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No more time-outs, only time-in and help your toddler calm down
Children develop many new emotions from the start of their toddlerhood. This includes strong feelings, anger, embarrassment, guilt and shame. So, whatever you do, it will have its consequences in form of emotions. How does Time-in helps? Time-in is when you stay close to your child and offer comfort and reassurance while your child is struggling with their emotions. It also involves letting your child know that you understand how they’re feeling.
Improve your family goals by making your child exercise along with you
When you feel in sync with your family members, you’re more likely to be open with them about your thoughts and feelings. Team building exercises can be a great way to build up trust and confidence in each other. These exercises don’t have to be put on by some formal establishment or a third party; even simple tasks such as doing trust falls amongst each other can be a great starting point.
Can there be balance between parenting and friendships?
It’s great to be your child’s friend. The feeling is unmatched. But it can be easy to take it too far. You should never forget that you are a guardian first. You are there primarily to see to it that the child in your care is safe and grows up well. A balance must be found between parenting and friendship. You need your child to trust you enough to tell you about the things going on around you but also to feel safe enough to seek true guidance from you.
Do not let your child cross this mark, signs that your tot is overweight
As strange as it may sound, but toddler obesity is becoming a cause of concern. It shows an upward trend, with approximately 14 per cent of kids. Apart from facing health issues, obesity also puts kids at risk of developing health complications later in life. It can become difficult for the kids to shift from the obese category to the healthy category later in life because of unhealthy lifestyle habits.
Where should your newborn be sleeping?
Have you chosen where your newborn will sleep when she returns home? The AAP suggests keeping your newborn child in a similar room where you rest (yet not in a similar bed) to enormously lessen the danger of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), So, purchase a thick, soft mattress in place of the one that comes with a play yard. Paediatricians say that babies do fine sleeping on a firm surface.
Teaching Conflict Resolution to Your Children
One way to address conflict resolution is by using books. Authors of children’s books are able to write to a child’s level of understanding. The story can be used to describe a conflict between characters as well as demonstrate to children the best way to resolve that conflict. Once they see a different way to resolve problems, they’ll be more likely to use those skills
5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Life
There are four widely researched styles of parenting: authoritative, permissive, authoritarian and neglectful. The styles range from controlling to undemanding; and from cold and unresponsive to loving and receptive. In recent years, over-involved parents, who are present in every aspect of their child’s life, are often referred to as the fifth style. They are also known as snowplough or helicopter parents
Talk To Kids about their Emotional Needs and how much important it is
It’s a good idea to talk to kids about emotions and how other people experience them. Give their emotions names (jealousy, anger, and love) and teach them that these are normal. Talk to them about how to handle emotions in a positive way and point out situations where other people are experiencing emotions. knowing your own's emotions will help them understand others very easily too!
Make family night a weekly occurrence to increase family bonding
It is not uncommon for adults and children to occasionally feel mentally depleted. An easy way to respect everyone’s need to unwind and relax without the pressure of conversation and cooking is by doing a weekly family night, where you rent a movie, order take-out food and just relax together as a family.
छोटे बच्चों को गुदगुदी करना क्यों हानिकारक है?
छोटे बच्चों को संभालना हर किसी के लिए आसान नहीं होता। खासकर तब जब बच्चा अपने आसपास के लोगों और चीजों को पहचानना शुरू कर देता है। ऐसे में लोग अक्सर बच्चे के साथ खेलने और उन्हें अपने पास बुलाने के लिए हंसाने की कोशिश करते रहते हैं। इस दौरान कई बार वे गुदगुदी का सहारा लेते हैं।गुदगुदी बच्चे के हिचकी आने का कारण बन सकती है (8)। वहीं, हिचकी से बच्चे को असुविधा महसूस हो सकती है, जिसे वे बोलकर व्यक्त नहीं कर सकते हैं। ऐसे में माता-पिता और घर के अन्य सदस्यों को शिशु की सुविधा को समझने और ध्यान में रखने की आवश्यकता है। बेहतर है गुदगुदी करने के अलावा, शिशु के साथ खेलने के अन्य तरीकों को अपनाया जाए।
शिशुओं और बच्चों को राइस मिल्क देना – क्या यह ज्यादा हेल्दी ऑप्शन है?
