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How soothing are the white noises for the baby?
White noise is the continuous and uniform noise over one or more specified frequencies. It works well with infants as it mimics the steady sounds that a baby would have heard inside the womb. Researches shows that white noise is an effective non-pharmacological method to control colic in babies and can be used to calm colicky babies and also set the baby’s sleeping patterns.
बच्चों के रोने के कारण और उन्हें शांत करने का तरीका
आपका बच्चा पूरी तरह से आप पर निर्भर है। आप उसे वह भोजन, गर्मजोशी और आराम प्रदान करें जिसकी उसे आवश्यकता है। जब वह रोती है, तो यह उन जरूरतों को संप्रेषित करने और आपसे ध्यान और देखभाल मांगने का उसका तरीका है। “मैं रो रहा हूँ क्योंकि मुझे पेट का दर्द है” यदि आपका शिशु बहुत रोता है, लेकिन अन्यथा स्वस्थ है, तो उसे पेट का दर्द हो सकता है। आपका शिशु निराश हो सकता है, और उसे शांत करने के आपके प्रयासों को मना कर सकता है। वह अपनी मुट्ठी बांध सकती है, अपने घुटनों को ऊपर खींच सकती है, या अपनी पीठ को झुका सकती है।
Strategies to manage aggression in young children
If your toddler has frequent aggressive outbursts and seems not to be concerned about the effect of his aggression, or enjoys hurting others than it is a point to concern about. One way to prevent this is by becoming a careful observer. When your child is playing with other kids, keep an eye on the situation. When you see things getting out of control, hover in the game.
Gem Of A Parenting Tip From Sudha Murty
How Sudha Murty convinced her son to not host a birthday party at a 5-star hotel. She was speaking at an event organized by Mumbai’s Jamnabai Narsee International School in 2017. Kids always compare themselves to other children and friends around them and it becomes difficult to express your emotions and reasons for your denial. Watch Murty’s take on the situation.
Keep your children safe from COVID, here is how?
The second wave of the virus has shocked the lives of many families. It becomes more crucial for an individual to secure himself and in turn, keep his family safe. For children’s safety parents should create a healthy environment and keep an eye on their child’s hygiene, Read more to know about some pointers to keep them safe and engaged in activities for their safe growth.
Kangaroo Care is for dads: Vital tips for a millennial father
Skin-to-skin contact is a multi-sensory experience. Holding baby on Dad’s skin increases the development of essential neural pathways, which accelerates brain maturation. In addition, research shows that kangaroo babies spend more time in quiet sleep, which enhances organizational patterns in the brain and decreases the baby’s stress responses. happy father's day week to all dads.
Make this Father’s Day a little more special than usual
How would you or your partner like to spend this Father’s Day? Early morning biking? Having dinner outside? Not always it has to be the same way. In the times of COVID-19 it is difficult to get outside the house and have a decent evening but who said you can not do fun? You don’t have to play guessing games-keep it simple, let kids make breakfast and you assist them. More ideas? Swipe left.
Talking to a toddler: How to communicate and help
Communicating with an early toddler is not an easy task. They want to be the center of everything but it is hard to understand, even as parents on what they want. they often use body language to express their ideas and feelings. For example, your child might tug on your pants to be picked up. This is a great time to encourage them to reflect through words.
7 Sleep Tips for Newborns: Help Your Newborn Sleep
Your newborn won't sleep at night? Or only sleeps in your arms? Or will not sleep in the crib? This video is for you! Find out everything you need to know about newborn sleep/settling newborns. There are many things that a new mom/dad often ignores while keeping their baby to sleep. These are 7 newborn sleep tips, such as what the room temperature for a newborn baby should be and much, much more.
Approaching the positive way of parenting
Positive parenting is all about making child-rearing choices that reflect your beliefs and values as a parent, your child’s age and stage of development, and his or her temperament. Positive parenting means taking an approach that is sensitive to children’s individual needs and addressing the typical challenges that arise in early childhood with empathy and respect.
Accepting or denying for being in denial.
Most of us might find ourselves in a situation where we may have a feeling of denial, whether during a social gathering or even at work. It may stress you out, but that’s okay, If you want to escape such situations, denial is a coping mechanism to take time to adjust to distressing situations. But long-term denial may harm your ability to take accept challenges in life. Read more about being in denial.
Your two year old, being two: A tumultuous time.
Some refer to this period as the “terrible twos,” but it’s really a terrific time. It’s when your child is beginning to come into her own and learning what it’s like to be an independent person. They are both independent and dependent, loving and hateful, generous and selfish. With so much of going on, it’s no wonder that two is a challenging age for parents and children alike. But terrible it isn’t. It’s really pretty amazing.
Power of Play: Building Skills and Having Fun
Playing is fun by which kids test their thoughts and acquire new abilities. From day 1, children are excited and resolved to see how the world functions. They learn to figure out how to communicate, solve problems, build team-work, test ideas, and how to get along with others. Empowering your child’s play is just another way of nurturing their development.
Will my child develop social skills if he's not in preschool or child care?
During the pandemic, it has become totally impossible to send children to schools or to start a preschool. While preschool majorly does not focus on education or knowledge but is all about interactions. It is not necessary to send child-to-child care solely to provide peer experiences. Other options are: joining parent-child classes, meeting other families with young children in your neighbourhood
Raise yourslef before raising a child: A Sadhuguru tip
He looks at how a child needs a friend, not a boss. If we enforce our ideas upon a child, he will lose his sense of independence, and this could result in rebelliousness later on. Once you become a parent, the most important thing is that you have to be 100% straight. You just have to protect them from the wrong influences, the rest let them free and set them free from your influence, the same time.
Limit setting for your kids to develop self-control
Your child is not purposefully misbehaving. You need to show her that angry feelings are OK, it’s what she does with these feelings that can be problematic. Your job is to let your child know what is and isn’t acceptable and then to teach her what she can do instead. Putting her feelings into words is important. It shows empathy and provides a good model for how to cope with feelings as she grows.
Make the most of your playtime with babies and toddlers
Playtime is special. Not only is it fun, but it is critical to children’s development. So, why not try playing with your kid the same thing again & again? Yes! We get it. It could be boring for you but surely not for the child. They are practicing in order to master a challenge. And when they can do it “All by myself!”. This increases their confidence and learns that practicing could make them perfect.
How Your Family Can Become More Active
There Is always that one person in the family who is super active and another one who is a big couch person. Who are you? now that every little move of your counts than why not be along with the digitalization than against it? If your children are glued to video games than why not try the dance mat games but Make sure that you set a limit on the time that your child can spend playing video games.
A child has refused vegetables in any form for weeks. Will her nutrition suffer?
Vegetables are particularly valuable for various minerals, vitamins, and fiber. But fruits also supply many of the same. Whole grains also offer some protein and many of the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables. So if your child refuses to eat vegetables for a period of time, it's ok. Continue to keep mealtime relaxed and fun. If you are really concerned, give your child a daily multivitamin.
Do you have goals for raising a child?
Parenting is about choices. So many parents get busy in the difficult day-to-day issues of how they are parenting that they lose perspective about why they are parenting in the first place. It is important to have a clear decision and answers to some of the questions at least before having a baby. Do you have enough finances? what is more important to you, a competitive world or close relationships?