We make resolutions, we aim to do something, many of us loses that constructive enthusiasm sometime later and there are others that achieve their aim, why so? Motivation is the process behind it, which guides the behaviour to strive hard, this constant connection is an outcome of biological, emotional and social influence motivation places in one’s mind. Watch to get an idea about the science behind it.
The Scientific Power of Meditation
It all incepts in the brain, the thought to think about balance, and conclusions to real-life problems, Meditation brings with it spiritual connectivity. But what it does from a scientific point of view could be a way for one to better understand the concept. Describing the default neural network of the brain to keep your mind at rest and the improvements it instigates.
What we do before being born
Have you ever imagined what amazing things we had done when we were our mother’s womb? Our world confined inside the belly and dependence on nutrition from amniotic fluids doesn’t restrict our metabolic and physical activities. We did have our sleep cycles, we peed in the womb. The reason behind the mother’s belly jumping is that the baby inside is having hiccups, and we smiled. Find out more.
Early symptoms of diabetes.
Diabetes is termed as “Silent Killer”, based on diet and lifestyle mismanagement could lead one fall prone to diabetes. The video describes the early symptoms that can be associated with diabetes. Early detection could help you extend your life and allow yourself to follow healthy habits. Regular checkup is an integral part of keeping your health on track. Get yourself acquainted.
Are you filled with toxins, know what you pee color tells?
We can observe ourselves as healthy, we can keep a toxin checkup by being hydrated. Our body is made to throw out toxins until otherwise, we are prone to certain illness. One simple excreting function like peeing, its colour can tell you about many conditions about your internal mechanism and its requirements. Whether is blue, purple, yellow, brown or red, know what the underlying system is.
Maximize your morning routine
We strive to get up early, kick-starting our day is what we think about. One should understand the leveraged condition and falling prone to activities as described in the video. Avoid the things that could ruin the purpose of getting up early. The views presented are for betterment if you choose. The underlying concept is that the extra time we get can be utilized for purposeful activities.
Goals for healthy pregnancy eating
When you're eating for two, it's important to make sure that your meals contain the nutrients that your growing baby needs. While this does not mean to literally eat twice than before, but the quality of your food needs to change a bit. See the suggestions from BabyCenter on maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy.
Keep your heart happy, manage your anger.
We adjust, we digest, but at times we are unable to control that hyperactivity bursting out that leads to angry you. Do you know apart from mental effects getting angry often can physically harm you? When you are angry your blood pressure increases, prolonged conditions can lead to heart diseases. It weakens your immune system. This video simply describes the self-awareness technique to be calm.
5 Best yoga poses for PCOS treatment
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one health condition common in females of reproductive age caused by hormonal imbalance. Females diagnosed with PCOS often have raised the level of male hormones as well as insulin resistance and reduced levels of progesterone. Several of the general causes of PCOS include excessive stress, depression, anxiety, perennial tension or faulty lifestyle.
How to swaddle your newborn baby
The first time your baby visited the hospital nursery, she probably came back wrapped in a neat little package, with only her fuzzy little head poking out. Swaddling is an ancient method for wrapping newborns in a thin blanket. It’s adorable (who doesn’t love a baby burrito!), but it also serves the all-important purpose of helping your sweet pea stay calm and sleep more soundly.
How sugar affects the brain
When you eat something loaded with sugar, your taste buds, your gut and your brain all take notice. This activation of your reward system is not unlike how bodies process addictive substances such as alcohol or nicotine -- an overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels and leaves you craving more. Nicole Avena explains why sweets and treats should be enjoyed in moderation.
What precautions to take during first trimester of pregnancy | Dr Anjali
From the moment you get the news that you are pregnant, you will probably be filled with a rush of emotions – and most likely a flood of questions from everywhere too. While the first trimester of pregnancy is marked with a host of changes for you and for your baby, many will be invisible to the outside world. Watch this video to find out what changes happen to your body and how to deal with them.
What is Cancer?
Cancer is more than just one disease. It refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer often has the ability to spread throughout your body. Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world.