कई मांएं अक्सर यह सोचती हैं, कि क्या उनके बच्चों के लिए फार्मूला का कोई बेहतर विकल्प हो सकता है? कुछ बच्चों को गाय का दूध डाइजेस्ट करने में परेशानी होती है। कुछ अन्य बच्चों को गाय के दूध से एलर्जी भी होती है। कुछ पेरेंट्स इसके लिए बादाम के दूध या सोया मिल्क का इस्तेमाल करते हैं। लेकिन, कुछ बच्चे ऐसे भी होते हैं, जिन्हें नट्स और सोया से भी एलर्जी हो सकती है। इस लेख में, हम राइस मिल्क के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं, जो कि आपके बच्चों के लिए एक वेगन और लेक्टोज फ्री विकल्प है। राइस मिल्क के फायदे और इससे जुड़े हुए खतरों को समझने के लिए आगे पढ़ें।
स्तनपान आहार: स्तनपान करते समय क्या खाएं और क्या न पियें
हर दो घंटे में भोजन करना तनावपूर्ण है, लेकिन निश्चित रूप से इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि आपको अपने आहार को बदलने की आवश्यकता है जब तक कि आप हर दिन एक ही समूह के भोजन नहीं खा रहे हों। इसलिए, ब्रेस्टमिल्क की गुणवत्ता वही रहेगी जो आप खाते हैं। यदि आप अपने शरीर से पर्याप्त मात्रा में भोजन नहीं कर रहे हैं तो गुणवत्ता बनाए रखने के लिए वसा का उपयोग शुरू कर देंगे और इसलिए आप आसानी से कमजोर महसूस कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा, इस स्तर पर आहार की आवश्यकता नहीं है, क्योंकि आपका शरीर पहले से ही 200-300kcal / दिन खो रहा है।
11 parenting mistakes that could hampers your child’s growth
All parents have their own, unique way of bringing up their kids. Many of them work in order to be able to buy new toys for them, others are strict because they want their children to be disciplined and goal-oriented, & others want them to be independent. But there is one thing that all parents have in common: when they look back, they all want to fix some of the mistakes they made in the past.
Kindergarten Self-Management tips: how you could help your child
Try Role-Playing with your Child: For example, play grocery store and have them pretend to be the cashier. As your child pretends, they are learning self-management by acting as the cashier. Instead of doing something your child might have a sudden urge to do, like pet the family dog, your child continues to scan your pretend groceries. That's learning self-management.
Teaching perseverance in early childhood: All that you need to know
Perseverance, also known as grit is the ability to overcome obstacles and failures. The building of this character is not a day-old lesson, but a continuous process of dealing with minor setbacks and self-realisations of the emotions. How your child is going to deal with failures is a key aspect. Hence, it is significant that she fails and knows how to get back up yet again.
What should your child learn this year?
Remote learning for a few weeks or days was one thing, but when it extended to an entire year of education at home, is difficult. So how would you manage to do it yet again, yet another year of dealing with work and personal life altogether? For a pre-kindergarten student, it isn’t much about education but all about developmental milestones. Try counting numbers while playing with toys, exploring colours and shapes. Blocks and Legos come as some of the best toys for such practices.
Misbehaving doesn’t, but discipline works!
All kids "act up" in some cases, and all parents can't help thinking about how to stop the bad behavior. In any case, that is just 50% of our main goal as a parent. The other half is bringing up a kid who disguises our direction to become "self-restrained." The best "discipline" for your kid is consistently certain, loving, & gentle direction. Here's the reason.
4 ultimate emotions you need to talk to your baby
Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. For children, who can be very easily provoked when a playmate grabs their toy, anger comes out because their fight or flight response is triggered. Identify the feeling: Say, "It looks like you're really mad," and mimic the facial features of being angry. The different ways your child behaves actually stems from a list of four complex emotions. Rather than trying to define a long list of emotions for your child, start with the basics
Sign-language exposure impacts infants as young as 5 months old
While it isn't surprising that infants and children love to look at people's movements and faces, recent research studies exactly where they look when they see someone using sign language. The research uses eye-tracking technology that offers a non-invasive and powerful tool to study cognition and language learning in pre-verbal infants.
Power of conversation, able to change brain
The interplay between parents and children ignites the brain and boosts its response to language. As per a psychological science study, conversation between a child and a parent ignites the language centres in the brain. So, don’t just talk to your child, talk with your child. The “conversation turns” a conversational interplay, verbal version of the serve-and-return caregiving help kids develop cognitive skills.